TIQ. I don't describe myself.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
 and when you can't live without your bestfriend.
I love this picture.Edited a little bit though.I am now in school waiting for my freaking 3Pm japanese class. Mugcow,mendak rabs kalimans siaaa. I dont know what else to do.I want to edit pictures,but I dont have any.And all my other friends are either smoking at pondok or having classes.Im hungry but I won't eat alone.Today,is my last Japanese class.Hip hip Hooray .yabayabayaba!I so can't wait.And after this,Im rushing to ECP to join in the BBQ.I couldn't make it yesterday night because my dad doesn't allow me to go.As usual.But I am going tonight because the guys are practically begging us.Theres alot of leftovers and I feel so bad because I'm the one who followed them shopping.So I am going,its just a matter of wether my dad will find out or not.If he does,Im such a dead meat.
oh Atiqah,you have once again drowned yourself in one big bowl of hot soup.
tick tock.