And so, the O level results was out. And Afham was like.. "girl!!! Aku passss!!!" ahhaa. excited lah dia. All the best to getting into NAFA, you will get it. (: Afham Afham.The inspiring photographer.
Faridah passed as well, And I am excited for her, after 3 tries (i think) Alhamdulillah. See, perseverence is all you need.
Mas wanted to change school from RP to TP, YES! she's coming to my course. And i hope she gets it.
Oh gosh. Attachment is coming REAL soon.As I cant go to Jeddah( thanks to daddy,oh well,next time maybe.) , I have to go to some companies in Singapore. And guess what, my lecturer gave me DPDesign. Some branch under DPArchitects lahhh. DPArchitects is a super big company, famous for their works such as Esplanade and all. And me,this tiny winy intern is going there to have my attachment.Oh gosh. I hope I can survive there.
Eh wait! Aku ni nak banyak songel.Interview pon belum pergi. What makes me think they want me? ahahaha. entah-entah tak dapat. pppppfft.
See ya'll.
the trooper.