1. Naddy a.k.a Twinny and me. We dont look the same lahhh! 2. The girls.3. Ayam Penyet. Nyaman dongg.
Memandangkan bag ku berat macam batu tadi, i rushed home from school and change and quickly went out to meet the girls at Chinatown.Min and Diy did some shopping. And we got our Ayam Penyet.And i got Chendol as well.I was so so full.Alhamdulillah.And at last Naddy went out with us.Weeewiitt. Tak baik bermaki. Katalah; Bersetubuhlah kamu. Haha. Min and her merepek creations. Naddy did her nonsense moves as she was tired. And yada yada. Never complete without idiotic crappings and million laughters. Great day girls. But im tired.ITS ZUL YAHYA LAH! MUGCOWWWWW.
I made a COMPLETE fool out of myself in school today.pppftttt.Its Tommorrow.Planned,Booked,Arranged.Only one thing left..Saturday the 12th.