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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Ano,Konnichiwa.Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Atiqah desu. Japanese lesson was great.My sensei is really pretty and cute. I don't know why but she looks young and old at the same time.Nevermind about that,she's still cute. I was getting sleepy till she taught us pronounciation.I don't know what made my heart laugh a little.Maybe it was because I was still half awake or maybe it is just the way she exagerates on her actions.Her mouth pouts and made a big O when she comes to pronoucing "no" "ne" and yada yada yada. I wanted to watch the seniors' diploma show just now,but Khai and Cin wanted to head home and so,I find no use going because I would not have a friend to discuss my views with about the project,thus will not learn anything at all.Maybe I will go tommorrow.Met Shakir after class.Sat at level 5.He met the pondok people.And as usual,I was abit leftout because I really don't talk much and at that point of time,I turned super moody.I seriously don't know why,maybe its just that girl thingy.It is true afterall,because no matter how hard I tried to control my temper,I just blew it off.I mean,I just said I wanted to go home,took my book form Shakir and just went off like that.I bet him and Syafiq would be like, "ape kene si Atiqah ni." But.That is the fact all guys must face.Girls are always like this.Always.When it's that time of the month,all I feel like doing is stay at home and slack.Or play the Sims Khai just passed me.Thanks my dear.Oh yar Khai,we shall go out with the girls on weekends. Okayy,now that freaking cramps are back.Cramps.I had a major cramp on my leg yesterday night.You know those cramps as if you just had a muscle tear.Yea.And it usually lasts for a while but this time,it took almost 15 minutes.And the pain is so overwhelming,I teared up and could not get back to sleep.Well till then,toodles my b-e-a-uuuuuttttiiifffuuulll people. Arigato Gozaimas. edited:I wore my grandad's shoes to school today. BELIEVE IT OR NOT.(: and. Someone just called me. PERGI ke HELL. my friend should know who. wahahahhahaa. So desu ka?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Yes I know it looks fake. HELP ME.anyone.
tolong kami,bantu kami,anak2 yatim piatu.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Yessssaaaarrrrrrr.Right at this moment.IADP1 finally ended.hell yeah i am happy.But but.I have to wait for the results.Can I pass.Of course I can,as long as i submitted all the papers required.The question is,will I pass with flying colours.Chey,like during primary school's spelling test ah.The teacher will remind us to learn our spelling so we would pass with flying colours and then reward us with one or two big golden star stickers at the bottom of the page.Well Well I will just have to wait and see hor.
Anyways On sunday,yesterday,met Diy and Mimin at the printing shop. One thing i soooo have to tell the world.I reached the printing shop at Bugis around 11am.And believe it or not,I only finished printing at 6 plus PM.!! LIKE OMG lah.How many hours was I stucked inside the printing shop just to print 3 A1 boards.Oh sheeesh.One thing was because,it was packed.Went with Syahilla in the morning and the queue was like so long..and almost all are TP students,my friends.Wahahah.And another thing,there's only one shop owner tending to all of us.So its kinda slow.And guess what,I spent 63 freaking bucks for 3 printouts.Plus another printout which I spoiled.And i had to pay for it for 12 bucks,just like that.12 bucks lah ehk.i can have 3 Long John meals add cheese tau.So whatever.Its IAD MAJOR PROJECT.so i dont really mind.and i was well prepared,that was why i worked during the chinese new year.Heee. Anyways,we took the train home and we saw 4 young scums lah.They were sitting in front of us.But they didnt talk about us or anything so Diy just kept quiet.Theres 2 guys and 2 girls.One of the guy tindik bertindik and the other is TERBANTUT.super short and stepping pakaian hip hop.Got 2 big bling blings somemore.Haha.And he wore the slanted cap and Super big sunglasses.konon cool ah tu.Macam P.Diddy per.And the 2 girls.Minah scrap lah ehk.Need not say more. The thing here is.When its time for them to alight,the terbantut small guy,whom is sitting in front of me,talked about something.Or should I say,he mocked me.Saying."eh aku sembahyang lah eh.aku sembahyang tauu" and looked at me and smiled,and back to his girlfriend to his side.And both of them laughed.I gave them a super F*ed face,I cant believe i could do that,wahahah.A realli shitnit face and stared the guy till the end,till he went out of the train.hahaha.And he just kept quiet.wooohhoo.Im so proud of myself.haha.Doink.He's a small guy,of course Im not scared.If it was some matrips with tattoos all over,I would have just kept quiet.And mimin and Diy was like pissed off because I didnt tell them earlier,so we could all criticise him back,since he needs some.And he deserves some.Theres so much to criticise.Alah nevermind lah.Let these young scums grow up and live happyily ever after.im so used to people mocking me.So I dont mind at all.Instead,i find it enjoyable to layan them,and piss them off instead.So,young scums, buy yourselves a small mirror that can be fit inside your tiny little tappered pants and before you start criticising others,pull it out,look at yourself and LOL . Well,this is a long post.hehehe.I will stop here.Peace. I met the girls thrice.And all thrice with the same outfit.Hearttrick kan.is that how you spell it.Like waddekinki.Next time tell me earlier lah ehk.So i will not wear the same thing. ketawa lah siak.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
I have not been blogging much huh.Ive been really really busy lately. Staying late in school,drawing..and hours on photoshop to complete my project.Well its almost complete. Almost.heeee.and i hope Naddy can follow me tommorrow.I missed blogging.Hahaha.Really. But nothing much happen,or should I say my life has just turned really dull.No sparks no colours and that is why my entries will all be boring.Thus,better not blog at all.
Anyways anyhow,I am so going to enjoy myself after this monday.Right after my submission. Plans: 1.Photosession with Taufiq and Fahimah.Gosh sorry my beautiful adiks.I've been really busy and our plans always doesnt work out.So I guess I can after my submission.Wooohhoo. 2.Go out with girls again.Oh no.I miss ya gals like loads.You know loads. 3.Have fun with my poly mates.yeeeehooo. 4.Watch movies with the SG peeps.Lolx. 5.Relax and enjoy myself.So need it. 6.Take up photoshop lesson.Okayy Khairiah.Or even Autocad. 7.Learn to read htmls from Shakir so I can edit this super-boringness in my blog. 8.Join the photography competition.siaaa.like real.I want to try lor. Attention Diyanah and whoever interested. Competition submission around March. I will get you the details.FIRST PRIZE: DSLR CAMERA.KEEEWWAAAACCCKSSS.Take that. P.S:Thanks lotsa lotsa Shakir,for helping me with Photoshop.Walaowe. Kepalaku pening pusing pusing macam gasing lahhh buat project.
Friday, February 23, 2007
What a lonely way to breathe the air What an unlovely way to say you care Now we're too far gone for me to save And I never thought that we'd come to this Maybe there's beauty in goodbye No one's wrong or right, you would rather fight, Then you walk away There's just no reason left to try Now it's gone too far, look at where we are You push me away Another black day Let's count up the reasons to cry Look what you've missed, living like this Nobody wins. Well in case you failed to notice, in case you failed to see This is my heart bleeding before you, This is me down on my knees. BECAUSE These foolish games are tearing me apart. Gone.Just like that.It seems easy. foolish games.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
After so long of holding back.
It finally came to an end. I let it go. And it flow and never stopped. Im actually running out of it already. But there's no more voice. No more it. Why do all good things come to an end. Yes people. Im sorry for this really emo post. Like i said,after so long. So long of `smile and the world will smile with you's` I met breakdown. I spent $10 on chocolates and i finished it already. I need more. To stop me from thinking. recover me.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
SAYA PENAT.FULLSTOP. Eh nanti nanti.I got to dine in for lunch.As in,during our lunch break at work today,we were asked to take anything from the buffet counter and cook for ourselves.Terasa macam customer ah gitu. John pinched me on my arm yesterday.Really sakit lah.And now the blue black is getting worst.Shit you freaking pig & stop saying fuck you to me.Wahahah. John: Eh fuck you lah Atiqah,why you still here,go home lah.See see,gimme the shit face. Atiqah:My problem lah.Shuddup lah sia.PIG! John: What u say??!*gives a pig face and pinched me. Atiqah:Pain lah bodoh. Pffft. Gundu babi gendreng.Kentut busuk penyu basi betoll. Okay okay. SAYA PENAT.FULLSTOP. "I wished you would miss me, the way that i miss you.. ooohhhh.." Plainsunset. pain lor.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
UNTUNG TAK WORK NIARI????? untung untung untung untung untung... Not much customers though,so my pay is not realli high.But it is much much more than the normal rate.Heeee.Highlight of the day,is my maam getting her p.e.r.i.o.d and couldnt find any roti because we girls didnt bring any.And you know what?ME ME ME.I have to go to Lucky Plaza's 7 Eleven to go buy the rotis.There are alot of people at the Taka Foyer lah!!Even though its nearly 10 plus at that time.They were like all staring at me.And imagine me,with the stinky seoul garden t shirt,with my freaking cap walking and crossing the busy road in Orchard Road.To buy roti for my maam.But nevermind,I get $2.85 tips.wahahaha. Im dead tired lah.But I cannot sleep yet.=(. My project is not done.And i have loads of laundries to clear.WALAOWE.And to think my family's enjoying themselves by the beach right now.Hurrrhuurr. Anyone can hear me?Khairiah???Finny.Or whoever.. Help me with my drawings!I donnoe where to start for my drawings.PPPPFFFFTTTT!!!!! petrified.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Erti Mimpi: Penyakit: Jika anda mimpi sakit perut, gusi atau anggota badan yang lain, bermakna anda akan mengalami kesakitan,kesedihan, ketenatan,oleh itu waspadalah dan berhati-hatilah. Erti mimpi,ditulis Mukhkas Syah. Mine's the stomachache.I wonder what will happen to me. I will be home alone for 3 days.Wooohhooo.Yeeeehhoooo. Riiiiggggghhhtt.And I will be working from 12 till 11 for the whole 3 days.And so I only get to enjoy the house to myself only during my sleep.I need rest before working, but i guess i cant. Floorplans=Done. Perspectives=Done.Need abit editings lah. Things to do:Sections and elevations. And lots lots lots lots more computer work and completed A1 size boards by Friday. Wish me luck.(: (:(:Thank you for the pie(:(: horseplay.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
![]() My point is.I really miss my cousin.We talked alot.catch up with each other.Alhamdulillah,you did well for your O levels.Why didn't you put TP as your first choice gundu.SP SP SP SP.Everyone goes to that idiotic Naddy's school.(hehe.smiles to Naddy).But yea,I hope you will get to that Arab school you wanted badly.And please ehk,I also want to get bike liscence.Walaowe. I still remember those times we were still in diapers.Haha.We were born in the same year,and we both were kinda the "adored babies" in our big big family.We're always together,in pictures,during playtimes,name it.But people grow up,they lead their own lives,and so does he and myself.But but,its still great meeting you today dude.Dah dapat gaji ape lagi,belanja lahh. We even have similar lockets.WHY? Our mum told us we used to cry alot when we were babies, and we used to say "Nak telor..nak telorr." Thanks for sharing the stories dude.REALLLIII shocking stories,though some i've already expected.heehee.Great day. And now,I have to finish my freaking isonometric/axonometric, floorplans, sections and elevations drawings.FYI,I have only my first level floorplan done.And I have 4 levels.How super duper great is that ahhh! Tipah tertipu.Liar Liar.Pants on fire. And diy. How I wished you have asked me earlier babe. I WANT TO GO. But i will be working and schooling+never-ending projects.Sorry dear. tipah tertipu.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU,AFIQ.BE A GOOD BRO,GDLUCK FOR YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVOURS AND MAY ALLAH PROTECT YOU ALWAYS. LOVE,SIS. ---------------------------- Dates for the day: Mimin,Diy And Mr Sony. Mimin,We should let my Mr Sony and your Miss HP mate.And so they can have pretty children and produce better pictures.=) It's Diy's roses. Sorry girls,Thats all I could afford now. ![]() BLOOPER OF THE DAY!! 14th of FEB. ![]() The smell in the train is super disgusting. And you,you owe me one! I kelam kabut kemas bag okayy. Pppfft you.HeeHeeeHeee. been there.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
![]() FreakingKinki lah nad u!I laughed like crazy.Accompanied Nad to Tamp Mall,then IKEA,then to Art Friend at Orchard.And by the end of the day,my feet became swollen.Im so tired I fell asleep in the MRT. Oh.and my fav green sneaks stink!!!Real bad. Blame my mum for stuffing it in the machine and have it washed.=(.And awk,I hope he likes it.And the swing at IKEA is damn nice.Im planning to put it in my room.Consferming gerek. By the way,though I normally dont celebrate Vday,mainly because im single and of course its actually haram,let me just say... HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all you lovebirds out there.woooooo.And to those single babes and dudes as well oteyy!Yang lovebirds tu happy happy lah ehk.Yang single tu.Beli chocolate ferrero rocher,masuk dalam bilik,enjoy makan sendiri.Yeeeeeeaaabbaaahhhhh. Oh.Naddy said in the mrt she saw someone holding folded newspaper,and it looks as if he's hiding a weapon inside.he also have another stucked to his back pocket.Well that is real scary..I dont like all this rioting stuffs.Had enough experience of listening to them,real ones. May this be a reminder to everyone I care about,especially you,you know who you are, you're my greatest cousin,and i appreciate you alot,so please.Dont get yourself into all this nonsense trouble anymore okayy. Im listening to Aqua's Dam Di Da Di Da.Horrible. lollipop.
Monday, February 12, 2007
OOOOOOHHH BABABABABABABABA. OOUHH BLADIBLLAAAA. TODAY WAS BAABBAASTIIC.WAHAHAH. LOVE YOU GIRLS LAH EHK. After a few minutes of not knowing where to actually dine in,we chose Pizza Hut because its actually the cheapest,compared to Seoul Garden and Siam Kitchen.I had one cheese-stuffed crust pepperoni and another two black pepper chicken pizza.I am surprised i was full by then because I dont always fancy Pizza Hut as I usually wont be full. Buuuurrrrrrrrp. Liyana actually didn't expect us to buy her a cake.We did.And I can see she is surprised.wahahaha.Happy 18th belated birthday bitch.Wahaha.My favourite bitch. After that we slacked at Titanic.Wooohho.It was seriously one of the best time I had in 2007.Wahhaha.Fiqah was as usual,disgusting and horny and loud.hehe.I know what you girls know that I know you know riigghhhtt.Liy had to head home though so it's left with the 5 of us.We sang,went bluetooth-ing each other,talked and crapped.And crapped.Wowness.I doubt I can ever have fun with anyone else like I had with you girls.We left after one of them talked about ghosts.A plastic actually flew off from Titanic and then one of them said, "eh..nanti ade hantu terbang atas eh pegang plastic tu tanye..ni siaapaaa punnyyaaaa".And Fiqah did it with her hair covering her face and all.Scaawwwwyyyy okayyy.And so went to toilet to pee after laughing our ass out and followed Nad to buy food at the pasar malam. And we headed home. It's a night and an outing I would always remember.Tallyho to you girls. *Unbelievable.I wore a pink tudung.Haha.* Oh you don't mean nothing at all to me No you don't mean nothing at all to me Do you got what it takes to set me free
Sunday, February 11, 2007
6235-35-35..KFC DELIVERYYY!!! I sure enjoyed my lunch today because I got Kentucky Fried Chicken sent right to my door by a mysterious delivery guy that never looks up and kept looking on the floor from the moment he said "KFC delivery!!" till he passed me the change.Phew.That is one long sentence. ----------------------------------------------------------- Anyway,Mimin's coming over to my house tommorrow before the outing.Woooots!Cant wait sia.And Diy and Naddy can tagg along.But girls,mind my room,it turned to a pigsty yet again because my sister is really one messy little girl. ---------------------------------------------------------- My house right now looks like a gedung kuih tat.Bottles of kuih tat(Pineapple Tarts) are lining up at my living room.My mum's making it for someone.One rich Cina.Dia nak buat mandi agaknye kuih tu.Banyak seyy.I think he ordered around 10 or more bottles.That is exclusive of the other normal customers' orders.So want it or not,I have to help her.Menggintil inti(kay that doesnt sound right) and putting cute "bird-like" shaped flour on top of it.(if you people get what I mean).And also cutting of tracing paper to layer the tarts. ---------------------------------------------------------- Some stranger called me this afternoon. stranger:Hello boleh cakap dengan Atiqah. saya:uh.yerr. stranger:Atiqah?ah Atiqah? saya:yer ni Atiqah.ni siapa? stranger: Ni liya. *liya manelah pulak.. saya: uhm..Uh? stranger-who-called-herself Liya: Ni Atiqah mana? *Oh you called my house and asked im which Atiqah?Nonsense. saya:Uh.Atiqah mana ape? stranger:Ni Atiqah Si Ling Sec eh? saya:No. stranger:abeh? saya:Temasek poly. stranger:oooh.salah nombor lah kalau gitu. saya:erm. *tahu takpe. stranger:kay sorry paiseh paiseh. *mugcow berbual minah. saya:takpe takpe. *tooooooooot.end. --------------------------- I have expectations,I wanna be the one you call. And I want a conversation,But you dont know me at all. Hold on tight,I am.IM A REVOLUTION. chignon.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I am mentally lethargic after reading too much HTMLS,
colour codes or whatsnots.Oh gosh,I still need help in my blog layout. I cleaned my room today because Mas said she's coming over to use my comp and apply for Poly.But in the end,she didn't cuz I told her i don't have a printer.She went to Hakim's instead.Well at least my room doesn't look like a Kandang Babi anymore.I should always invite friends over,then I will bother to clean my room and thus,it will stay sparkling clean and you won't find any speck of dust even if you got down on your knees.Yes,I'm a total neat freak when the mood comes.HeeHee. Someone just polluted my brain with ghost stories.Imagine yourself sitting in a park all by yourself,waiting for your husband to reach, and when you turn to your side.JENG JENG JENG.There she is.The lady sitting there right beside you,her head down.And she didn't move.Nor did she show any intention of leaving you alone.If it was me,I would have pee-d in my pants or maybe blacked out.Yar.Probably I would black out even before she tries to scare me. If there were any chances any of you were to walk somewhere, for example in a park,and it would be 7pm or later,and you saw a duck, please don't be a gundu and go "eeehhhh itikk!","ehh..asal ade itik eh kat sini??".Or worst,got all excited and play with the duck as if you're entertaining yourself with a stray cat.Because.Itik tu adelah jelmaan syaitan .a.k.a the lovely lady in white. ![]() To Taufiq kawankush,Chill dude.O levels is just another stop.Go on.Higher Nitec or Nitec is not that bad.It's okayy you wouldn't be able to join me in TP.Dun sad sad horr.There's always me and Wak Gendreng to turn to.Skate and skim your heart out and open yourself to a new start.Wooooooots. meringue.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Rain Rain please come back again.
The hotness is killing me and serves me right for wearing Black Black Black todayy. :/. Did i told you i sang my heart out yesterday night while doing my model in the studio.Yes.I sang.Believe it or not.And i know I shouldn't have.I kept on impersonating Justin Timberlake and Evanescence,at least that is what Khairiah said.And i can't sing.Thank goodness my "singing" was some kind of an entertainment for myself and the rest,namely,Khai,Fini,Sya and Mathilda because all of us were on the edge of bursting.Why? All of us were busy finishing up our model.And so i guess my singing did help.Hell yeah.And there's this time when all of us except Khai I think,sang Torn by Natalie Imbruglia together.It was nice.I didn't care about my surroundings,i was too busy doing my model,glueing and pasting and singing.It was awesome though.Great company. I shouldn't have sang I know.Sorry lah hor.Heee. I am starting to hate the Mamak shop in front of my school.The service is sucky and i get scolded the moment i stepped in.The stall vendor scolded me and Fini for being so kanchiong.Because he was cleaning up the table and nearly dropped all his plates.AND IT WAS OUR FAULT?wth.We didnt even go near him lah ehhk.And we didnt get what we ordered. And and and.FOB is coming to Singapore.That means Pete is going to step on this small lovely country of mine.Oh my.Pete Pete Pete.Too bad I love Brandon more.Panic! just rock my socks lah.FOB is great too.I wish.How i wish I could like go to a concert,at least one freaking rock concert before I die. Shall I go to FOB's? Let Me Cater To You Cause Baby This Is Your Day Baby You Blow Me Away I Got Your Slippers, Your Dinner, Your Dessert, And So Much More rockchick wanna.be.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Oh yeah my model's done.Teeny weeny touch ups are needed. So this is it,my exhibition space,The Labyrinth. Chey nama nak step style jekk. Okayy,I did this for 2 days. So i guess my concept is proven? Anyways,I have lots of process work to complete and so off i go.Doodle doodle,scribble scribble. No sleep for me today i guess. ``Will you stay awake for me.And I will share the air I breathe.`` unjust.ly right.s
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Today was boriingg.Except at night,the pondok people got crazy in the IAD studio and Syam taped my bag to the chair. Crazy. and shaf and syam sang one realllii weird song. and my nasi goreng ikan bilis is so tak sedap. waste my $3 okayy. and for once i have nothing to blog about. pe.riod.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Okayy.What was i thinking?? So,this was during my cousin sis's wedding.And this, is THE NOORDIN's family.Boyan Boyan.Big big family.This is without the guys anyway.So it's just the pakciks makciks and the girls.It's good the pelamin is strong enough.Well,as you can see,all of us are like wearing similar/same clothings.Dah macam boriah seyyy.Haha.Come to think of it,omg omg. What was I thinking lah.We look like one big moving curtain.(langsir bergerak).That's Boyanese for you people to know.Always kecoh and always big big big big.Those in the picture does not even accumulate half of the Noordin family lah ehk.Imagine all of us.Pffft. "I am proud to be a Boyanese.Okayy wth." Upcoming events: Friday,9th Feb: My project submission. Progress:None.Maybe a little bit. Wednesday,14th Feb: Valentines Day,My Bro's bdae. Thinking:What should i get him? Monday,12th Feb: Outing with babes. I still want Seoul Garden and not Pizza Hut lah. Sat-Sun,17th-19th Feb: CNY.Working full shift for whole 3 days. Ouh money money money.Ching Ching.$12/hr.That's what I heard. So well.Re-charge myself.Have some chocolates and more teh ice. And I am ready to go. I am waiting for you,beep phone. fa.cile.
Monday, February 5, 2007
I LOVE NADIAH BINTE AS'ARI. I ALWAYS HAVE.AND WILL ALWAYS DO. Thanks dear for accompanying me in school today and helping me with my project.You know more about interior design.Yeah i got stressed easily.Hee.Its always like that.People said im paranoid.But you can see,the rate i'm going,i don't think im ever going to finish my project.my major project. We sang in the studio.Nad did the tap dance which is so freaking disgusting and irritating.Till one of my friends saw her,then she stopped.If not,I guess she can go on forever to irritate me.That is why I love her so much.Muahaha.And we saw Paul Twohill,when we're on the way to my canteen.He always eats at the design canteen.I think he just joined TP.But alot of us saw him quite a few times.I think secondary school girls would go goo goo gaa gaa and rush over him.But not us.Hahaha.Still with that hair and he looks sick.eww.Nope. Not my type. Walked to SAFRA bustop.Sang a little.Very badly.Long bus ride home and stupid picturetaking.And I can't wait for our meetup girls.The 12th is going to be crazy. PizzaHut is going down.Woooots.And Yasmin,I dont mind if u talk about Ridhuan the whole day.Heeee. ![]() so.bri.e.ty
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Today. zero four.zero two.two zero zero seven. Spells shit on my freaking forehead. Lots of laundries.Alot. Those in the washing machine. Those waiting to be cleaned in the toilet. Those soiled ones in the bucket. Those outside waiting to be collected. Those being left unfolded. Managed to clear all of them plus a clean mopped floor. And yet again.Woke up early.Why?To actually do my project but after laying all the A3's on my table,Mdm Mariam became a lion and went berserk.So I definitely need to move my butt and finish those chores.To add to all that, my freaking brothers and sister aren't helping at all.They asked for food and so I asked them NICELY to wait till i finish my last few pieces of laundries,and then off to cook for them.Mdm Mariam the boss left without cooking,again.So these hungry devils were famished by the time they came home from their playing under the void decks and shoot everything to me.Waddehell lah eh. I don't even get the respect.They are not at fault lah ehkk.My parents gave in everytime for them.Except for me.That is why I don't act like barbarians.Pffft.They did waayyy more okayy.It's just that I'm too tired to even explain. My first brother: My mum loves him too much and gave in everytime, thinking he would rebel and run away from home.That is why he is a FREAKING MATRIP right now. My second brother: My parents believed that he has a very bad temper and my grandma constantly reminds my parents to give in to him just because she's afraid he would kill someone because of his temper.And so they always give in and give face.And he gets everything he wants. My third brother:Though handsome,he didn't get all the attention from my parents and so is constantly creating scenes to attract attention.But of all.He's the only one who will be there.One night,he woke up from his sleep and found me crying while doing the laundry because I was too crushed.He sat down and help me finish them. My sister: Oh what the hell.I don't know why some people even have nice sisters.Or those who doesn't have one,want one.I can't even face her menn.She will do ANYTHING to irritate me.We can't click.Like seriously. My last brother: Dah namanya anak bongsu kann. Manja semanja manjanya.Itu lah pasal badan die kiut macam GODZILLA.Nak lari pon susah.Fat Fat Fat.And he eats alot.That is why I am so tired melayan-ing all of them. My Atuk: Well.He never gave me any problems.Only that he is too too cute.Dances and geleks to every song.Cute siaa. Not only I have to cook for them.I have to clean up after them.Serve them right in the face,equipped with the cutleries.Dah macam restaurant kan.Dan aku lah waitress, aku lah cashier, aku lah dishwasher.Cashier kalau dapat duit tkpe jugak.WADDEFREAKINKINKIIIIIII!!!! Argh.Sudahlah.At least.At least. Singapore made me smile.Though actually they are not good. HaarHaar.But I still am proud. Kudos to Indra for getting a yellow card when not even playing. Argh.Pissed. Welowelowelo.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
![]() And i will show you something different from either your shadow at morning, striding behind you. Or your shadow at evening, rising to meet you. I will show you fear in a handful of dust. But I am definitely Happy right now.Just gettingallparanoid again over my major project. I am slacking.And I am being left behind.Wayyyyyy behind. EvilCreat.Help me with my model okayy.Thank you! Many Many Thank yous. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. Round circulation.
Friday, February 2, 2007
Okayy.Mystique Creationz totally rocked the stage that very night. I am missing you girls. And the one guy.Pfft.HaarHaarr. Emerged Champions 05'. *mampos Atiqah muka takda kental lagii perr.* Okayylah.My face looks disgusting.Basically because I'm the evil one. I'm the "drug" dancer.Wakaka. The sparkly 3 angels are the good ones.
And we're still green and orange.Hee.Levis no luck though.Only until semi finals.Is it?HurrHurr. But yeah.I wish I could show you our Anti-Drug Danceworks Dance.It was awesome.I have the Levis one.But but but.I shall not post it.Why?Haha.Because I don't really like it.=) Girls.When's our next booty-shaking? My muscles need those moves bebeh.Haahaa.Eyy Diyy.Remember the gila move we did with Tasha?The one to Sean Paul's song.We shook our head like crazy till our hair became like nenek kebayan. Haha.And i miss those crazy practices under those useless linkhouses and voidecks.And.Open new group lah.Mystique Creation is like dead.tsk3.And the name. Shall not say more. coolshitcool.
Pleased.Overjoyed.Lively.Contented.Elated.Flying high.Joyous. Tickled pink.Exultant.HAPPY.Chirpy.Hopped up.Intoxicated. Satisfied.Blissed.Gratified.Light.Laughing.Gleeful.Blest.Sunny. Efficacious.Promising.Correct.Fortunate.Felicitious.Auspicious. Just read the red-coloured,easily-understood 5 letter word. when dusk is my favourite time of the day.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
![]() "The Labyrinth" I have named my major project.Keeping in mind,I am so hoping for *stars* bebeh. Tasting the sweet nectar of life but a small portion of the experience that is the chocolate factory.An exquisite pleasure had invaded my senses,something isolated,detached,with no suggestion of its origin.And at once the vicissitudes of life had become indifferent to me,its disasters innocuous,its previty illusory-this new sensation having had on me the effect which love has of filling me with precious essence;or rather this essence was not in me,it WAS me. No,that girl in the picture is not me.I've had enough people asking if it's me in that picture.And so,I have been reading too much of the dictionary that my post came out like this.Nyiiahaa.I am going to stop now.It's tiring putting foreign (at least to me they are foreign) words like that into sentences.I wonder how others do that.Yar.I agree my English is not that good lor.I saw ENEMIKO while waiting for 168.Nyiaaahaa.I know him but he don't know me.Yar duh,Atiqah.I love his pictures and editings lorr. P.S: awk. I AM SERIOUSLY MISSING ALL OF THAT. sweet ambrosia.