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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Monday, February 4, 2008
Goodbye, January. Well,goodbye to January. I've had it with you. I didn't like you very much. I have had it with you too. Absolutely had it. ![]() Friggin' tired of every single thing. Of school. Of home.Of this friggin' home. Yes,typical teenager right? Well,I don't care what you think. My family is different from yours. My family is not as together or as happy as yours. And its sucky. BOSAN BOSAN BOSAN.FAHAM TAK BOSANNNNNNN, B TO THE O TO THE SAN. BO.SAN. BOSAN.! I just wish she would just shut the F up right now. I am going bonkers. ARGH. Anyway. It's Monday. And later tonight you will find me here, thrilling you with the soundtrack to my week. Tomorrow, you will find me here, blogging aimlessly. That's assuming that the weather, long bus rides and last minute meetups with my girls don't conspire to spoil my weekend. This includes, a smidgen of eating out, and a lot of GIRLIE GOSSIPING. No thinking about work. On the gossip front, i'm hoping i can meet my girls real soon again. I gave the internship company a call just now and all I get are "im sorry i havent had the time to read your resume yet" a and big slamdown of the phone. People can be so rude at times when they think they are some big shots or something. I am NOT looking forward to working in that company now.And ,its sucky. And you tend to forget someone when you are having fun or enjoying yourself. It was totally unintentional. I didn't realise till it was slapped straight to my face. I forgot my friend. When i was hip-hip-hooraying with the others. How selfish can I be.I forgot my own friend. Im so sorry.And its sucky. And im sick of doing primary school maths.The reason being is because I cant do them. yes. i cant even do a primary 4 question. PRIMARY 4.Can you believe that. And guess what my brother said. "Kau masuk poly pon tak guna seh." Wahh, best kan kan kan kan kan. Tapi ada betul jugak apa adik aku cakap. Im so stupid that I cant even do a simple maths questions. And again, its sucky.But im somehow angry that he didnt even appreciate me trying to do the question.If im so stupid, why didnt he just ask his other BRILLIANT brother. why ask me. Kan? yes, Its sucky. And since interview is drawing near, I had to buy formalwear and I can just afford a normal black top from G2000,that also its because it was on sale and i and Khai bought the same thing so we got it cheaper. I feel so CHEAPPPPP sometimes. That put aside, I SPENT HUNDREDS on my projects. I tell you, without these projects, I am one RICH BITCH. and its sucky. And i dont know why i keep getting irritated so easily these few days. Maybe period's coming. AND ITS SUCKY. Oh well, Nadiah, IT SUCKS TO BE ME.im not joking. haha. i can't believe im laughing. I'll be back. Hopefully in a better humour. |