With you, I began to love life.
My atuk is so very cute and funny. One way or another, he will find something to attract our attention. But it's a good thing, since no one really pays full attention to him at home. he deserves to be entertained somehow. His health have been not so good recently, so, fellow friends, pray for my atuk okay. His breathing problems have been occuring more than ever due to his smoking habit. That also, he have kicked a long time ago.
One thing I learnt, DO NOT SMOKE. :)

As usual, headed to mum's gerai at bazaar after work because I had to bring this kecik home. Sya said she is a little miniature of me. But I totally disagree, because she looks way different and better than me. My mum always tells her that her real mum is actually a cina aunty because she used to be so fair. But she turned dark due to all the soccer and netball. Now, sama colour lah. heh.
Oh, I have only done terawih once. Got another chance but blew it cuz of a baby. And i still want to go. The problem with me is, I need company in almost everything I do. Anyone wants to be my terawih partner? Diy? ahahaha. cakap je. Bila mau pergi? Erm, naddy? Min? Pffft. Maybe, like at work, I should just start making friends with makcik masjid now.
on a brighter side; may be meeting Fahmi after work. YEY! At least it gives me the drive to work and end asap.
To you, Mr-missed-like-crazy, I realise we dont take anymore photos together. Dah boring. Sebab nak post gambar takde gambar baru. Pffft.