TIQ. I don't describe myself.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
BIG GIRL;you are beautiful.TRANSFORMERS IS SUPER DUPER GOSH RADD.ITS COOL PLUS COOL PLUS COOL.AND MEGAN FOX IS HOT HOT HOT. sssssssssssssss.i would turn into a lesbian for her. :P *probably*and for a moment in the movie, i wished i had a guardian like bumblebee.Like finally,i got to see Seletar Dam.To my tiny weeny disappointment,its not that nice or awesome for me;but i think,its better in the night or whenever the sun sets in.I would go there in the night, and Naddy,we shall go together okay?by the way dear,i so totally have to cut my hair that is already tebal gile gile.we shall go after im done with all my submissions.i'm hooked on Kaiser Chiefs's music.Controversial,eh? Or am i just plain weird.And if I wanted to hear their first album, Employment, I would get the disc, put it in my stereo, and listen to it on my speakers.Oh,i would probably blast it in my home so all my neighbours would hear "Love's not a competition" play on a repeat mode. But,i can always shut the windows can i? But why should i? if i am here slogging on my project,i would let my neighbours suffer with me as well. But hey,its a good deal,isn't it. Free good music for everyone.AND AND AND.YESTERDAY NIGHT WAS NICE.talking about old times.crapping and useless jokes.i spent the ride home with my original friends.haaaaa.those i first got to know when i got in TP.its been a long time uh dudes?and sometimes;just sometimes.unplanned outings can make you smile for the whole day.those little things that take you there.Syukur Alhamdulillah.i think i like staring. (:back to project. tata.the angry mob.