Just reached home from school.Long hours in the eerie studio.I was accompanied by my mp3 and a few others.I got serious papercuts and one little injured finger due to my poor control of the penknife. Well,it turned out to be okayy actually as me and the rest started criticising.Haa.Darryl, the matrips,Eunice the fierce and the girls were pretty entertaining. And Cheryl did a split.Omg.I am amazed at how flexible humans can be.She never did ballet nor did any professional training or yoga whatsoever.
I'm amazed.And so is Eunice.Eunice said she hates me because she thought she will fail this project.Reason?Because people like me creates awesome models.I looked at my model and sighed.I don't know why she said its nice.Its not that bad for me but i still have this unsatisfied feeling that it could be better.Hee.And i said I like you to Eunice.Derrick is actually a great help.I'm loving and appreciating him more and more.Plus.He's a cute lecturer with a bling bling on his left ear.Lunch with someone today.Ohhh wahahaha.I forgot to suck his blood. You you you.Watch your back.I will come tonight and i shall devour you and drain every ml of blood you have.Hee.Kinkiiiii.
*Another news on humans and MRT.Someone got injured kena langgar MRT.People.Jump from the buildings if you want.Don't intend to die and end up causing a delay and wasting others' time.
turn over.