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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
FINALLY!! I CAN BLOG.ARGH.Haha.Its all because of that earthquake in Taiwan.
HHMMPppHHHHH!!! Let me go straight to the point. 27th of Dec. A raining-heavily day. Me.Diy.Nad.N my friend. went to fort canning. PHOTOSESSION! wiwits. Ended up with. A very Wet Wednesday. Gorgeous pictures. Fabulous time. Awesome venue. AND. Soggy smelly feets. =) =) =). Pictures uploading soon. Kay.28th of Dec. Went to work.Fought with my manager. NAh.malas nak citerkan. Yeabbaaahh.29th of Dec. hee.There was a big fight at Seoul Garden. Ouh yeah. Between a China tourist/teacher and my Mr Terrence the manager. Damn China teacher not happy with increase of the price. Dude.Of course theres an increase. Its nearly new year. GUNDUSAMY BIN BAADIGOL ANAKNYE PAK TOLOL BETOL. At last him and his 30+ China irritating students ate also. Muke first2 step geram.Tapi mulut kunyah jugak. And.They eat like pigs.YES.PIGS. *No offence. P.S:Atiqah's full of Satay Kambing and Seafood Hor Fun.Sheesh. Junkie Atmosphere.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Heh.Name it. Let's just say. Atiqah and Mr Sun cant meet. Hotness sia.I hate it. Sweaty.Sticky.UGH UGH. Alot of posts are about "oh rain.Dread" People are fretting because its raining. Hah.I TOTALLY LOVE THE RAIN. Cold running water.Self- satisfaction. I wished i could have stayed forever in the bathroom. Too bad mine doesnt have beds. I just love cold water. Im puke-stained in the bus to work just now. Some kid helplessly puked in there. Hell yeah.Beside me. The smell oh,Unbearable. But pity him. Walked home in the rain.Again. This time with my neighbour. I freaking love the rain lah. Seriously. I will shiver.But i feel comfortable. I will feel cold.But i love it. I will fall sick.But i dont mind. Hang Kye Ryi learnt Evanescence's My immortal. Played the piano through voice conversation. I went OMG. That is all. OMG OMG OMG. Can i play the piano.Pls Pls Pls. Pretty please. With cherry on top. 'Cause you were made for me Somehow I'll make you see How happy you make me Auto Writing.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Dearest bloggers. Itu diaaa.Mukaku.Yang tidak ber-eye-liner itu. Di dalam bilikku.Yang sangat berselerak itu. Heh.Its been a nong nong time since i rested. So this very day,I stayed at home.All day. Rested.Did some laundries.Watched tv. Yar.Alot of TV indeed. Santa clause polluted sia today. All movies are about Xmas. Like duh.Of course Tiqah. Merry the merry Xmas. For those who celebrates. Siapa-siapa yang tak tu. Turunlah Orchard. Tengok lampu ke. Window shop ke. Buatlah diri kamu happy happy sementara yer. =). Ibu gave me something.Haaa.and its... Heh.Baiklah.Kamu kamu semua. Janganlah tinggalkan solat yer. 5 kali sehari beb. Tak susah.Senang.Hee. Jangan jadi pemalas mcm hamba ni. Font colour for entry pon nak ikut Xmas. Muffled echoes.
2 Pak Pak Bing Bing-s. Saw only Mimin's sis.And NadAriel's bro. Marriage.Theirs. **LILY SULINAH BTE IDHAM and MUHAMMMAD NAZRI BIN HJ MANAP** **AHMAD FAHMI BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN and SITI ZURAIDAH BTE MD YUSOF** **NORFALZIN BTE ZAINAL ABIDIN and MOHAMED RIDUAN BIN ABU BAKAR** Have a blissful marriage and may u 3 couples have lots and lots of sweet and pretty and GANTENG anaks.Yer.Yang penting Ganteng yar! Hee. *me diy and nunun. Gotto get more butterflies.Cheybahh.* Marriage.A lifetime commitment. Submitting your very own soul. Giving it to your partner. Vowing to him or her. Your heart complete. Your every breathe. Its no more me myself and i. You know then. Your life after that would be yours.His.And both. And you shall, For better or for worse.For richer or for poorer.In sickness and in health.To love and to cherish. TILL DEATH DO US PART. InsyaAllah.Semoga pengantin-pengantin baru ini direstui semua dan dielakkan daripada mata keji dan hasad dengki.Amin. Lyrical Lyp-Synching.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
TIQAH FOUND A NEW FRIEND.!! Woah.Gerek-ness.Called Muhammad Khairi. Tiqah called him Hang Khairi.Kiakiakia. Kecohrable. Totally totally friendly. Haaaaaaa. Like it Like it. Woooooooooooh. I found a new friend. Yey yey. A bassist. Guitar.Imagine that! I always wanted to play one. -_-"". My mirth.
Friday, December 22, 2006
![]() I got nothing else to entertain myself with.Except laundry that is.Of course.So i edited these.Lame.But it passed my free time.*Photo courtesy of Yanty and Buggy. ![]() She's HAUNTINGLY gorgeous. Treacherous liar. Looked at these pictures i took. Thought to myself. What if there's no emails.Will long-distance lovers still exists? What if there's no sms.Will friends talk to each other? What if there's no blogs.Will it still be the old paper and felt-ink pen heartfelt pourings? What if theres no 3G.Can business still go on? What if there's no wireless.Will poly students be able to survive? What if there's no laptops.Will people turn dumb? What if there's no games.Will maple-freaks commit suicide? There.Heh.Sometimes.I miss writing.Writing.Just plain pure writing.Using my Stabelo and my only fullscap paper.Or maybe just a plain white paper.For me to doodle and to write my screams.You know.I feel as if people forgot the past.Too many people are using blogs.Too many people are using sms.So little are sending love letters to their loved ones.All lovers sent each other instant msgs. "Honey i love you."Sent. Theres no more; "Honey i love you". Blk 324..bla bla..#05-87..added with P.S on the bottom of the letter." Thank you Mr Postman".I remember doing that during my primary sch days.But i hardly receive or send any letters that are wrote.Its either sms.Or emails.Well.Its easier.And much much faster.But dont you just miss that.Think about it. So people.Go fetch your felt pens and start writing on papers.Send them.Yes.Send them.I bet people would be touched to receive REAL letters.At least i would. Changed my blog song since NaDDy said Nightwish's irritating.Heh. Here's Barbie girl for u.Haha.Its an OLD OLD GODDAMN WADDEKINKI OLD SONG.haha.i like it.its addictive. Im a barbie girl in a barbie world. Made in plastic. Its fantastic. Oh. I love you Ken. P.S: Diy.!I can feel it.I can smell it.I can see it.I can see Mr DSLR.OMG. can u smell it dear.hhhmmm.Haish. Expression of amusement.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Met MdTq.Mustafa ctr became our first place.wore my favourite green flats.Well Green is my colour.Know what?GREEN'S his fav colour too.Heh.Almost all his stuffs are green.Went to buy his formal shirt.He's going for some police interview.Actualli i didn't really listen to what he was saying because i was thinking about something else.Hah.Jalan-jalan till my leg gave up.He ate some chicken thingy that he didn't finish,complaining its not nice.Guys and food.He kinda remind me of Shaznee.My sec sch friend would know.Heh..Hah.N yar.He didn't stop saying "eh nad cute seyy" Dunno why.Because who would not like Naddy.I mean.Even i would fall for her.=)Yeah dats true syg naddy.Hee.after that waited for taufiq.Taufiq as in Kamalut taufiq to go VivoCity.Kesian aku.First time seh tadi pergi.Look for my cuz sis's bdae present.I mean.This Kamalut Taufiq is really sweet.Heh.Bought her some sweet gorgeous gift.Shall not say anymore.Well.Waited for him for nearly an hour.MdTq accompanied me at tiong bahru and we sat outside Bread Talk and talked.Heh.So that is all.Oh yar.Kamalut Taufiq belanja me makan McDonalds!Wuhoo!Dah lama seyy tak makan Mc.=)Thanks Dik. Called him Cinapok.And he hates it.Cant help.He's so like Chinese. Anw.I tried Kamalut Taufiq's cam.Kewl ah. Prominently Emphatic.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Oopsy oops.
well Tuesday evening was spent at Seoul Garden. Farid and Farid and Farid were there. It was a cosy night,though raining cats n doggies. and shitt,it was freaking radd.I got praised.Wuhoo. P.S:. Farid be more careful and train chewing your gums. Someone.I wanna take real photographs.Heh.PM me. Heart-rending stillness.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Dripping wet.Walked in the rain from mrt to home.Out of gundu-ness.I forgot to bring back my lovely umbrella from work.So she has to overnight at Seoul Garden.Called Ayah to fetch me with 2 umbrellas.Waited and it got too long.Decided to walk home myself.Met ayah under the block.I wish i would fall sick.I felt like a little girl again.I want to play in the rain more.Life as a child was so carefree.Rain Rain.Dont go away.So i need not go to work.But i need to work.Heh.Next Day working again. Full shift.Well Fahmi said he wanna join me to work.Hee!It would be OOOBERFUNTASTIC if he would.kke.He didn't get the carefour job so this is the last resort.Woking with him would be crazy.*Bismillahirahmanirahim.Please my dear managers.Let my dear cousin work with me.Or he will rot at home till his O's are out.Niways.Theres a false fire alarm at Takasyimaya.It didnt make any diff though.Nobody in any of the restaurants even move or care about the irritating voice on the speakers.It ended "The fire alarm have been put on.Sorry for the inconvenience.We have received a false alarm."WADDEHECK lah. Like i posted.Mum just came home from Genting.It was nice of her.I mean.She bought me a vinatge coat.Woah.But it just costs around 50RM.But still.A vintage coat.She knows me too well.And i love it.So we ended up talking again after weeks of staring at each other and making the "whatever i dont care" faces when our eyes met. Oh yar.Syafiq accompanied me to work today.Its so nice to see him again after so long.I kinda miss him too lah.And his merepekness.We had long talks in the not so long train journey.Had fun ridiculing some person.I dirtied his new NEW new Converse.And he is happy about it.Erm.In the rain,we ate Old Chang Kee Curry O epok epok he bought for us.Sat at the Taka foyer though its drizzling a little.Fed a few pegions that ended up sticking near us so that they could get more food.It was a real short time spent together.But i dont know.I smiled to myself in the elevator.And i have this sweet-oh-im-so-satisfied-and-happy feeling.I just felt good. Me n syafiq. Never-ending ligament.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Guitar's turning dusty.Missed strumming and playing.Missed Naddy and Aini's singing to heavily broken.
Work was hell.My leg's gonna tercabot.There are a few trainees at work.Super-slow lah.And i cant bring myself to scold them even though i am supposed to.So ended up doing their work on my own.Tired.Again.Mum came back from Genting.Well she's asleep when i reached home just now.Thank goodness.Prepared for more naggings and rantings later in the morning.And.Laundries have been extremely loyal to me lately. MdTq missed called during work.So i called him.Said a few stuffs.Asked him to call back so i wouldn't waste my pp8.He said yeah.But my phone didn't beep at all.Uh.It did.But no MdTq appeared on the screen.His reason?He have to go meet his friend downstairs to repair smtg on his bike.What's with guys and their bike.Might as well get married to it.Hee.I called his bike his wifey.And he agrees.So.I'm still waiting for his call.The next min.The next sec.CALL ME LAH!WALAOWE! The photosession at Little India with Diy cant be uploaded as my post.So i loaded it on the right.Have fun looking.Its the few pictures i think is WORTH looking at compared to the zillions i took. BendedHourglass & TormentingWaits.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
GROW UP AND BLOW AWAY. beep phone beep. Untitled. well.what a day.what a day. This was the kejung-terkejut-mamak-achi-Little-India-bin-rabs-kalimans day. Went for a photosession with Diy.Little India was our hunt for today.Definitely worthwile.From bright lights to busy streets to angry achi mamas and crazy fountain lights. Hee.Well.Diy was really gundu today.Actually we were so damn gundu today.Diy hit som pole on the traffic light and got scolded by an achi cuz we took picture of her precious little parrot without her permission. Or so called permission lah.Mepek to the max lah.The parrot is not even nice lah.And it didn't even say hello and greet people like other polite parrots do.So freaking useless and rude parrot and owner. So after all that kecoh-ness.*I was really shocked when that achi hit diy's cam.I was scared for a second to be honest.Then we went take pics again.And basically that is all.Took some great pictures.Posting it later with the rest.Yar.And we got lost.In Singapore.Haha.We went around and around short street.Like 2 gundusamy's.rrriitte.After that,Was the long 960 trip to Woodlands and indulgence of Peach and Chocolate Milk Tea.Had a GREAT time afterall. P.S:DIY ROCKS BIG TIME. Randomly high
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Finally with the help of Dear Diy and Syg Naddy. I got a song for my blog.Hee. Syaf introduced it. Well.Stucked to it since. **Just like a star across my sky. Just like an angel of the page. You have appeared to my life. Feel like i'll never be the same. Just like a song in my heart. Just like oil on my hands.** From tonight i know that you're the only one. I've been confused and in the dark. Now i understand. Yar btw.Im missing Farid.My Rocker bestfriend.My dear.Remember i will always be here.Just like you've always been for me.Smile Farid.Be happy.Miss u.=) singing softly.
Bdae.Kinda worst and nice.
Well.17th bdae didnt turn out nice in the morning.I was pissed of with her. HER as in my mum. But Kak Ayu called and asked me out. So Abang treated me to Swensens and DejaVu.Went with ema,Kak ayu n her hubby.Well.Abang made up my day. Thanks Abg.Luv u.Was feeling shitty because i couldnt spend time with naddy and gals. No worries.We will one day.Celebrate my belated bdae.I love you girls.Thanks for being there. Those Swensens girls sang me a bdae song. I'm quite touched.
![]() Too sweet to be left unkissed. ![]() At least mine's just meeting Taufik. Ema dgn-tk-tahu-malunya wished for *teng teng teng teng( wedding rythm) with Taufik. still smiling to myself. Just like a star on the page. Just like oil on my hands. love Abg.
Friday, December 15, 2006
First entry right. This is practically the 3rd blog i've created. The first two are useless. well.wanted to create this blog because -everyone has one. -its been a long time since i started blogging again. -a bdae gift frm me to me.heh.wth. actually.i am still learning on how to edit and whatsoever. so my blog is actually shitty.i kinda hate it. nevermind. turned 17 yesterday.like.woohhoo. eager to turn 18.n get a liscence.(did i spell that correctly?) yar.MdTq called.Im like.super-head-over-heels-goo-goo-gaa-gaa-happy-nak-giler-cam-betol-nye-happy-ar-lau-korg-nak-tahu.WOW.He called.N i had goosebumps.Haha.=)) yeaabaah.