TIQ. I don't describe myself.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
RULES: Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks. 1) I colour coordinate my clothes when I'm bored.2) Getting paranoid if I loses my stuff,thus will check my bag every moment.3) I will sleep in the bus if I'm sleepy,but I will constantly open my eyes to check if anyone's watching me.4) I find nerdy guys attractive.5) Najib Ali is my new fetish.6) In my hp phonebook,all my poly friends have their course name behind their name as my contact.For example, my friend is Syam from Apparel Design.I will name him Syam ADM.People find it ridiculous.7) I can't get along with my mother.And sister.8) I can't eat a meal on my own.Someone has to eat with me.9) My name has a total of 9 letters.10) When I hate someone,Its hard for me to forgive and be friends with them again.Even if i do,it wouldnt be the same.I am tagging you people.So better do this.1.Nadiah2.Diyanah3.Yasmin4.Liya5.Liyana6.SopiuteFind time and do!!Dreams, dreams of when we had just started things Dreams of you and me It seems, it seems That I can’t shake those memories I wonder if you have the same dreams too The littlest things that take me there I know it sounds lame but it’s so true I know it’s not right but it seems unfair That thing’s are reminding me of you Sometimes I wish we could just pretend Even if only for one weekend So come on Tell me Is this the end?adrift.