I wished i was a young Senorita that married a Spanish governer.I wished i could devour the taste of daiquiris all afternoon.
I wished i could sing like Christina Aguilera.
I wished i was Wonder Woman with a long cape.
I wished i was beautiful like Naima from ANTM.
I wished i had eyes of an Arabian girl.
I wished i had my own favourite bermudas to wear everywhere i go just like Mr Evil Creature.
I wished i starred in Romeo and Juliet.
I wished i could be one of JT's background dancers.
I wished i was a pontianak.
I wished i was in India.
I wished i could ride an aeroplane before i die.
I wished i could play wayang kulit.
I wished i could learn as fast as others.
I wished i was poetic and romantic.
I wished i can still meet my nenek.
I wished i could wear my first red polka dots pumps ayah bought for me.
I wished i had a gift.
I wished ``friends forever`` really exists.
I wished Atuk Din will never leave me.
I wished i could remember well enough.