I am so Narnia-ed.
All the movies i watched, have hot casts in them. In this case King Edmund and Peter from Narnia. GAAARRRRRRH. Especially Edmund, he has grown compared to the first Narnia, and he is so hot nowwwww. I dont really find Prince Caspian hot like most girls do. Oh well, Narnia-ed with these two favourite girls of mine. And of course, stupid pictures time.

We tried to be those Minah Indons.

And Minah Hip Hop.

And I have been busy with my Year 3 project that I am always needed at Orchard. Yeah man. So anything nak jumpa kat Orchard, calling calling lah ehh.And these are my groupmates. And I like working with them. :) Still no signs of freeriders and all.

And of course, crapping and spending time with the one and only. Suke kaperrr camwhored kat McDonalds.:P