D r e a m i n g O u t L o u d .
My Saturday was spent wasting time at Tellytubby Land together with my lovelies, Diy and Mimin. It's been long since we've been there and guess what, terjumpa pulak dengan mamat longkang ni. Yang sedang bergambar menyangkung dalam longkang. Betul tak bedek. And so Dyn joined us for a while and started his crap(as usual). Laugh laugh, kutuk kutuk and he went off. 
And we girls continued our day. After watching Diy's cousin karaokeing at woodlands CC, we went to slack over at Diy's. Dah lama lah kan tak pergi rumah Diy.*Only me and Yasmin knows what happens* when Diy's bro and his friend came back. Moon joined us soonafter. All of us chilled together and watched Suster Ngesot Gentayangan on sensasi, which is, I TELL YOU, USELESS. and LAME and a total cheapskate movie. All of us were laughing our ass off and each of us kutuk kutuk the movie lah. Fun people, I would say.

My nose looks more penyek than it already is in this picture. Dan aku telah di mama-fied. Gelap segelap gelapnya. Haaaaa. Nevermind lah, Holi's coming anyway. Kene lah tu.Aku tinggal pakai sari jer.
stokin bola lahhh!!!