Of course, tak akan kering gusi kalau keluar dengan ini anak anak. we sang loudly in the streets of Orchard, we beat and pinch the hell out of each other, we made fun of each other, kutuk kuruk orang sama-sama. AHH. I JUST LOVE IT when im with them. More more please babes. Oh yar, Valentines, its gonna be a triple date. Diy.Min.Tiq.AGAIN.
*U single?I single!!!*

and i got my NANATHAI.

No comments on my face lah.

And of course, not forgetting the cari-astranaut-dekat-$2 joke. Saw Alyph and suddenly teringat the joke he gave me so I gave Min, and she cant guess it. Bende merepek pon boleh jadi bahan ketawa.

nothing will come close to being enough.