TIQ. I don't describe myself.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
i have been trying to sleep since 2am just now.what the hell is wrong with me?i talk like some lost person.i stare at my computer screen doing nothing.i wont start on my assignment earlier.i shut down my computer and went to watch TV,thinking i would get sleepy and turn in.But no.I ended up watching Thats so Raven, and Lizzie Mcguire re-runs.and i still wasnt sleepy.so i turned on my computer, and decided to work on my assignment.Assignment done.Still not sleepy.Tidied my room, did my laundries.Still not sleepy.Got back to the computer.Blogged.Changed blogheader.Search for a new blog song.After hours of searching a song.And finally getting one.One that I feel like singing to right now.And here i am, posting this.So tell me what is wrong with me today.Am i stupid or what?I cant get to sleep. But i was sleepy.No i wasnt.Yes i was.sfhfkfnfekelfejlfkfenfeqkqjnfwlnfihefiehgjgn you atiqah.screw you.and school is in 4 hours time. wow.
the last recite.