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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
WADDEFREAKINKINKYY LAAAAHHHH!!!! Guess what? I was at home talking cock with Fahmi who came over to talk cock with me. and there i was so happy happy like one happy goober. gembira gembira.. sekali i receive sms from Miss Khairiah. at 2.30pm; Khai: Eh tiq,your class now at which level ah? Tiq: Err. nari dah start skolah eh? aku tak tahu seyy. Khai: eh haha! kau masih raya per? Tiq: alah.kau ni dah tahu aku selenger, bukan nak bilang aku dah start skolah. Khai: Oh,aku tak tahu kau tak tahu. Tiq: oh okay lah. aku just go for the 6pm class. i skip the 3pm class. and that was at 2.30 pm. and my class starts at 3pm. Bodoh kan aku.. kecik2 tknak mampus. dah besar menyusahkan kawan :D So i was all. Tiq: Damn, Mi..aku kene gi skolah lah seyy. Fahmi: Mak kau. kau sekolah pon tk tahu bile start. bagus bagus. slack habis. Tiq: *makes a face* lepas tu bukan nak cepat cepat siap. aku leh hegeh hegeh..pilih baju ape nak pakai. mampos. rosak betul budak atiqah ni. tk kesah pasal skolah langsung. tsk. kaylah. asik tk update je. macam dah expired blog ni. Selamat hari raya! eh belum habis raya tau! girls from woodlandssec, i am still waiting for my jalan jalan. Mimin,sorry couldnt go for your open house. and Temasek-ians,its 4th NOV okay! and ex-Marsilians..its 3RD NOV. kurang satu orang. aku pelangkong korang. tata! i got it from my mama!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Atiqah is very very very busy at the moment. with school as well as hari raya-ing. Atiqah will update soon. (: Take care. Jangan minum air gas banyak sangat.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I may be the last one to wish you.
But Happy birthday Nor Khairiah! 18 at last. stay happy happy happy. i cant seem to upload any pictures on blogger. pfffft. First two days of raya was a BLAST. as usual lah kann. dengan sedara mara pakcik makciks yg gereks gereks. the weird thing is. i didnt drop a single tear during the "maaf zahir dan batin" session with my parents but i cried like a baby when i did it with my aunties and uncles. hmmm.weird weird. this weird anger inside. oh yar. malam raya was superb. believe it or not. i got to spend my malam raya with love. do what? do good things. GOOD things okayy. help my mum send kuih and run errands aint that great. run errands with love. huahuahuaaa. memorable malam raya ever. would love to do it again mr driver. and thanks for saving my ass again and again. alot of people have been visiting my house. kids.lots of kids.LOTS OF UNKNOWN KIDS. But i have yet to jalan raya like i always did in previous years. maybe because im getting old. duit raya pon dah susah dapat. pppftt. will post pictures soon. Oh and girls these days arrr... baju raya. mak dikauuuuuu. jarang sana sini. terbukak sana sini. eh please lah korang. hari hari yang mulia ni.. sopan lah sikit kalau berbaju raya tu. dah lah tak puasa tak malu,nak raya. goblok sungguh. minal aidil wal faizin.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
was too too too busy that i couldnt update really much. So, on the 9th of Oct. Let me say. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SYG OVER HERE. 18 already. Nur Helviana Binte Mohamed. you know i love you larling. aint she just adorabbbbleeee? and also dear-friend-since-primary-one-till-sec-school-till now. Happy 18th Birthday. Many many many many many lovesss. to Syafiqah Adella Binte Buang.
Monday, October 8, 2007
i miss my SG friends. my Indon friends. and of course to farid amalina syam. you guys too. i wonder if Ora finished his University already. and i wonder if Ahmad the good-looking Indon is still alive. (:
Friday, October 5, 2007
Excuse me,Can i have *my milkshakes bring all the boys in the yard* *shake shake shake shake* imagine you going up to a McCafe counter and when the guy asked you "can i have your order miss" you answer that exact way, shaking you body. my god. LOL.diy and her nonsense. OKAY.LOL is a dirrrty word. THE MARSILIANS. 12 years of friendship. (from left: syafiqah,tiq,azirah,daeng,sofyan) too bad the others couldnt join us. from top left:Daeng,*aku sumpah tak tahu siapa dekni*,tiq,zirah,Wak,fiq. from this. smile ya'll! peace. ramadhan rocks.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
FIRE ! FIRE! Not. I thought there was fire. Since two fire engines were parked at my block's carpark. Some said someone is trying to commit suicide. Some said there's some resident throwing things from the top floor. But lookis like nothing is serious. So the abang abangs firemens buang masa je. And they sempat lambai-lambai to the public when they were about to go off. Like as if they saved someone gitu. Seeping hot hot delicious teh tarik at Geylang. Talked about everything under the sun. No,moon. And that makes me appreciate these both aunties. I can depend on them and i know i can get wise advices from them. I am starting to miss these 3 dudes of mine. Have been there for me. I wonder if i've ever been there for them. Because I am always caught up with my own issues. Gosh.Fahmi. I pray for the best. Why must all this shit happen now kan mi. Stay strong. And i am looking foward to meet this petite pervert with the mad hair, this crazy schoolmate-cousin and my all time bestfriend. So that i can have my laughs again. KAY DAH. AKU NAK PERGI HEADBANG TO IRON MAIDEN. HEADBANGGGGGGG BANYAK BANYAKKKKK SAMPAI AKU LUPA SEMUA PROBLEM. IM GETTING MY GUITAR OUT OF THE STORE AND AKU NAK STEP TENGAH ROCK DEPAN CERMIN. AKU NAK BUKAK KIPAS KUAT KUAT BIAR STEPPING MACAM DEKAT ROCK CONCERT. SIAPA NAK IKOT AKU ROCK. DO THE SAME. SIAPA TAKNAK. KORANG PERGI RILEK ONE CORNER SUAH. And yet again Hilmi. Its the same problem. Yet again. Yes, you got yourself an immature gf. Wallahi Billahi Tallahi. I am trying. But it seems nothing is working out. shortcuts. |