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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
My hands doesn't fit yours,
neither does my head rests on your shoulders perfectly. But you're still the one. sincerety.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
- E K L A V Y A - ![]() ![]() In fact, Eklavya only had one song throughout the whole movie. It is so cool how the hero's(Saif Ali) father(Amitabh Bachan) had this unbelievable ability to aim something and shoot it perfectly even though it is in the dark and he is already getting blind. Well,watch it if you want,I hope you wont get disappointed, I really liked it.
and after 8 months, i cried myself to sleep. I felt damn tired.
like it.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
And so, the O level results was out. And Afham was like.. "girl!!! Aku passss!!!" ahhaa. excited lah dia. All the best to getting into NAFA, you will get it. (: Afham Afham.The inspiring photographer. Faridah passed as well, And I am excited for her, after 3 tries (i think) Alhamdulillah. See, perseverence is all you need. Mas wanted to change school from RP to TP, YES! she's coming to my course. And i hope she gets it. Oh gosh. Attachment is coming REAL soon.As I cant go to Jeddah( thanks to daddy,oh well,next time maybe.) , I have to go to some companies in Singapore. And guess what, my lecturer gave me DPDesign. Some branch under DPArchitects lahhh. DPArchitects is a super big company, famous for their works such as Esplanade and all. And me,this tiny winy intern is going there to have my attachment.Oh gosh. I hope I can survive there. Eh wait! Aku ni nak banyak songel.Interview pon belum pergi. What makes me think they want me? ahahaha. entah-entah tak dapat. pppppfft. See ya'll. the trooper.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
![]() ![]() For those of you who haven't got the time to read this fabolous novel by Cecilia Ahern, you have just got to watch this movie. I knew it was going to be a tear jerker and guess what, P.S;I love you is the awesomest tear jerker I have seen in years.Though I think the book is better, but this movie is really really good to start with.Hey,i drenched my pillow.So, just grab yourself the DVD if its out(im not sure about this.) If not you can just go to www.watch-movies.net and just type the title and voila! You got yourself a free movie.(but,the quality isn't that good.) I know my girlfriends won't be disappointed. Its good to get all mushy sometimes, girls. Erm, don't watch with a guy if you worry he will get disgusted with melted mascara all over your cheeks. But i don't care,really.I would have watched this with Hilmi but someone's over at some deserted camp "serving" the nation.I pathetically cried throughout the movie. It was so(very very,okay) touching.10 letters from the dead husband.I have said this before in my previous "P.S I love you" post and I am going to say it again.It makes me wonder if these romantic guys really exists. Okay I love this movie, I love this book.Now,i should stop getting distracted and start autoCad-ing my freaking chalet design.TSK.Architecture softwares and schoolwork always spoils my mood. Goodnight homosapians.(i learnt this word from Diy's blog). valerie.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
![]() i am... PRETTIER THAN ZAC EFRON. heeeeeeee. i think the "i am" TP open house T the ambassadors got is kinda cool. we were supposed to write anything we want under the "i am". well,all i could think of is the above. =)
oh. i love Syaiful Hilmi laaaahhhhh! vera weng.
It has always been nice to meet up with these two favourite people of mine. okay got to rush to the polyclinic.I reaaaally hope Afiq's gonna be a good brother and follow me there.Or I would faint in the middle of the road and no one's there. Oh yar, i need to meet my girls. Theres so much to tell them! coffee talks.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Today marks the most embarassing moment of my life in TP.Hell, its the most embarassing moment in my entire life.
Mari aku ceritakan. Me,Afini,Khai and Sya was walking back from ITAS after our lunch to go back to our design school.And as some of you know, today is TP's open house and the school is freaking crowded.So being the typical me, i got high after taking some stick-on butterflies on the walls of IT school. laugh laugh laugh when suddenly.. Afini: Eh Atiqah,kawan kau,si syafiq.*pointing to a guy with big curly hair and specs and a navy green jacket* Atiqah: *was laughing* Oh yar. and i went behind that guy and tapped his bag.So hard that he turned.and OMG.i got the WRONG PERSON.i was lucky he just turned and ignored me.What if he asked if he knows me or anything when i dont even know him.Poor guy, must be irritated i disturbed him watching some TP performance.I swear my face turned red for the first time.And of course, my girlfriends helped me,by laughing their ass off.What a terrible embarrasment. okay pictures of Mr the Hulk.(because he was wearing green and because the paramedics tore his pants) :D yey will be meeting him tommorrow! wah lao.im so stressed im gonna vent all my anger on someone.its gonna be you dude. till we dressed like them for the dress-like-your-fav-hollywood-artist night during yasmin's school event at home club.Its a school event,so dont go around hating me or what. ![]() when i was a little skinnier and looked more like twinny. ![]() when i was still a little bit naive. ![]() when we still find cabs an interesting place to take pictures in. ![]() when i think i really look good compared to the fatfat me now. ![]() when all of us started appreciating Indie and rock n roll. ![]() when we had tons of fun that very night. ![]() when reggy thought she was a gangster. ![]() when i was feeling rocker-ish and twinny wants to be a pocong. ![]() when i still feel rocker-ish and everything rocker-ish-ish. ![]() come down to TP DESIGN school. I will be the Interior design ambassador tommorrow afternoon. WAAHHH. BIG DEAL KAPE. hahaha. NOT.Oh and Jin told me my project is being published as the IAD brochure.wah,my work made it to a brochure.WAAAHHH.BIG DEAL KAPE.NOT. building up.
Friday, January 4, 2008
to all my IAD schoolmates, if you're still struggling with your portfolios for the upcoming internship(woohhooo!),press on people! if it sucks now, i am now at Jupiter Cafe and i am realllly hungry. Khai have been sitting here with me,waiting for our food for nearly an hour.Do you goddamn geddit? ONE FREAKINKINKY hour.and its still not here yet. I saw Sheikh Haikel nearby just now, i think he did some performance. And a few other "stars" that i dont really know. Well, the thing is, the "stars" were drinking. Yes,in this hot hot baby afternoon,they were drinking. Pfft.Okay, so its a norm to see malays drinking nowadays, but hello, you're in Temasek Poly, in front of decent nerdy students who will be gagging at the sight of you gulping down that alcohol. well,i hope, things change. Or maybe, its true that the world is going to end. Just found out Fahmi will be discharged today,Maybe i should drop by his house today.Heh.That gundu, don't know how he met with such an accident. i was worried when i first found out.I got this panic attack.Ahaha But he's okay now. Hey cuz,we're going to hang out again soon alright. Get well fast fast fast! then we can go sheeeeeeeeshaaaaaaa as planned. wooo! and yesterday night bumped into Shakir and Izzat,in the same bus. And i miss Izzat.And i was like ."I MISS U LEHHHH!!!" He laughed.Ahaha. Yes Izzat, its been long this small cousin of yours met you. So that explains it. There's alot of people Im missing actually. My sayang naddy,diy,mimin. yada yada yada. Seriously, I got no one else to blame to be in this situation. ALWAYS ALWAYS busy. what to do,thats life.and i bet its gonna be this way till i start working. sometimes,i just want to stop working and enjoy the whole day rotting. I wonder if other people work this hard as well. Or maybe, Im just being the normal paranoid Atiqah, that works so so hard to produce little little work.DUH.its maximum input and close-to-nothing output. oh well, we will see. like i said. TIME MANAGEMENT. it was 1pm.and MY FOOD IS NOT HERE YET. ITSSSSS 2PM ALREADY. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. very huggable.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
just when im semangat kegila-toot-an to do my portfolio. my computer have to *toot up. the *toot-ing computer says the *toot-ing RAM is full. n the realli *TOOT-MANY-MANY-TOOT-ING lappy says my C drive is full when i mother *toot-ing deleted almost every single software i have installed. *toot toot toot.argh *TOOOOOOOOOOOT laaaaaa. how the *toot am i going to finish my portfolio. this is going nowhereeeeee. *TOOOOOOOOOOOOT* and some bugger just have to take my living room fan and bring it inside their room because they are mother*toot-ing hot since the weather is sooooo humid and i have to stand this mother*toot-ing heat all by myself,alone in this living room with some mother *toot-ing toot toot toooooooot unwanted visitors.and there the other buggers are, sleeping happily inside with fans on their faces. CB. kan aku dah geram. im off. FARK LAH. bagero pantat bachin telur penyu basi. on another totally *toot-ing different note, Fahmi get well soon cuz. have aspeedy recovery from the op. and i miss my twin.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Time for a new year resolution.
Yar.Pfft.Right. I should just copy paste my last year's new year resolution. What's the big deal? i didn't complete anyone of them anyway. But one thing for sure. I so have to improve on my time management. Time management! Time management! (copy,paste)(copy,paste). Time management has been giving me a hell alot of problems this year. Oh yar,and to always be a better person everyday.(what?everyone uses this phrase for their resolution everytime) And. I wished motorcycles are never invented. Get well soon Fahmi. Keep praying,InsyaAllah. ![]() *Through thick and thin,hun.* my matabag is bad.