People are strange, Turn back the clock baby.
3D is fun lahhhhh.
I can create my own rooms.The first one's not nice.
Well,it was my first try. But i like my kitchen.
Considering it's done within a day, i think my kitchen looks pretty acceptable.

My neighbour is getting married this weekend, this means, i have a new friend.Haha. I am soo excited to meet the girl.
I am so happy for my neighbour, since he had arranged marriages before this,
and sadly, both didn't work out.
He totally deserves a nice good girl who appreciates him.
Alhamdulillah, he found one.
and InsyaAllah, may everything go as planned this Sunday.
Currently,I am so so busy with school that i don't even have proper meals.
Yar,Hilmi would like that lah. So i can slim down lah kann.
There was once I had only a currypuff the whole day.
Heh.Slim down? yar right.
I eat more when I'm stressed.
Paramore's coming to Singapore.
Diy. Save up.
Khai,save up.
We're sooo going to Paramore's concert.
misery business.