Let me introduce my list of BFs.Really lah.
(perahsantan sekejap,takleh ke)
1) Brandon from Panic!at the Disco.My number one and will always be.
2)Mikey Way,MCR's Bassist.Oh hell.Did i say i love nerds?
3)Pete from Fall Out Boys.
4) Christopher from Ugly Betty.He's a nerd in that TV series.A hot geek.
5)Rain Rain.Oh Rain.Melt melt melt.Plus he can dance well.
6)Sam Endicott,The Bravery's lead singer.Did I tell you I have issues with husbands?He's married,but who cares,he's still hot. Ala Ala Elvis gitu kann.
7)Najib Ali.While others go crazy over Taufik Batisah or Fauzy Laily or whoever.I still find him attractive and as stylish as ever.
8) Not forgetting,Muhammad Ridhuan,the charming soccer ball kicker.Haha.

So thats it.My fantasies.(:
mari drool bersamaku.