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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Also, I want to go JB and have a movie marathon.
Any followers? SYG,your day will be reserved,of course. And Khai, I just found out. NAK PERGI BATAM DAMN CHEAPPP LAAAAA. JOM! makan.
I managed to squeeze an entry despite my never-ending busy-ness. Dip Show is finally over. and I should say, Im delightful that some of my friends could make it. I'm honoured that my parents ,naddy and hil could make it on the first day. I mean, what are the 4 months of not-enough-sleep, unbalanced diet, uncontrollable pimples, multiplying eyebags are for,if in the end, im the only one who appreciates my work? Well, at least, dear friends and family were there to celebrate with me. Thanks, especially those who made an effort to come down, all the way to Temasek Poly,even though its an ulu place,and as you all know, all my friends are the Woodlanders. I'm satisfied, although, job-hunting has never been this difficult. But Im happy. The most important day of my life after all the 3 years of hard work, witnessed by the four most important people in my life. Pictures will be up soon. Ni lah masalah nye,kalau takde camera. Which reminds me, special THANKS TO MINHAJ NISA, for lending me your camera.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
spin my head.
1) As said, my Design Show will be from 27th-31st March. Of course, the 27th, being the opening night, it is based on invites only. And sadly, Im only allowed to invite my parents and 2 other friend & lucky naddy and hilmi got selected. My other friends, please please please do come down on the other days if you're free, bored, duduk-rumah-tak-buat-pape-setakat-besarkan-bontot-jer. & dont forget to text me! :)
2) 'Coming Soon' is a must watch. 3) I realised I think alot if I looked out a window in bus. Things only I know. & things, I will not tell any other.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Aching fingers and glue stains.
Firstly, WATCHMEN SUCKS. I don't know about other people. But me and Iema was almost dozzing off quarter through the movie. Lucky for us, we paid em' in ringgit. And you all know, its cheap cheap cheap in JB. Still, dont watch watchmen. Seriously,people behind that movie, where's all the action?! ![]() Secondly. I finished my archi you-better-redo-or-you-will-suck-at-design-show model in 1 1/2 days. Do you believe it??? In ONE AND A HALF days. I finished my model. Well,of course, i was helped by the stageman(*inside joke) and accompanied by GOSSIP GIRL. As reccomended by Khai.
THIS: GOSSIP GIRL THING. Watch it, if you haven't. I just love all the scandalous teenage romance, bitchy backstabbers and whatsnots. Plus, the guys are efiing hot. Tak bedek. So,I finised 2 series of 18 episodes each of GG in 1 1/2 days. Pretty hectic entertainment,eh? & it's been long since I've mentioned this but. I MISS SYAIFUL HILMI. Weeee.
Monday, March 16, 2009
but first, going to JB with Iema. Sungguhku mahu movie marathon. hahaha. so much for the kecoh-ness tiq.
Friday, March 13, 2009
I can't sleep because I have a really bad stomachache.
One that won't allow you to sleep, but makes you suffer endlessly awake. One that makes you go to the toilet, but comes out disappointed because nothing comes out to the shithole. One that makes you think,okay,so maybe,i didn't want to berak afterall. One that makes you think of the 10,000 red army men coming soon to haunt. One that makes me stay up and type nonsense like all the above. Heh. Yesyes. I am excited because on the 28th, it's gonna be 4C's reunion gathering! Definitely.Wooooooooo. It's been long since I saw them laydehs and fellas. && i just remembered I have to send my drawing file to my e-mail. So I can open it when I reach school. Because I have to re-do my Final Year Project model for my Design Show (sucky enough?). & also because, I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE HELL IS MY THUMBDRIVE. my cute little dark blue thumbdrive. with "IQAH" cutely written on it. by my sayang. & to think, he bought that for me. whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. careless,careless me. kay, nak try go berak again. or maybe, im just going to wash my face. brush my teeths. and try to sleep for the 856638882634th time tonight. good morning, world.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
for you girls okay, go go go grab your photos. naddy, the karaoke photos are up too.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
1,2,3, smile!
I shall not talk about the studio shoot I had.
Because. heh. Just because. But group shoot at the triangular garden with my girls was AWESOME. You girls somehow made up for the suckiness I experienced. I feel like having Cadbury hot chocolate me and Khai bought during FYP.
Monday, March 9, 2009
eclipse and rokok gulung.
![]() i had the time of my life. on a sunday night. it's always the most fun. the most enjoyable. the sweetest. in the sea of banglas. hahahaha.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
i got my angel now.
everywhere i'm looking now.
i am surrounded by your embrace. you're everything i need and more. i need to stop spurting green peas. im sorry. i miss you. i love you.
Friday, March 6, 2009
on bended knees.
&it's the third entry for the day.
i want to get surprises sometimes. too much to ask for, tiq. heh.
hot and cold.
i need to design a new namecard for myself.
i need to have an A3 portfolio for design show. i need to kick ass on design show. i need to do online stuffs. i need i need i need. there are so many things needed to be done. & i thought im done for school. well, like the lecturer mentioned. my design show this year is A SHOW TO LOOK OUT FOR. i saw the images, the plans. & not going to deny, i am kinda excited about it. the whole atmosphere's really really coolshitsool. its like grunge-art meets bladerunner meets neon city. one word. FAB. do come by, friends, and people who cares. heh. &guess what. i think i need a facebook account too. everyone is asking why the hell im still in friendster. because ultimately, friendster is like so yesterday. but on another thought, i dont really care. because i don't use any of them anyway. pfffft. &&& the weather.ohmy the weather. its sunny and the next second,its raining cats and dogs. love the rain, just hate being in it. but still,love the rain. kay lah. wa mau rilek. bye ah.
i am missing all my dear friends.
& that makes me wish, i could control time so i can turn it back and forward it. and make everything right again. heh. |