Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Monday, September 29, 2008
Habibi dah!!!!
Work had been okay.Saw a few familiar faces. And i saw Hazwannn!!! yeeeez. Shaznee shah if you are reading this, I SAW YOU TOO at my bustop. RAMBUTMU SUNGGUH LAH MAT ROCKER ROCKER...ahaha. bagus bagus bagus.! wan: Eh tiqah..kau this year baju raya design sendiri lagi per. Later we go jalan raya kay kay kay!!!! It has been a hectic week.
Before get too too busy, I want to wish... Salam syawal to all Muslims in the world!!! Maaf zahir dan batin to those Ive wronged. NARE NARE!! HABIBI DAH! =)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Late Nights and Pineapple Tarts
Oh honey honey, thank you for the wonderful wonderful 16th. I have the most loyal Ramadhan driver ever. We appreciate your help alot. Thank you thank you thank you. =)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Space and time.
The leaves are beginning to turn,and it's dark by 8 o'clock. Syawal will be meeting us Muslims soon and I can say, I am rather excited for it. That also means that the festive business in my house has aready begun. Painting the walls a warm cream and putting on blinking hari raya lights is already making my house way way better than it normally looks. In other news, I have a long break for.Four days off. Four days of not facing Geylang customers who really doesn't know when to stop shopping. And while I am trying to enjoy my four consecutive off days, I had to prepare home sweet home for Syawal. Other plans? Socialising-out of question. Oh yar, have to go around sending house deliveries for my mum's kuihs. Sorry friends, this Ramadhan, Atiqah is super busy. Till then, my dear dear sentiasa-disayang-dan-dirindui friends (you girls know who you are), I will see you during our Hari Raya outings. :) GOOD NEWS: HELVIANA SMS-ED ME AND SAID SHE MISSED ME. WEEE! :) P.S: I HATE DPDESIGN. I HATE DPDESIGN. AND DIY HATES DPDESIGN. !!%#$@#))*&@~!!!! DP!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The last flaunt.
The day we wore the same colour. And the day my lenger-ness was proven. tiq: Look! Tengok bi! semut dia giler. gigit daun (did the zig zag actions with my head) bf: Huh.! Semut!! Ulat lah. semut mana ade makan daun. (not the exact convo la, smtg like dat.Still, slenger kan aku,.) and this is my customer's sons. HANDSOME KAN YANG TENGAH TUUU. I even told his father to call me when he turned 18. teeeheeeheeee. Takleh angkz. and the day bf got sooooo mad at me because Im still outside at nearly 2.15am. Alone. stranded. Atiqah, jangan buat lagiiiiiii. i wanted to post something on your birthday. But i guess, i managed to come up with a small gift and card. But, you're 25 now. 2010 okayy! P.S: thisisthelastone.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Chipmunk Attack.
With my new friend Fauziah around, nothing is boring anymore. Plus, my two adik adik jantanss will always sebok2. Yes Fariq , Kadeem, I'm talking about you two. That Fariq keep saying my eyes are like chipmunks'. Crazy, they haven't seen Naddy. Work is kind of a breeze nowadays. Semangat hari raya pon dah terasa. One thing I dont really like is. I'm starting to get to know of all the politics. Oh well, which company doesnt have any right? But yes, this sayang over here is very gerek. Kaki mengutuk, mengumpat, berbual mepek. :P
Friday, September 12, 2008
The light that burned the brightest doesn't last.
Movie day in class. Blade Runner was surprisingly good. Because of it, I have an idea about postmodernism. I don't even know where to start for my essay! Gosh! I wanna be faithful but I can't keep my hands of the cookie jar. So so so true for casanovas.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Closer to God.
Did Terawih with love and I stil want to do it again. Working 5 days per week, with those endless number of people shopping in Geylang doesn't make my work any easier. Teens all around would be shouting TGIF! while I will fret Fridays and weekends because it just means I have to workworkwork, to serve those who doesn't haven anything else to do but shop in Geylang Serai. I wonder, if Malay Singaporeans would start a riot with the government if one they the government decided to stop doing bazaar during Ramadhan. But to think of it again, we need the bazaar. If not, tak meriah lahh. So back to the Terawih sessions. I had only been to An-Nur, like every year.It is okay but I will be too busy wiping sweat and dust sticking to my face after my sujuds as the mosque will be so so packed. And since it is an old mosque, and not yet renovated, that explains why multiple fans are not enough to serve the people. The thing is that performing Terawih in masjids together with the other Muslims gives a different feeling inside,although I can do it at home with grandaddy with the comfort of my personal fan. Maybe it's just the serenity the mosque evokes. Or that captivating voice of the Imam, reciting every verse of the Al-Quran so perfectly that sent shivers in a good way, or maybe it's just knowing that I am one of the Muslims, praying together as one religion. In other words, it makes me closer to God. So Naddy my Terawih partner, I will see you tonight okay. =) picture credits to Faddy.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Age is nothing but a number.
I definitely agree.
It is weird when you have someone your age salam-ing you and kissing your hand. I just find it so funny. But to those girls, I am so so sorry I pulled away. I know it is kind of rude to pull away. But it made me uncomfortable. And surprised at the same time. And really. Funny. Bf, thanks for laughing at me when that happens. +) Really bf! Whenever i stand beside you. I suddenly turn into a 23-year old Atiqah. Pffft.
Life is not the number of breaths you take.
Life is the moments that takes your breath away. and you, have done so in million little ways. Thank you. I love you.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Firstly, thanks Fahmi, I appreciate it . ;)
And I miss my cousins. I can't wait for our buka session together. Plus the younger generation sedaras. OH IT IS SO going to be awesome. Oh and my Anglia boss had alot to say about my performance. :/ Nasib muka dia seakan akan Taufik Batisah. SMILE! =D
Friday, September 5, 2008
With you, I began to love life.
My atuk is so very cute and funny. One way or another, he will find something to attract our attention. But it's a good thing, since no one really pays full attention to him at home. he deserves to be entertained somehow. His health have been not so good recently, so, fellow friends, pray for my atuk okay. His breathing problems have been occuring more than ever due to his smoking habit. That also, he have kicked a long time ago. One thing I learnt, DO NOT SMOKE. :)
As usual, headed to mum's gerai at bazaar after work because I had to bring this kecik home. Sya said she is a little miniature of me. But I totally disagree, because she looks way different and better than me. My mum always tells her that her real mum is actually a cina aunty because she used to be so fair. But she turned dark due to all the soccer and netball. Now, sama colour lah. heh. Oh, I have only done terawih once. Got another chance but blew it cuz of a baby. And i still want to go. The problem with me is, I need company in almost everything I do. Anyone wants to be my terawih partner? Diy? ahahaha. cakap je. Bila mau pergi? Erm, naddy? Min? Pffft. Maybe, like at work, I should just start making friends with makcik masjid now. on a brighter side; may be meeting Fahmi after work. YEY! At least it gives me the drive to work and end asap. To you, Mr-missed-like-crazy, I realise we dont take anymore photos together. Dah boring. Sebab nak post gambar takde gambar baru. Pffft.
POSTMODERNISM. Tell me. Who in the world, ESPECIALLY ME, cares about postmodernism? I Really dont. HAISHH YO.MANYAK LECEH NOH. Sometimes the simplest modules are the leceh-est.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Ya Rasulullah Salamun Alaik.
I have been listening to selawat and zikir on loop at FESA, that i got addicted to it. Really. All of them are so so nice. If ya'll want to buy, the CD is called "Nur Muhammad Selawat and Zikir" by TAUFIK SYAHNIAR AND TAUFIK BANAZIR. Must be these 2 person okay. :) She is such a pretty little lady. And I realised now, that I love her like crazy. Seriously, I didnt know I would get this crazy over my anak sedara. Farisha Adilla. You know, I even went home straight from work just to be able to meet her. All I did when I get home was to put this pillow on my legs and lay her on top, and just stare at her till she closes her eyes. And opens them, and closes them again. KAY I REALLY LOVE HER.
and thank you love, for helping me and Diy at DP the other day. So thoughtful of you.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sesuci Ramadhan
I have been working for 3 days straight at Joo Chiat, and I admit, it is really tiring, attending to customers and all.Although its not as tough as Seoul Garden, I lost alot of energy that at the end of the day, Im left with tiny winy energy, just enough for me to walk and head home. OH YES. Girls, be very very careful of abanga abang indons yang jual baju kurung okay! :) Ramadhan=Geylang-----> WRONG Choice. I can't even walk pass freely, and it's not even Ramadhan yet. But that didn't stop me from roaming around there to meet mum after work. And I was happy to meet my long-lost aunty. I was so lethargic, I fell asleep in the cab on the way home. And the sister just had to take a picture of me. Lawa la tu, mulut ternganga. Last but not least, of course, selamat berpuasa, muslimin dan muslimat sekalian. :) Selamat mensucikan diri. Bersihkan hati. That's actually a reminder to myself. Bulan yang baik ni, beribadahlah dengan sesungguhnya. Like one of MY ustaz say(okaylah, his ustaz told him,so he told me), :P, This one month, berkerje keras and at the end, we will get a bonus of 12 months. Untunggg kannnn. InsyaAllah. We will go through this month, and make full use of it. |