Aching fingers and glue stains.

Firstly, WATCHMEN SUCKS. I don't know about other people. But me and Iema was almost dozzing off quarter through the movie. Lucky for us, we paid em' in ringgit. And you all know, its cheap cheap cheap in JB. Still, dont watch watchmen. Seriously,people behind that movie, where's all the action?!
Secondly. I finished my archi you-better-redo-or-you-will-suck-at-design-show model in 1 1/2 days. Do you believe it??? In ONE AND A HALF days. I finished my model. Well,of course, i was helped by the stageman(*inside joke) and accompanied by GOSSIP GIRL. As reccomended by Khai.
THIS: GOSSIP GIRL THING. Watch it, if you haven't.
I just love all the scandalous teenage romance, bitchy backstabbers and whatsnots. Plus, the guys are efiing hot. Tak bedek. So,I finised 2 series of 18 episodes each of GG in 1 1/2 days.
Pretty hectic entertainment,eh?
& it's been long since I've mentioned this but.