TIQ. I don't describe myself.
Monday, April 9, 2007
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYAFIQ RIDHUAN.kau dah 19 tahun dokkk.ingat ape aku cakap. (:i want to go to tellytubby landand munch on crunchy pringles.i want to lay on its grassand do endless star gazing.i want to scream out loudand catch the shooting star.i want to snap forever memoriesand enjoy the midnight strolls.i want to meet diy and dynand sing happy sad tunes that makes me go lalala.i want to swing my head and stares at the vast spaces.i want to get irritated by the little creepy crawliesand breathe in the air.i want to feel freeand have a new ending.good morning revival.nobody can go back and start a new beginning,but anyone can start today and make a new ending.hb.SR.