You deserve much better than me.
to someone who dont know.
You looked at me.i looked away.
If you only knew
the deformed wishes and innocent smiles
All I wanted was not to be scared, to not have my stomach feel like its in a knot
and you did just that.
All I wanted was for my knees to stop shaking, for the sweat to stop dripping from my forehead,
and you did just that.
for my face to stop glowing bright red, for my heart to stop beating faster and faster,
and you did just that.
you realised i existed
you showed me a simple sign
I am at my limit
But I just can't give in
I know it will all be okay
As long as I keep running
My heart beat gets much faster
And I can barely breathe
And yet for some reason
I am in a state of total peace
This road can never judge me
This road will never lie
and all those daydreamings
and sheepish smiles
and all those thoughts inside long bus rides
and those moments when i know i could see you
and end up having major dap dap dup dups
and when i cant actually see you
theres some tiny bit of frustration
i do smile in the end
because i know
that this somehow is what making me look foward in life
when i know this is not the ordinary.
i always think you could do much better than me.
i always think you deserve someone much better than me.
i always think you do have someone much better than me.
nonetheless, this has been my chocolates all this while.
and im thanking God that you somehow became a big part of my tiny life.
runs deep.