Guess what?
I was at home talking cock with Fahmi who came over to talk cock with me.
and there i was so happy happy like one happy goober.
gembira gembira..
sekali i receive sms from Miss Khairiah.
at 2.30pm;
Khai: Eh tiq,your class now at which level ah?
Tiq: Err. nari dah start skolah eh? aku tak tahu seyy.
Khai: eh haha! kau masih raya per?
Tiq: alah.kau ni dah tahu aku selenger, bukan nak bilang aku dah start skolah.
Khai: Oh,aku tak tahu kau tak tahu.
Tiq: oh okay lah. aku just go for the 6pm class. i skip the 3pm class.
and that was at 2.30 pm.
and my class starts at 3pm.
Bodoh kan aku..
kecik2 tknak mampus.
dah besar menyusahkan kawan
So i was all.
Tiq: Damn, Mi..aku kene gi skolah lah seyy.
Fahmi: Mak kau. kau sekolah pon tk tahu bile start. bagus bagus. slack habis.
Tiq: *makes a face*
lepas tu bukan nak cepat cepat siap.
aku leh hegeh hegeh..pilih baju ape nak pakai.
mampos. rosak betul budak atiqah ni.
tk kesah pasal skolah langsung.
asik tk update je.
macam dah expired blog ni.
Selamat hari raya!
eh belum habis raya tau!
girls from woodlandssec, i am still waiting for my jalan jalan.
Mimin,sorry couldnt go for your open house.
and Temasek-ians,its 4th NOV okay!
and ex-Marsilians..its 3RD NOV.
kurang satu orang.
aku pelangkong korang.
i got it from my mama!