Okayy.Mystique Creationz totally rocked the stage that very night. I am missing you girls.
And the one guy.Pfft.HaarHaarr.
Emerged Champions 05'.
*mampos Atiqah muka takda kental lagii perr.*
Okayylah.My face looks disgusting.Basically because
I'm the evil one.
I'm the "drug" dancer.Wakaka.
The sparkly 3 angels are the good ones.
Then came the Levis 06' Competition.
And we're still green and orange.Hee.Levis no luck though.Only until semi finals.Is it?HurrHurr.
But yeah.I wish I could show you our Anti-Drug Danceworks Dance.It was awesome.I have the Levis one.But but but.I shall not post it.Why?Haha.Because I don't really like it.=)
Girls.When's our next booty-shaking? My muscles need those moves bebeh.Haahaa.Eyy Diyy.Remember the gila move we did with Tasha?The one to Sean Paul's song.We shook our head like crazy till our hair became like nenek kebayan.
Haha.And i miss those crazy practices under those useless linkhouses and voidecks.And.Open new group lah.Mystique Creation is like dead.tsk3.And the name. Shall not say more.
*wooooo..Atiqah shakes head**