"Hello Cik Wati..!!!! Happy Birthday Cik Wati....Dah berapa umurnyaa?"
"Thank you! Oh...saya baru umur 17 tahunn.."
"Oh iyerkee...Cik Wati dah besar nak jadi ape eh..?"
"Hahaaaaa! Saya nak jadi ni lah..nurse.."
Nurse kaper...17 tahun kaperr... Haha. Selamat Hari Lahir Makcik kesayangan dunia akhiratku.
Sesungguhnya..I felt like wearing my secondary 3 school shoe..so that explains my white flats. And Afini happen to be wearing black ones. And both of us were wearing white scarfs. And we had this same colour combination of blacks and whites and light blues. Heee.What a coincidence.
very huggable.