TIQ. I don't describe myself.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Work is getting more enjoyable every day.Staffs are closer to each other and we communicate better nowadays.And so, even if its busy,its still fun fun.We created a Seoul Garden dance, which is very merepek actually.But when we do it together,haha.who cares.Anyway, the outlet went blackout like thrice.And after the first,we had to off the fire for each table,and my goodness,its a fullhouse.So imagine all the staffs scattering around, switching off table by table,to prevent any fire whatsoever lah.And the lights came on again, just to go off another time after that.and ade lah customer sueeyyy. "how long will this take ah? im in a hurry to eat."kalau dah in a hurry tu,makan ala carte je,nak masak masak semua buat ape.gendreng telor bachin.and after that...just before dinner time,theres a fire alarm.So,the escalators stopped, and theres no gas.And again, we had to do the same thing.But this time,almost all the stores at the same level had to stop operating.in the end; WE HAVE INVESTIGATED THE SITUATION,AND IT IS A FALSE ALARM.and my body aches like crazy;i think its the yoga.well,i SO cants waits fors laters, we are going to bake bake.quoted; " IM A HAPPY HAPPY GOOBER TODAY."Woke up when my phone sang Ashanti's Foolish.Answered ah ah ah ah ah all the way.And before that i dreamt i got myself a D40.with my own ka-chings.And sap sap sap.Im out without eyeliner,make up,nothing.In my selekeh home attire,to show someone my morning state.And my oh my; did i get a pleasant surprise.THANK YOU.with God's will.