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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Monday, April 30, 2007
twinny= love x millions and trillions and infinite.
showed her sungei road. hahaha. and she kinda loved it. and i bought a huuuuggggeeeeee vintage bag. got it for 4 bucks. now i really feel like an art student. non-stop talking, and i feel as if im getting sicker. my voice is so darn sexxxaayyyy. because of the flu and im constantly achoo-ing. checked out the funfair just now. super super super thrilling and exciting. but the cost is goddamn ex. i wanna ride topgun. i wanna ride roller coaster. and i wanna ride the ride twinny wants to ride. i forgot its name. someone bring me to funfair please. hahahahahaa. i wish. ppppft. perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see LIFE with a clearer view again. udang tiger black pepper, mee siam, ikan sweet sour, daging, sambat goreng, acar, ayam masak merah, some kuih2, bubur cacar. nasi briyani and nasi jagung. sheesh.why am i such a bad person. hoarse.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
OH STRONNGG AT HEART ARE WE WOODLANDERS! LOYAL TO SCHOOL AND COUNTRY. -heh,i miss singing secondary school's song and the pink forms.- Im posting the pictures later,because im really lazy to find my camera cable.so you girls just have to wait lah ehh.And,i wished Naddy was there too. Missing you darl. Chinatown outing aits. Nisa cut her hair just now,and gawd,aint she hotttt. Dah macam model lah seyyy. *Sorry,i didnt know the movie starts that late.Really really sorry. And i am still wanting the ayam masak merah pengantin. heart attacks.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
and now im tired.all those long hours standing and leading the customers is giving me pains in my back. there was a point when i felt something like an electric shock up my spine while holding on a hotplate.i was practically screaming in silence.and i tried to hold on to the heavy hotplate and the stacking plates on my other hand while i send them behind to the dishwasher area.
swings head.now my back hurts so much that i feel like tearing my couch.i need to stretch more to prevent injuries,i guess.i wish i would get 3 months break from work just like i requested. oh gosh.Ultraman,zap me please. i am getting all this feelings inside me,churning and tossing around.it really made my life a little more interesting though.but its not knowing what you dont know that should keep you wanting more.its what i have and they don't.oh well,doesn't matter if they justify,cause im in a world of my own.as i am sure,for every ending,theres a new beginning.and as they say,everything happens for a reason.no,theres no need to walk back.cause its all going for good. but,on a lighter note,im loving my life the way it is,though the silence has become a lil bit deafening. and.i dont have my midnight entertainment today.How saddd. no longer.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Mum's friend came over and brought her adorable toddler.Ramadan is his name. I think i have found a new love. He is soooo adorable,and he lovvves to take pictures. He calls me KIKA, and i dont know why.I keep on saying. Kak iqah lah adann! and he keeps on saying KIKA with a tilt of his head and that addictive smile. My gawd. Tsk. Can i ever be more obsessed with kids? And he keeps on saying he wants to watch spongebob and mr bean. Yesterday was rather a busy day, was helping cuz with his project.OMG i tell you, his project was about designing a product,that i dont mind. The sofware that we are supposed to use to create that product was the killer one. its called the ZBrush.and i dont know but i think no one had ever heard of it.He said all the SP year ones are supposed to take up that module,and i asked naddy if she knew,but,she doesnt,so too bad. And i was cracking my head on how to use it just now,and finally,i did something,hentam sana sini,and gave it to him.I really hope he can go through that subject lah.Really freak software.Sorry cuz,thats all can do. And the confusion of tiq and naddy is over,i guess. And i still cant believe it. My major project 2 is starting straightaway next week. like jkfdhhfjkjewe. They havent even taught us all the basics completely,and they are expecting us to give a better results compared to major project 1? oh no no. Stress is going to be visiting me soon. IM PREPARING MYSELF TO HAVE MORNINGS AND SUPER LATE NIGHT STAYS IN SCHOOL. just like last time. and i am going to be in TP till 11PM more. toss me over and over im done for now. lying.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Ya know.I am so totally confused right now. Its no use ignoring me twinny. Because we have to talk. We have to solve this.I am trying to explain all this to you.But you ignoring me is not going to help.I know,its really my fault.And i am very very sorry about that.But never has it struck me to hurt you or to avoid you or anything like that.Im serious.You know me better. Like i said, the first outing was with the MC girls,and i know you cant really get along and feel comforotable with some of them,and that was why i didnt ask you to tag along.And i know,you would be okay if i was there,but on second thought,that outing wasnt planned by me,it was by Dee or min,i dont know,either one.And its for MC.I dont know how to explain lah. Budden,I really didnt mean to make you feel offended in any ways.The second one, it was planned yes.But the plan was for me to accompany Mimin to her school.And Diy joining us later was unplanned,she just happen to call us and she happened to be having an outing with her schoolmates,and thus,joined us after that. It was only supposed be me and min but diy joined in later.Okayy. its so hard to explain here. But i know if i called,you would not even talk to me. So, yar,I wish we could just talk. I mean, awak, kite rasa bersalah sehh.And im like thinking if i really had done something wrong. If i did, i am truly sorry.Its right for you to get angry and all.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
dynsigner.deviantart.com Do visit his deviant,this dude is talented. *tangan aku peh gemok,compared to diy. And success.I stayed away from food today.Only ate 1/4 of Khai's turkey ham and cheese leftover.And a cup of coke.I wouldnt be surprise if my weight is more than 50kg.That is why,Im starting to eat less. Lols. No food after 7pm,and only plain water.If can,dont eat the whole day, just have glucose drinks.Someone told me that works.Maybe im trying that out.But theres food everywhere and whenever i go school,people will always be eating.So its hard.But im gonna try,before i bloat and become some giant. The talk in TCC was so super boring,the same yearly talks. And someone sang hor.And looks adorable with that suspenders. Im like. "wooohhooooo!!!!!wwwiiiwwwiitt!! *nama die!!*" terpekik pekik aku! and theres a girl.Survive lah kau sorang-sorang. Nyanyi macam screamo je.Nasib baik kau lawa.muahahahaa.And theres another girl who cant sing at all.But. Kudos for being brave enough to step in front and sing.I would pee if im infront of that size of audience. End up playing games and watching videos with Khai on my handphone.And in the end,we cabut together,the whoel group of us.Out of TCC,out of Engineering school which is sooo foreign to me and back to design school.And it feels like home. Called yana and talked to her for a while.I hope she gets better and hope theres nothing serious with her illness. Miss u yana.And i said i love you to her.And she said She loves me too.and muahhhhkxx also. Okay dah.(: Enjoy your night lovely readers. and we would never forget you and you know that.Theres some points when we know you wouldnt feel comfortable going out, you know,with people that you dont really mix with,and some points when its so unplanned.Yar so,you're not yana or somebody else.Yeah its our fault though.Sorry very very. reasons.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Yesterday was at tellytubby land with dear ketiaks.
Was so enjoyable and as usual, the gossip club. As i needed some stress remedy badly,chilling there helped. Ahh.More please. Well anyways. anyhows.Evening was spent with mimin and diy again.kekeke. Usual clowns. Usual idiots. I cant say more. Went to accompany mimin. And was so hoping i could walk at Sungei Rd again.but the weather wasnt on our side, it kept on raining one minute,and stopped the other.We gave up and went to chill instead. savoured the rojak with the babes. Chatted. Crapped. And Diy shopped again.Hah.Guess what,i wrote down a list of to-buys after window shopping.But,no worries.Money for Nikon is saved aside first. And after the 10th, its mine and mimin's turn to start walking our ass,trying on stuffs in changing rooms and emptying cash from our purses.Oh yar,something weird happened.It was kinda scawwy. Some African guy asked mimin for her number. African guy:Assalamualaikum Me:Waalaikumsalam(after replying then i turn to look at him) African guy: hi can i noe ur name? can i get ur number? mimin: errr.. errrr me:bilang je kau ade bf. mimin:errr errrr. lambat betol si mimin.at last bilang jugak .and safe.kekeke. scarry lahh. he thinks we're some prostitutes issit. crazzy. find some maids if u want.*but his friend was cute lahh.
tempek ikan LJS.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
aku kene maki luar dalam lah dengan customer. bagero nabe cheng teng nye customer. I spilled the soup accidentally.But.i automatically said sorry like a million times. And that spilled soup didnt even touch her.But die tak puas hati ngan aku. She stood up and talked so loud that the whole part of the outlet she was sitting can hear her. saying. "bodoh! orang lagii makan hendak mengacau. Biadap sungguh ini. Udah itu. Nggak mahu mohon maaf lagi" She's an Indonesian ah. Some tourist. And im like standing there, i kept on saying sorry to her since just now. And she keeps on babbling and saying vulgar Indon languages to me. LIKE FFFFFFFFFFFFF. When i got too angry and frustrated, i shouted to her. "JUST NOW I SAID SORRY TO YOU ALREADY RIGHT. I SAID SORRY SO MANY TIMES!!!" and i walked away and FF. i cried. I WAS TOO ANGRY THAT I CRIED. yes,pathetic me. That moment,haish,for the first time i was so feeling Fcked up about a customer that i wanted to punch her face,kick her ass take her glasses and rodok her mouth with it sia. FFFF. bingit siaa. and even after i shouted to her, she still continue talking loudly about me. WAHKAO. never in my whole experience in FnB,i have met some grumpy old woman like her. PPFT. And after that,i was to blurr and i think she cursed me alot. That i kept on doing mistakes while cashier-ing.Till my manager ask me why im so blurr today. Its really a fcked up afternoon ah at work. But dinner was fun, Wak Gendreng worked dinner shift, and I was happy already that i got someone to crap with. Everybody was so shocked to see me cry. Never in their whole working experience have they seen me cry, alot of staffs cried ah when they get complains from customers. Even the bangla dishwasher was like "asal nangis?"(why cry?)Budden, its not that im sad.I was angry.Like freaking angry. And imagine me crying.My nose flaring and my face red.Haish. and whatever. Now im so bored,online but nobody is talking to me.Except for Mimin.But im angry with her too. SHE AND DIY BOUGHT A VINTAGE BAG LAHH. tak faiir. i no money so i keep quiet dok one corner lah eh namanya. yar so. street shopping this monday, but i aint gonna shop. just see see. To khaikhai and cin,i dont think im going for the tue outing. im totally broke. BROKE LIKE CRAZY. sorry babes. LOOKING FOWARD TO GO TELLYTUBBY HILL LATER.AND MEET THE OTHER 2 KETIAKS. need.rest.
Friday, April 20, 2007
I GOT AN OREO DOUGHNUT. DELICIOUS. DOUBLE-DELICIOUS COS ITS FREE. THANKS MIN!! (: WELL WELL WELL. When Atiqah meets Yasmin,nothing is pretty. And plus Dee. Worst. Followed Mimin to NAFA and Laselle for school stuffs. though i my purse has only 6 bucks. And gawd,for the degree,the fee is goddamn 5-digits. Aku tak mampu,sungguh. I am really happy indeed. I got a vintage file for 2 bucks,after bargaining lah. Aku sorang je ade,orang lain takde. And mimin got a vest shirt for 2 bucks as well. Oh,im loving street shopping. But i was tired. Walked alot.We even walked to marina square from arab street lah seyy. But lols.After all those nonsense we talked about and camwhoring(though i seriously dont wanna use this word,but it is camwhoring indeed.), Dee went back to work and me and mimin headed home. Oh wells. It turned out to be good! she looks cute in this.i have to post it. suke aku.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I was bloghopping and i read this particular blog, that basically had me glued to the screen. Its contents was so true that i feel as if someone had just given me some flying kick straight in the face.MasyaAllah.I have to change,to be a better person.To be a better muslimah. taken from- http://www.youngmuslimah.blogspot.com/ AKU MEMANG PENCINTA WANITA? RENUNGKANLAH. *This is a guy's view towards girls these days.* Assalamualaikum. Em,Semalam semasa aku balik dari library,ketika sampai sahaja di rumah sewa kawanku,aku terpandang dan terdengar sebuah klip video lagu "pencinta wanita". *aku memang pencinta wanita,namun ku bukan buaya,aku memang pencinta wanita,yang lembut seperti dia,blablabla.* huhu,aku pun terlayan lah sekali,em,yap sampai habis. Selepas je habis lagu tu,aku terus terbaring.Fikiran terus melawang memikirkan beberapa rangkap lagu tadi.Em,setakat manakah kau mencintai wanita?Kalau difikir-fikirkan dan diteliti daripada klip video tu,aku confuse sangat-sangat.Adakah wanita yang macam tu kau nak cintai bagai nak rak?Kalau aku,rasanya kau patut rasa kasihan atau pun simpati,tapi bukan mencintai. Memang patut kita kasihankan wanita yang macam tu.Kerana,disamping si lelaki-lelaki yang memakai baju bergaya,si wanitanya pula memakai pakaian yang aduhai,terkoyak sana sini.Terabak di bawah dan terlondeh di atas.Tu yang aku kasihan tu.Then,tayang sana,tayang sini,huhu,malu aku nak mencintai wanita sepertinya. Begitu murah harga badannya untuk ditayang dan dieksploitasikan ke sana dan ke mari.Bagi aku,wanita macam tu sebenarnya tak ada harga dah.Senang sangat untuk tengok auratnya.Free jer kan. That is not all Im bringing foward.Im even bringing foward some facts about those who are already wearing tudung,or so called wearing it,but still,flaunting their bodies.We are facing challenges in terms of wearing the hijjab but in term of putting on the right clothing befitting a true muslimah. this is taken from- http://muslimahmelayu.blogspot.com/2006/12/something-for-sisters.html *a post of a muslimah about herself and fellow sisters.* My dear sisters, 1.Have you ever chosen a tight shirt over a loose one as the later won't show off your curves? 2.Have you ever chosen a short shirt which shows off you bum over a long one as the later won't show off your long lean legs? 3.Have you ever chosen a short-sleeved shirt over a long-sleeved one as the later will make you sweat like there's no tomorrow? 4.Have you ever chosen a tight/short/short-sleeved shirt because you don't want to look different from your trendy and fashionable friends? I am very ashamed to have answered yes to all of the above. "Sesungguhnya sebilangan ahli neraka ialah perempuan-perempuan yang berpakaian tapi telanjang yang condong pada maksiat dan menarik orang lain untuk melakukan maksiat . Mereka tidak akan masuk syurga dan tidak akan mencium baunya." "Wahai anakku Fatimah ! Adapun perempuan-perempuan yang akan digantung rambutnya hingga mendidih otaknya dalam neraka adalah mereka itu di dunia tidak mahu menutup rambutnya daripada dilihat oleh lelaki yang bukan mahramnya " And with that,I shall end my post.I dont wanna start all religious-classy over here.But Im still having these thoughts and heavy feelings that I should change.I wouldnt wanna blow up my chance of a good afterlife just so i can enjoy this life right now. THE THOUGHT OF ME BEING HANGED BY THE HAIR TILL MY BRAINS BOIL IN HELL is giving me the creeps.Well,that's it. And,Kiamat is around the corner.Everyone knows that. start anew.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
A 17-year old that can sing like.OMGOMGOMG.has looks,and totally not arrogant. I love her.She's my pick! and im so gonna support her.
And i am actually obsessed with the series Family Guy, a super hilarious adult cartoon.You guys should watch this clip.It is so stupid that its so funny.And pause my blog song, cause its worth it to watch this.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Work. But lucky me,today the outlet is not busy at all. In fact, we made a record by having the lowest sale in history of seoul garden ngee ann city. Boohhoo. But that does not stop them from making me work like crazy. You know the stove where you guys would cook your food? yes, that, they open the top, and i had to clean the whole thing. Its not the normal cleaning by the way, this time, i had to scrape off all the oil thats been there for god-knows-how-long. sticky, oily, and wearing gloves didnt help.
and and and. Wak gendreng got a job at my place.Wiiwiiiittt. Now i have a friend to talk my crap with. i cant wait! ihave2super-duperBIGpimplesonmyface. ohmygosh.andithurtslikecrazyandidontknowwhatimsupposedtodowithitrightnow. was bored in train so i snapped 2 pictures. left: gopi,adi,and eddy. The mamak,the indon and the 2nd indon that can sing really well. right:my red converse. sneakers.
Monday, April 16, 2007
I was just switching the channels on TV as i get too bored and i came across the Discovery Channel.A documentary was being shown.A documentary on terroristsattack.An attack that killed hundreds of innocent lives. Hundreds of children and babies. Guess what? The terrorists are Islams. Yes, islamic terrorist. This is the attack that was called the Beslan Siege,where this terrorists held hostage of more than 1000 childrens, parents, babies in an established school in the town of Beslan. It was a bloody outcome, the hostages held for 3 days,without food,without water, and the babies and children are forced to drink their own urine,just because they are too dehydrated and they had to survive. It's all because of some politic matter,which i dont really care.But is this how you show your anger? by killing innocents, destroying lives, destroying the future? To my own surprise, there is even a lady among the terrorists, wearing a jubah and veil at that. What the hell were they thinking? I know that all this hostages are christians,but what these terrorists did was unacceptable. I stayed put in front of the TV for 2 whole hours,throughout the 6 part documentary. And i cried.I really really cried. How can humans be so so mean? Dont they have emotions. The videos they showed, dead youngs being carried out from the hostage place was terrible.I could not control my feelings.
a local volunteer carrying a baby survivor. ![]() This is the gym where the people are being held hostage. Ruined. a rescued baby. ![]() a terrible sight-a 2 yr old killed. ![]() families grieving over losts. ![]() ![]() ![]() the ones responsible. "The Infidel hopes this Islamic Terrorist had his mouth stuffed with pork, killed, then buried facing west." "Burn in hell you brave warriors of Allah. Enjoy your 72 rasins! " "Islamic Terrorists, brave warriors for Allah, who killed over 300 people. Religion of Peace??? More like a cult of death. " MasyaAllah. This is what these people think of us, The Muslims.Because of these terrorists, that couldnt care much but their own wants. something hit me in the head,telling me i should be grateful to be in this peaceful country.I wouldnt know what i do if that happened to my family. feelings.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
.His infernal majesty. A new blog song,again. "wings of a butterfly" I've never listened to any of their songs, but this song made me like them. Stayed at home the whole day, with no one to disturb me. No sibling fights and no nagging mum.Thank goodness.She's not back yet. I hope i can catch my Ugly Betty and ANTM before she reached home, because i havent done my laundries yet. Total disaster. Happy Birthday to my cousin, Suzanna. I miss Nabila,bring her back. She's in Jeddah by the way. Its been long since i saw her and her daughter. Well, may she be in the pink of health and may she celebrate many many many many more bdaes to come. When's the next baby coming up cuz? ![]() signed,sealed,delivered. SAGITTARIUS - The Promiscuous One.Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships(no comments.) So much love to give.Not one to mess with. Very pretty.(not.)Very romantic.(double not.) Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet.(silly,yes.) Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Not the kind of person you wanna mess with- you might end up crying.(Oh,i think someone should know this verrrryyy well.) (: But,I'm still a nice person. Just got home from work work work. There's a new staff, err, not new, but my first time seeing him, since i only work once a week. he is SUPEERR CUUTEEEE i tell you. omg.omg.omg. A singaporean,sekolah mana tak tahu.tak berbual pon. setakat senyum je. CUTEEE! but he looks familiar also. Syahilla just got back from Melaka or smtg. She drew me a portrait of me me me. And she gave me this adorable red stuff toy. Haa. thanks babes. and.Did i say that guy is cute. Gosh. Its been long since seoul garden employed cute guys. hahahahahaaha. demoralised. my brain has been the latest target. i was on the edge. but i stayed, because just around the corner, i saw some hope. nah nah nah. dad,mum. whatever you're doing, its only making me grow stronger. why do you expect so much,dad. when i commit so little. mum,take a breathe and forget that i need you now. Because i dont. burned.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Evening was spent picture taking using dirah's handphone and meetup of 5 girls that misses each other.Hah,its good to see Dee and Mas again,and we're the Mystique Creationz all over again.Oh,please girls,i hate that name. Ate long john, had satay at YP and the sweet sweet bandung. And me min shared a caramel frappe. Oh my oh my. THAT was heaven. After what seemed like a hundred pictures, we finally stopped when a freaky incident was spotted by Min. Not going to say anything about that though. But well, i had fun. NO EDITS; PURE CANDID MOMENTS. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() im starting a new chapter. blowing all pretends, like a tissue paper disappearing in thin air, i got surprised by my own secrets, i got stunned, i know this is unconvincing, but who cares this mixture of feelings, the unexplainable consciousness of something felt, i've talk the talk now i'm gonna see, if i will walk the walk. well, i will walk the walk because its now or never. sinful.
im done with all of my 6 assignments. borrowed 4 books on photography. i was bored,need something to read lah. tried to find jodi picoult's just now. but as usual,the library never have all the good books. so,instead, i borrowed on photography. later today was supposed to be meeting the girls. i don't know if im going just yet. and dyn asked for the millionth time again. "tellytubbyland today." and i had to refuse.yet again. My lips bleed because i bumped my face into a chair. and now i look extra nigger-ish. but only one part f my lips are swollen. argh.burok burok. OH BOY. Your eyes,Im over it Your smile,Im over it Realized,Im over it, Im over it,Im over. Moving on,its my time You never were a friend of mine Hurt at first, a little bit But now Im so over Im so over it. --------------------------- to rush-eee-deee. Im still sceptical, when u recite your last words. u said its unintentional. therefore its still a joke, a heartless joke. well,your joke ain't making me laugh. stop pulling me down because i ain't as low as you said i am. it has reached a point when all your reasonings cant be trusted no more conversations its better to put it that way because i slipped the first time meeting you and i dropped on my face knowing your past and now you are rubbing shit on my face kicking me in the head. i aint taking any more shitt. our story ends this way, my reputation on your hands, held safe as ace cards on decks and now two red cards turned jack blacks its proven im prepared for it to leave. because you cheated in my very own game. grow up.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Turn over the page,beb. It's despicable the way you think, you should have burried low self-esteem It only demoralise your pure yet bold soul so please,hit the store and get some positive tension yes you're such a nerd as if any people's bottom or the even tiny binary shit cares. so let it out,go puke everything on the floor cause it wont be beautiful if its too clean and this would be the last recite. phew. *takes a deep deep breath* strange.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Went for job hunting at IKEA and Giant with the peeps. I think i have a higher chance in getting giant rather than IKEA.But i goddamn want IKEA lahh. well, i hope the "taking a diploma in interior design" would do some help in getting the job.First stop was to IKEA.and i embarassed myself terribly.My fingers cant stay and i kept on pressing the screen of one of the computer near the customer service area and there comes out a ticket which holds a number.And to add on to the paiseh-ness,a malay guy saw it.a guy working there lah. and he said "do you want the ticket." and i said no.and he took the ticket away.Its like so embarassing i keep on complaining all the way till we get to the carpark and secuirity area where the forms for job are to be filled.Not helping, cin,khai and brandon laughed their ass.The usual gundu Atiqah.
Then went to giant.bla3. went to 7 eleven to grab a bite because me and Khai were famished.We ate the instant noodles at the carpark lahh.and whenever theres giant staffs,especially the malay guys (read:there's a big group of them walking pass), we would try to hide,malu lah abeehh.haish.plus plus.Brandon did a road dance.We were crossing the road but he couldnt make up his mind to wether cross or wait for the vehicle to pass and he is like doing a dance lahh.Super hilarious. And i did a bad thing today. ): I littered. Damn. I've started to save(finallly!) because im desperate. I cant wait to cuddle up with my bf-to-be. I cant choose because there are too many of them. But i guess i will choose the most sleek and sexy one.He has to be black. heeheee. and he's surname must be Nikon. okayy. imagine horr,how my new bf will look like. okie dokie. i have ALOT of assignments that needs to be done.And i havent started.Now i wanna go sleep first! super tired. Oh yar. HEROES ADDICTS ALERT! tonight,9pm,star world. Episode 19 will be out.Weehooo. (if i read the ad correctly.) up up and away.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
School was normal and okayy. Had fish and chips at Jup. Actually,all 5 of us had fish and chips. I didnt talk much. I was a little tired actually. Phone charger was lost for 2 days, so i didnt charge my phone for 2 days. it's really depressing because it will off by itself when im listening to the songs. and i cant live without the songs. plus my hour long journey from home to school. gawd.no songs. i will die buntut memanaskan seat. i ransacked my whole room as i reached home. and pkfhngrknglkjeny. that charger is locked inside one of my drawers. macam efhkwihglegjhlkwgjh. fahmi called.said orientation at SP was unbearable. He is the only malay in the whole class. And the cinas are all the uncool ones. Not a single indian can be seen. and so i laughed at him, and i criticised SP. hahahaha.SP sekolah cinapok. and he was like. fretting and complaining. "iqah.tak baik seeyy." takpelah sedaraku,perservere beb. me and my 3 cousins planned to start a shop in future. macam pahammmm. and yar,apologies to nabila. i'm aRtiqah. nite ya'll. si tikus.
Monday, April 9, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYAFIQ RIDHUAN. kau dah 19 tahun dokkk. ingat ape aku cakap. (: i want to go to tellytubby land and munch on crunchy pringles. i want to lay on its grass and do endless star gazing. i want to scream out loud and catch the shooting star. i want to snap forever memories and enjoy the midnight strolls. i want to meet diy and dyn and sing happy sad tunes that makes me go lalala. i want to swing my head and stares at the vast spaces. i want to get irritated by the little creepy crawlies and breathe in the air. i want to feel free and have a new ending. good morning revival. nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. hb.SR.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Bollywood Masti didn't disappoint me today.
WAQT was the show,Amitabh Bachan,Priyanka Chopra and i forget the hero's name. I dont realli like him anyway. But the movie was great. I cried,i cried in almost all the hindi movies. But this one's really sad. Not really the lovey dovey story,but more on the relationship of a father and a son. Catch it if u guys can. And just finished watching A walk to remember. I dont like mandy moore either. But the guy's kinda hot. And the story's really touching. Too bad she died in the end. Im going to continue watching the one-eyed-satan after blogging. Late night sat movie. Dont know what it is yet,but im gonna watch anyway. Today i just slacked at home. Clean clean clean and watch TV. Ya know,without my mum around to nag all day, I feel like im so happy to finish all the chores. All my dad said before he went to work today was, "nanti jemur kain eh,jangan lupa" and i did it without any delay. Its like,i dont feel im forced to do it like i usually do. My mum should really try to talk to me nicely. Hah.The trying part would be hard because she hardly talks to me. She practically never talks to me.Just scream. All she does is shout and scream like nobody business. Well,not gonna spoil my mood because of that. Goodnight ya'll. bandages.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Just got home from job hunting.
Only went to Art friend and Toys R us. But asked Art friend,they only need guys. We planned to go to Tamp IKEA this Tue. I hope we could work together or something. Im tired.I thought it was because I didnt eat. But even after eating,I still felt tired. Coincidently,theres street hip hop clap at far east. Since today is the first friday of the month. Watched Styles From Beyond perform. Azura,the only girl was superb. And i was looking at the TP guy all the way. Wahhahaha. Used to see him around achool all the time. He danced for Levis competition also. Good good. Went straight home. I could not even focus on khai's,cin's and brandon's conversation. kepala gua noneng noneng dong. Oh.Just now saw this MRT cleaner uncle. He had to mop the MRT,because someone puked on the floor. Mugcow.Peh kesian. Its like he is forced to seyy. The MRT attendant kept ordering him,pointing here and there, so he could clean up the missed spots. Kuranghajaaa. please lah.respect the elders. Its bad enough they have to work. You dont need to be so rude to be pointing and pointing. They have eyes,you see. Reached my house bus stop, there's this malay couple, kissing like nobody's business. Like cerita orang putih ahh. Kiss kisss kisss. Dengan semangat nye. I didn't want to see,but i cant help it, i just wanna make sure they're malay. And yeah,malay. Kissing at the bustop,with lots of buses and people and passing vehicles. Ah.kentut busuk bachin. Its okayy. mum's out of singapore till sunday night. Wooohhhhhoooooo. I'm suddenly in a good mood, so i cleaned the whole house. err,except my bro's room. because their room needs to be reconstructed. Minor cleaning wont help that hell-lookalike room. Now,I wanna go watch TV. enjoy. the river.
I would not replace anything for today.
Fun.Double fun.Triple fun. Met the 3 gobloks,my 3 cousins. As usual,the only girl. That's the problem when you're the only girl among the cousins your age. I wished I have an 18 yr old girl cousin.But i dont. But no fretting. Because this dudes are enough to make my whole week. (: Mamat is still the small,short,puny,kerengking and dirrrrrrtttttyyyy mamat. He is always talking about girls and you-know-what. Tsk.Disgusting. Fahmi and Shakir.Well see them almost everyday. Nasib tak jelak lah eh. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.Besssst siaaaa. We sat and talk and talk and talk. Like the old times; Well.Oh gosh.I had fun. I wished it wouldnt end so quickly. After much talking,we realised we're late. Well no,Shakir's late.as usual. And they still have to send me home. Heeeheeee. But yey. Super duper.FUN. And tommorow's going to be job-hunting day with the TP clans. im not sure if the shops are going to be open, or would they take in interviews, since its Good Friday. Ah.we will see. If not im stucked to the stinky seoul garden. Mamat donated to the masjid.Im like.Thats new lah eh! Dah taubat pe budak nie. NOT! Ah.I wanna have more of these meet-ups. New blog song: The river,Good charlotte ft Avenged Sevenfold. OH MY GOODNESS. AVENGED SEVENFOLD AND GC. I didnt know that combination will work. It did.This song rock my socks. If i was wearing any,that is. I was out on my I'm trying to find my way back home Baptized in the river I'm delivered, I'm delivered. GC.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Muaaahahhahahhaa. Let's not kill the drama. Let's not start a fight. 6 Weird things about me: 1) i LOVE old and dirrty converse sneakers. 2) i LOVE guys who doesnt dress up much.Selekeh but nice.(: 3) i LOVE to dream i'm marrying John Cena. 4) i LOVE my curry mixed with soya sauce. 5) i LOVE weird songs. 6) i LOVE LJS's cheese.Oh,And I can eat it just like that. Thanks Liya for tagging. (: And i LOVE doing tagged surveys like this. -_-". . Well well.Thankyous Nadiah Binte As'ari.for teman-ing me todayy. I went to work,fuh,i'm surprised myself. Met Fairul,well,he's been working for quite some time,its just that i'm always not around when he is.Okay lah.But i mostly kept quiet during work just now.No one to sing with,so i sang alone. No one to joke with,so just ignore Bill when he throws ice cubes at me.Freaking pain lah.One kena my neck.Whew.Im not the cashier.Like finally.Im sick of it.Hahah.Ive been saying Im sick to almost anything lahh. And now im sick of my sister.Macam childcare ni rumah.Tak pernah takde orang nangis. .I got this icebox where my heart used to beat. If everyone cared,nobody cried. If everyone loved,nobody lied. nickelback.