Okayy.What was i thinking??
So,this was during my cousin sis's wedding.And this, is THE NOORDIN's family.Boyan Boyan.Big big family.This is without the guys anyway.So it's just the pakciks makciks and the girls.It's good the pelamin is strong enough.Well,as you can see,all of us are like wearing similar/same clothings.Dah macam boriah seyyy.Haha.Come to think of it,omg omg. What was I thinking lah.We look like one big moving curtain.(langsir bergerak).That's Boyanese for you people to know.Always kecoh and always big big big big.Those in the picture does not even accumulate half of the Noordin family lah ehk.Imagine all of us.Pffft.
"I am proud to be a Boyanese.Okayy wth."
Upcoming events:
Friday,9th Feb: My project submission.
Progress:None.Maybe a little bit.
Wednesday,14th Feb: Valentines Day,My Bro's bdae.
Thinking:What should i get him?
Monday,12th Feb: Outing with babes.
I still want Seoul Garden and not Pizza Hut lah.
Sat-Sun,17th-19th Feb: CNY.Working full shift for whole 3 days.
Ouh money money money.Ching Ching.$12/hr.That's what I heard.
So well.Re-charge myself.Have some chocolates and more teh ice.
And I am ready to go.
I am waiting for you,beep phone.