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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I was stationed at FESA instead at Anglia. Shall not elaborate on the experience I had at Joo Chiat. I tell you, Ramadhan. Sheesh. CONSFIRM AKU KENE SELIT SELIT JALAN JUSTTT TO GET TO THE SHOP. Haish ya..... Insya'Allah, I can put up with all this.
and i was helping my aunty kirai-ing roti and decorating her house for her daughters' birthday. It's nice though i was tired. While listening to Misteri Jam 12 and getting chills and all, me and Fahmi sut all the little pretty flowers to be pasted on the walls. yes, Fahmi helped me cut pretty flowers. AND BOY I TELL U,he is succcch a perfectionist.heee. Yar and after that was decorating and reached home like nearly 3am. Still.Not selfish enough.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Mirror mirror on the wall. Whose the clumsiest of them all?
I broke a big piece of mirror+glass and a glass plane while working. Clumsy clumsy me. I am lucky the glass doesn't scratch my face or anything. Because I felt the tiny pieces brush through my cheeks. I escaped with just a few cuts on my fingers. Oh Boy. This is really not a girl's job. DPDesign should hire 2 boys for me and Diy. haishhh yaaa! Oh oh! And i was pushing the cart from level to level and i felt sooooooo sooooo dizzy. I could see black shadows forming, and I thought I saw some dancing afterimages. Well, I'm clever enough to stop everything and squatted near the lift because I was afraid I would pass out. And I was at the service life, with no public access except those cleaner guys. Imagine how scary it would be to pass out in the middle of a deserted place with no one to help you but cleaner guys. AND. When I say cleaner guys, they are those flirty ones, not those who would help people in need. Of course, there are nice ones. But what are the chances. Yups, so I was clever, to take a rest before everything turns black. And yar, maybe I it is also because I was fasting but I didn't eat anything the night before. But after all those aku-nak-pengsan moments, I still managed to kuatkan diri and drop by Cik Boy's house to help with his daugters' birthday decoration and whatsnots. And love's right. I should be a little selfish sometimes. Kawan kawan, doakan saya biar sihat walafiat yerr. So I can go through this Ramadhan smoothly. With so much work and the need to beribadah during this holy month, I am sure I need alot of strength.InsyaAllah. ![]()
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The surprise for the special special girl.
DIY HAD A SMALL SURPRISE. Weee. Thanks to mua mua mua, and naddy and her boyfie.
On other news, yesterday was my first day at Anglia. Pretty much a whole new working environment for me. So far, I'm happy with it. But the bad thing is, I am holding 3 jobs now, although its pretty much confirmed im leaving Seoul garden. And another bad thing is, since I just started work, I can't complain or request for schedule, so yar, serves me right. Goodbye Weekends. I'll be mugging at Anglia. Those of you who are free and happy and you happen to drop by to shop for Hari Raya. Please, sympathise me. Don't approach me. :P
Monday, August 25, 2008
BITCH! YOU'RE 19! weeeee. hohho. I can so imagine you going.. "ya lah..im a bitch lah..im a bitch lah..." ahahahaha. AWAKKK! YOU'RE 19! GEDDIT. 20-19=1 YEAR. JUST 1 MORE YEARRRRRRR. TILL YOU GET THE BIG 2 0. Okay, on a serious note. I really really hope you will enjoy your 19th. It's sucky because I didn't make any surprise plans. Like i did last year. But yeah, Semoga Allah panjangkan umur awak, murahkan rezeki awak, dah may you be in the PINKIEST health always. So you can work and work and work and get lots of money. You workaholic woman you. I LOVE YOU NUR DIYANAH ZULPAKARRR! ![]() ![]()
Saturday, August 23, 2008
And it made me think. Do I deserve these sacrifices? Do I really deserve them? Am I just going through life now just because everything seems perfect, beautiful, impeccable and perfect? Do I really know the real meaning of this. Or is there a choice for me to make? A decision I have to think of? Is there a chance for me to do so anyway? It comes and it goes. And everytime it comes, it left me wondering with these million unanswered questions, that only me and me only can answer.
Sometimes, I wish I can fasforward life. So we will be right at the end, and we won't have to think of what to say, do or talk about. But then, we will lose all the values and the fun we may experience going through life. I seek Allah's help in this. And Diy, help. High-class Banglas, that's what we are! In just a few days, we managed to clear everything and rearaanged them according to plan. Working with Diy, it makes everything settle faster. It's better to work with a friend, you won't feel too bored then. This place used to be so cramped, we can't even see the carpet. Now, its all clean and clear. Diy even vacuumed the floor. What are we? We are the high class Banglas actually. And we still managed to fool around while working. Typing out stupid names to wear as tags while we are supposed to label the stuffs. Besides the fact that my backbone seems to be cracking every now and then, everything is going on fine. ![]() ![]() I was out jobhunting with Nisa and Diy and we received something shocking. Why would someone ever do something, that is permanent, when they know, nothing is ever gonna work out? Simple Atiqah,simple. Their feelings are way too strong, their minds can't even challenge.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
i will always always love you. No matter how cranky you are. I'll try harder. If that's what I need to do to keep us going.
Monday, August 18, 2008
BABIES AND RAINBOWS AND LOVE AND SMILES. I got to see all my loves that Sunday. The newest addition to my family. Farisha Adilla Binte Muhammad Fadhli. This baby just likes to sleep on my chest like this. She won't sleep if we carry her normally. And Aunty Iqah loves Farisha. LOL.AUNTY. He has grown sooooooo much. I just can't stop romos-ing him! And thanks love, for coming over the event. It was nice to see you.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
VE REALLY HAD FUN YOU KNOW. VE FLY FLY IN THE yAIR. VE SAPPEDE BIG BIG THOSAI.Its Tamile day for us today. Fierce per. Bibir maintain. Posing like Tamile dancers. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Muka SUCI. ![]() Little India was scorching hot as usual but the paper thosai we had was fabulous-o for me, and very very fulling surprisingly. The sauces are really delicious. Tambah menambah kita. I saw a few familiar faces, but none said hi to me. I feel like one of them when I'm there, but that's not a bad thing lah. Indians who read this, I don't have anything against Indians. One thing for sure, I love your food. :) Girls was as mentel as ever, but nothing beats spending time and fooling around with them. Agree with Yasmin, best outing in months. After so long of not meeting up. It would be a blast, if this twin could be there as well. Press on Twinny. All the best for your submission.
Friday, August 15, 2008
We had fun walking and walking and walking and WALKING. My oh my, Hilmi, one more time you're gonna make me walk that much in one night, I'm going to kill you. Dinner was at Lau Pa Sat after someone got his girlfriend sesat in Chinatown. But I loved our mini karaoke session. Imagine this couple sitting at Woodlands interchange, singing to old Malay rock songs. All the expressions, the semangatness, the selenger-ness. Well, the hectic day turned out pretty sweet, honey. Thanks for fetching and spending time with me after work. Ana behibek ya habibi. Always. CHEY.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
It's called work for a reason. And my reason would be, because Diy is working with me! Apart from the money of course. =) And we had to clean DP DESIGN. I still wonder what DP stands for. *Hilmi, don't start* Look at these wonderful mess. But I tell you, we are gonna clean it up in no time. Nur Diyanah Zulpakar is a really strong girl, mind you. =) ![]() And now I'm off to meet my sayang! Yey! EDIT So this is the handmade card! I'm proud of it okayy. and the sweaty stoney me.
Monday, August 11, 2008
And to those bloghoppers and passerby's. Don't judge me if you don't know me.
Life is difficult and I have to find ways to survive. AND THAT DOESN'T MEAN I FORGET ALLAH. So don't you come in here, tagging like no one's business. Mind your own. On top of that, Have a nice life. And I don't want to see you appear on my tagboard again. ARM ROBBERRRRRYYYYY!!! :P This term is for those of you, who have an "okay" body shape but "killer" arms. Like me and Moon. Wakakak. Arm Robbery kape moon. So now,I am officially part of their team, and its really great because! I can depend on this if I want fast fast cash. :P The work..was pretty okay for me, because I think Seoul Garden is way worst. But its disturbing when some of the staffs don't really work, instead just walk around and expect people to do work for them. Oh wells, at least Im with Diy,Moon and Nunun. It makes work much much more fun. Oh, and please ignore the 3 boys. Really, tak penting eh rambut. :P And I LOVELOVE our conversations. From crazy hotel banquet work to people masturbating in IMH. cool or what. :)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
OKAY SO THE REASON I HAVEN'T BEEN BLOGGING IS BECAUSE MY LIFE HAVE BEEN BORING AND MUNDANE FOR THE PAST FEW WEEKS EXCEPT FOR ENDLESS TRIPS TO THE HOSPITALS TO VISIT SICK RELATIVES AND OF COURSE, BUSY HELPING OUT PEOPLE HERE AND THERE. :P BUT IM BACK NOWWWW. Selamat Pengantin Baru to ABANG IWANNNNNN!! and his permaisuri. May you both have a blissful long marriage. Semoga hingga ke akhir hayat. Here's some of the pictures. Not edited. Lazy. Not taken by me. Lazy. I lost the interest to take pictures since Mr Sony died on me. THE PENGANTIN. THE NOT-SO-BIG IBRAHIM FAMILY. THANKS ABANG IZZAT, IN CASE YOU DONT REALISE, YOU COVERED ME. -_- MYYYY FAMILY. MYYY BROTHERS. PASTI GERAM BABY. MORE BABY. Sunday was spent with the TP Girls at Botanics. i sure did have ALOT of fun. Will update as soon as i get the pictures. See. I didnt snap any of my own, because SONY IS DEADDDDD. and it kinda suck lah actually. Alahhh.bye laaa. OH OH OH! AND I CANT WAIT FOR 6TH AUGUST. BUT I NO MONEY. AHAHA. DIY NADDY, I WANT A REAL CAKE. LOL. |