i miss being 17.
thanks for all the wishes,sms,friendster msgs, calls, from all my friends and loved ones. I appreciate it. :D
and so,I had a special delivery straight to my door of a yummy Swensen's ice cream cake, by Mr Hilmi himself.Of course,I didn't want to eat it since its so pretty,but i ate
it anyway.It was actually a pleasant surprise.
*stands up and applause applause.*
and so, my birthday went very boring actually, i stayed half of the day at home, finishing up drawings due at 9am later,and fyi,i still can't continue. No mood. The "time" is not here yet. SPIRIT MESTI ADE DOK.(*INSIDE JOKE.)ahahaha. so,met up with my gilaaaaaaaaaa cousins, after so long. And sadly, Mamat no longer holds his big big BIG BIG hair. I like his old hair. Anyway,we shee-shaaaaaa-ed. talked cock. gossips. me and imah listened to the guys' dirrty talks. Take take picture,and thats it.Im off. Reached home at 12 plus. Simple meeting, yet i am happy. Since love is too busy at the moment, well, this last minute meeting made my day eventually.


i think Shakir's fingers(middle) are fat and weird.
and and and....
May you both celebrate more birthdays to come and May Allah bless you always.
P.S: I love both your hair.
Yes Hayry, i won't get confused between you and Remy lahh. Remember its Atiqah with a Q.QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ okay. :D