Azam: You working seoul Garden for 3 years!! How come I never once bumped into you? Im working at Ninewest Takasyimaya also.
Me: Tu lah, its always like that.
Azam: Can get discount or not? The ayam..very happening ah.
Ayam...happening. Haaahaaa.
We talked about alot of things, from school to work to attachment to his girlfriend to fat girls to skinny girls till we both felt really tired since I haven't get much sleep, he haven't been sleeping for 3 days. He was too tired that his head jerked a few times while he's asleep. One funny moment was, he suddenly jerked so hard that his handphone fell to the floor. Reason being, dia terkejut sebab handphone dia vibrated. It was so shocking and super funny because he woke up super duper blurr and all. Then we laughed like gila. Gosh, imagine all those people staring at him!
Someone will not hurt their partners if they love them so if they ever did start hurting them, obviously the love isn't there anymore. I really hate guys who takes advantage of girls whom in the first place treats them well. *yes, im looking at you. But your identity shall be kept secret because I'm a good friend. :) And I think people should want to help themselves first, before others can help them.Oh well,girl, we're here to help always. And I tell you, I wont hesitate to dial 999 if he does anything to you again.