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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Did i say I wanted to pamper myself? Oh boy,am i pampered. Since it was my sis's birthday yesterday(i still don't know how old she is.), my cousin brought me,Fahimah and my sis out.He really pampers us girls lah.We watched Shrek,and eh,please,Shrek is super duper cute and funny, please watch it. Initially,we wanted to watch POTC.But my sis wouldn't understand it anyway. And actually,I wont really understand it too.I think i will only get the "welcome to Singapore" part.And just now, was my second time to VivoCity,yes,believe it or not, its only my second time. My brothers went there more often than I do. We had Swensens for lunch. Woahhhh. Third time eating Swensens. And twice with this Abang sedara of mine. I bet he spent nearly 100 plus bucks? Movie tickets alone costs almost 40 dollars lah seyy. And, I had the "free" salad, makan macam kambing lah aku. Fahimah,being the oh-i-so-can't-eat-veggies girl, just eww-ed when i ate salad.She had fruit salad though. And i had some chicken thingy, I was looking for food that cost the cheapest,even though my cousin insisted that I should have something I really want.But, after looking through the menu,the other "food" looks so foreign to me.Hahaha. Aku kampung lah seyy. And i bet it will taste foreign too.So i had something..err.safe. *posting DECENT pics later* Yey,tommorrow meeting SayangNaddy and DearDiy. Miminmissbabi have to go Science centre. WTH?! MIN!! SCIENCE CENTRE!! KAU DAH KENAPAAA!! TAK INGAT KAPE AKU NGN KAU TAK PERNAH PASS SCIENCE. eh,kau ade pass lah. aku je fail all the way. (: this is true.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Because I had a bad day.
Today just became the worst worst day in my 2007 calender. You people don't want to know what happened. I am still wondering what I did wrong to deserve this. Im in my computer lab. Full with designers playing CS. "on the floor on the floor!!" "no guns .only knives!!" All the shouting and kecoh-ness. I dont know what the hell they are shouting about. But its interesting to observe these people counter striking. And my cousin used "dua tiga kucing berlari' as his nick. Can he be more lame? Oh and Alif is a nice guy. The guy from Sleeq. Never fail to smile and say Hello. That's the kind of artist we should be supporting. Yes,he's not arrogant even though he's well-known. And girls goo-goo-gaa-gaa-ing over him, Dont ask me anything. Pfffft. But I am still hoping. To get my reward later. At least I know I can talk and complain non stop. And when its gigi time. Everything will be okay. Everything. published.
I've always loved my long bus ride home.
And i wonder what will happen if i really missed the last bus. Would i get stranded in Tampines? Or will there be a hero on a broomstick flying to rescue me. Huahuahua. Its a lonnngg and tiring day. Tommorrow is my submission and Im free. Yesssaaaarrrrrr. And after that,I dont care. I will pamper myself whole-heartedly. After all the schoolwork,I need that pamperings. And work. Money money money. Oh,I was super stinky so i took Khai's perfume. And ppftttttt. It smells as if i bathed with it. Yes,I had 2 or 3 dabs but the smell is so overwhelming. But good lah,at least i dont smell that bad. Oh.Happy birthday to my sister,Nur Asyiqin. Yang ke berapa tak ingat. Am i endearing? Im loving it more and more and more every single day. freaksession.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
CAN YOU KEEP UP.BABY BOY LET ME LOSE MY BREATH. HAK! HAK! I was someone's wedding partner today.Someone's greeeeen today. Day started off well.Finally, I get my ayam masak merah pengantin.Yesssaaarrr. And I got to wear baju kurung today.heee.Konon macam wanita Melayu terakhir lah. Well,Its nice to go out and relax a little after days of stressing up at school. And the pengantin perempuan is really tall and pretty.But too bad,I couldnt get a photo with the mempelai.I did lah.But its not in my camera.And after so long,Mr Sony was used again.Haha. I know.I just dumped him yesterday.But yeah,he doesnt mind.He likes it when I hold him though. He gives me purrrr-fect pictures. (: So after which,I got my FIRST ice-cream indulgence at Haagen Dazs.The place for super premium ice cream.Theres variety from chocolate chip,to green tea, tiramisu and whats nots. Well,ice creams that gives you all the pleasures in the world.I wouldn't say its so super different from normal ice creams,but i really really loved the strawberry cheesecake. I didnt know what to choose.Yerlah,budak ulu kan.First time pergi Haagen Dazs.Selama ni beli ice cream Haagen Dazs from cold storage.-THE FRESH FOOD PEOPLE.Anyway,thats beside the point. I got myself chocolate and strawberry cheesecake with hot fudge and chocolate rice topping. Sure is very chocolaty.But i loved it.Very much. *be proud you're the first person to bring me there lah seyyyy. Maghrib was at Masjid Maulana Mohamed Ali.Yeaaabahhh!!! Nice lah that masjid.Underground somemore. Sunday the 27th ended really really well. Well,I got peach tea ice blended,my favourite. And i got long long walks in the silent silent nights and serious serious talks and jovial jovial smiles and loud loud laughters and minor minor bloopers. Now i know.I can't help it but to think. * the 3 forbidden words * shilly shally.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Yes,I loved you. Alot. I think you were a part of me.You were with me everywhere I go. You're there.You captured me.You captured my heart.I have always held you tight. And you, have always loved it. Its hard letting go.Its a decision i made. I have to.Im so sorry. You gave me memories.Memories that are captured.Stills. Forever in place. I will miss you.Yes, I will still be with you.Its just that.I cant love you anymore.Not anymore.I love someone else.Im really sorry. Nonetheless, you will always be my favourite boyfriend I had ever had. I am letting you go.Im sorry Mr Sony. D80 (:
deja entendu.
Friday, May 25, 2007
P.S : IM YOURS TRULY. my hero on the broomstick.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Hahh!! Tiuup?!! Itu Semburrrr!! Its brown brown day. Usual stay in school with the girls and the matrips on top. But today,there's no "my heart" song. So,it was okay. Still struggling with model. But waddeheck,who cares, i got rewarded for staying in school.Weehhooo. Crap crap crap crap lahh seyyyy. Se-top it ehk.Gosh,i think i was almost laughing all the way. i still cant get over the fact that you think sembur is tiup. Hahh! and the B.Os in the bus.Wahhkaoo. Yes.I am so bringing my perfume along. And whoever in the bus has B.O will get sprayed. ITSTHETEEEEEETTTHHHH.THEETTTEEEETTHHHH.ARGH. sampai ke mimpi lah sehh. untung tak Atiqah? untung untung untung untung untung. colours.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
ALL GOOD THINGS. ![]() ![]() ![]() Submission-done. But,my hope, of course,as usual,plunged down down down when I saw some other students works.I shall not mention names but whatever it is they are doing,I sometimes wonder if they ever have a life or they spend their 24hrs mugging at home cutting and pasting models and sketching.Dont they ever get tired.And what do they eat? To produce such marvellous works? But whatever it is,no matter how tough a competition they may be,I really look up to them for not slacking and is constantly on the go to wow others. Its like they have black magic or something. You wont get to see them doing work in school,and when they suddenly reappear during submission day,va va vooom. There it is all pinned-up, super duper detailed drawings and stunning models. I would go into the submission room,with my flimsy ugly model(yes i insist its ugly okay khaikhai and cincin), and i would go around to these people's space and i will have my :O face all the way till the end. There's just some point that you wished you weren't in this course ,the fact that there are uncountable superb competitions among the students. Well, for me,honestly, secondary school was easier. And when its art, i just need my drawing paper and my favourite pencil,and tadaaa.Its all done as if i had it all planned. But now,i feel suffocated because all the designers from Singapore came together in TPDesign school and each and everyone of them have their own unique talents. And after much consideration.I'm not made up for interior design. i want to draw.I want to paint.i want to be holding on to the palette again.I want to mix different colours in and i will know i will get something unexpected and then i will start doodling on my canvas.oh,that feeling of satisfaction when your artpiece turns out great. Im thinking,If interior designer is slashed out from my "career list", i would want to go NAFA and have arts teaching.Well,that was what i initially want. Too bad,my art wasn't too recognisable and nice-to-the-eyes to be accepted. Pfftt NAFA. Okay.I've been blabbering too much. Tallyho now. You're the reason,mi. senyum.kambing.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Gonjeng Gonjeng!!! *inside joke* Met old friends, missed teachers and felt being in sec school again. HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY: ME and DIY terpijak taik.Yes we stepped on dogshitt. I will post that video someday. This was during my sec 2 cheerleading competition. Dikir barat.WHAT THE HECK WERE WE THINKING? Some of the old pics i browsed through.They displayed it lah okayy. Too bad i cant find any of my face.I wasnt that noticeable last time.Haaa.On second thought, all the better,if there is, ugh. I would make history to be the most buruk face. Cikgu Hamimah ku!!The one that goes around school on Fridays with a rotan to catch guys who doesnt go for Friday prayers. Too bad,the new students of WDLSEC cant experience her teachings since she's retired. Dah macam bapak orang sehh Ajay. Like old times in toilets. Danceworks Trophy.! Heee. Okay i look,gempal. ![]() Can he be more cute? Ni apa maksud ni.? We just have to hug her. "Am I cute?",Reggie asked. Yes,VERY.I answered. ![]() After school get together. I WILL ALWAYS MISS HIM LAH. Say that i'd be fine,give me all your time. And i left your side,like a butterfly. Shower me with your love,colours everyday. You make the red rose sun shine,shine on me. Lift me up so high,watch me fly away. Like a butterfly. shower.me.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Today was Campus Care Network(CCN) Day in Temasek Poly. All the schools took part except for Engineering.There were game stalls,people selling accessories, badges,cool gadgets,terapins and hamsters,food,candies,home made drinks,home made salads, face paint booths,manicures, and even henna stalls.It was a last minute thingy,and i joined my other friends and took part too.We sold Canadian Pizza and their super-cheesy cheesesticks.Alhamdulillah,we made a profit,and thus we help the needy. Our stall was havoc when Astrid was around. All of us are like shouting together "Pizza!!" clap clap. Because we were so irritated with Rahimah Rahim that was shouting like a mad woman to promote her stall. They were selling chocolates,and i dont know why they called it Death for Chocolate. Talking emo? And she was there,standing, shouting,with face paint on her face, red blood painted under her eyes,black lips. yada yada. Pffft. Alot of people are talking about her,and that she dont know. But yeah,Astrid kinda lead us,and we shout and challenged her. Here's the snaps: 1.The group. 2.Again. 3.We keep on decreasing the price and lelong-ing.And we sold everything. 4.Left;I was Ms Blue,Cin was Ms Red and Khai,Ms Green. right: MESSY MESSY studio. down: I vandalised my table!haha.long time seyy never vandalise table. 5. Some guy bought this fighting fish as our IAD studio pet! heee.Still no name for it though. OOOHHH.YEAAABAAAAH. the highlight,the surprise that awaits me when i reached home just now.Taaaadddaaa! That is my flowery walls.This is my bed. And those are laundries that needs my attention.like now! *We are more frightened than hurt;we suffer more from imagination than from reality.* the surrendered single.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
My skins not been great this week.Pre-menstrual plus a hefty dose of stress does not make a happy complexion. More spots joined Nini and Nina( the 2 big pimples on my left cheek.)Afini called the new pimples stress pimples. I hate having spots.They make me feel so self-conscious. No wait a minute,I am 24/7 self-conscious.Am I gaining weight?Am i selekeh?IS MY TUDUNG SENGET???
Now,I appreciate lunchtimes and dinners. Its those littlest things that take me there. Oh and,I havent been doing my laundries for 3 consecutive days.My bed is covered totally with laundries that needs attention.And i have almost all my outfits hung,unwashed.Simply because I dont have time.And,i will have a problem.What can I wear tommorrow. Die. I hope Afini will think about it. Well,its really bad my dear, to do that. lettersinlipstick.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
![]() Needless to say, P2 occupied my time today.I bet i will be spending the rest of my week on it,running around and mugging in my studio like a blue-arsed fly.But on the plus side, at least i have company, although i just may be suffering from acute exhaustion,at least there's someone to crap with me.And P2 is going to interfere with my holidays. Sweetlovegoodbye to my holidays lah sey. For the first time in,well,i dont know how long, i watched TV for the second time today.I watched a little bit of Hikmah on Monday.And i really mean little bit.The TV's on from time to time,But its either my Dad staring at some field with some humans running for a ball or my siblings X-Boxing or Spongebob-ing. I am so tired and long for a soft place to curl up in all day.I have had a series of late nights and have been indulging in lots of candies and chocolates.And im not eating properly,that i have just realised.I didnt stuff anything to my stomach today.Since breakfast till now and still,im not hungry. Khai and Cin,Sorry didnt join you girls for lunch today. Incubo duo. I know its hard to believe. I know it's make believe. But everywhere I look, I can see it shimmering, glistening, like petrol in the sky. *inside thoughts*Oh sad,it is true.It is true. What if theres no more m.d.o.r. I realised i wake up to read it, the first thing i would ever look foward to in my mornings. And people who knows me, im not a very happy person during mornings,but m.d.o.r's will somehow turn that morning to an enjoyable one.We'll see. The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two substances;if there is any reaction,both are transformed. sayitright.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I had my short appraisal during P2 de-briefing today. But still, i am not satisfied with what i did.Like someone said. Yeah, i am paranoid.I tend to be a perfectionist. And plus,im pre-menstrual. Pre-menstrual and submission day doesnt go that well together.
Evening was spent touching up on my project and later,another long bus ride home and more talks. Hadis,notebooks,jari manis,and marvellous free advices.Oh where do you get such good service?No you wont.Because I'm the only one who gets it. eh,Is it? Whinings and whinings. Oh dear,Im a proper nightmare.If you like a company that will be there to talk non-stop and to whine and complain,thats me.I am "frustrating" and "hardwork". Behind this tudung and eyeliners, Im rubbish. Mimin,lets go. I had thoughts about it already,and since you want it too, lets go together. (: InsyaAllah. GOD GIVES US A LIFE,AS A TEST.ITS A QUESTION WETHER ONE CAN PASS THE TEST. BE THE BEST WE CAN BE AND ALONG THE WAY,HELP THE OTHERS. -quoted. whiteflag.
I am now in school waiting for those lecturers to check my work.And they need 2 hrs? heh.And we're here waiting like goondoos. Well.I dun give a damn for my project right now. Going to worry about it later. I didn't get to sleep last night. Oh so what's new Atiqah.? Im starting to not like my lecturer. Hahaha. Well who cares.
There is something new. And once again,I felt good. I felt appreciated. I felt like a girl. Respected,and cared. Ada Hikmah disebalik semuanya. youdontmissyourwater.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Still,I love you. Happy Mothers Day. We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognising and appreciating what we do have. One day,you will see Mom. oneday. Okay,so The Red Family came to visit me this morning. I woke up with terrible teribble needle-pricks pains on the lower left of my stomach.Oh sheeesh.And they won't go away.And that is why i hate hate hate this time of the month. I just feel like curling into a ball,roll and roll on the floor,squeeze myself under my bed,wishing the pain would go away.Ppppft.I wish.
I remembered some occasions when I had not-too-pleasant encounters with people in MRT and buses,wherever.I can say I take personal hygiene very seriously.Every morning, I shower and I wash my hair.Almost all nights,I would generally shower again.Up till three times a day,well if not,twice a day. I wear most of my tops only once before washing them,regardless of how long they've been on.But i do admit,i would wear my jeans twice or thrice before tossing them in the washing machine. And perhaps,because I believe cleaniness is one of the top factors in my The Important checklist.It,really,really bothers me when others don't.Well,I will accept it when someone gets musty and smelly and sweaty for lets say,after a run,or some sweaty jobs.Still,on second thought,someone told me before that if he goes for a run,he will use a great amount of deodorant so as to avoid people he passed while running from smelling the unpleasant.But what about those who are not doing vigorous excercises or whatsoever? I once sat in a two-seater in MRT and to my right,the musty, elderly smell that comes from not laundering one's clothes frequently enough. And once in a bus, *a long bus ride that is!,Body Odour.Plain and simple.And horrible. And some more encounters,people were less than fragrant. People,soap is cheap.Washing powder is cheap.*its affordable.The smell of freshly washed hair is a pleasure.The smell of old fried food is not.There really is no excuse. Sort it out. On another note,despite being virtually penniless,I bought a lovely new fragrance. Its sweet.And cheap. Okay,im going to go type an email.Hahah.Maybe right,I should think of writing a real letter.Complete with stamps and addresses and "thank you Mr Postman" at the back of the envelope. sweettorture.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
i am officially named a GUNDUSAMY.
a terrible laughing GUNDUSAMY. (: From stomach betrayal and growling;to being laughed at in the theatre;to the getting shocked about the major coincidence moments;to giggling when Spidey danced;to imagining Spidey as an emo guy;to complaining when Harry died;to the selak-ings in toilets for Wuduk;to making a new friend in the toilet;to getting shocked when there's a figure outside the praying area;to feeling naked without my eyeliner;to being super-selenger not knowing where to walk;to being suggested to be put on a leash;to the lingerie display distractions;to the candy empire visit;to talking about childhood days;to thinking about mentel poses and gatal phone talks;to making super-TSKs and pfffts sounds;to having to kepit because of an Indian guy;to getting two sour candies;to the lonnngg bus ride home;to the short walk till 348;and to the end.I never fail to be such a seleng. But. Its everything but the ordinary. Did i mention thank you? not as pretty as you think,not as hot as you imagined. But as gundu,selenge,wols,and a laughing machine. P.S: no number still. (: Saturday the 12th.
Friday, May 11, 2007
2. The girls. 3. Ayam Penyet. Nyaman dongg. Memandangkan bag ku berat macam batu tadi, i rushed home from school and change and quickly went out to meet the girls at Chinatown.Min and Diy did some shopping. And we got our Ayam Penyet.And i got Chendol as well.I was so so full.Alhamdulillah.And at last Naddy went out with us.Weeewiitt. Tak baik bermaki. Katalah; Bersetubuhlah kamu. Haha. Min and her merepek creations. Naddy did her nonsense moves as she was tired. And yada yada. Never complete without idiotic crappings and million laughters. Great day girls. But im tired. ITS ZUL YAHYA LAH! MUGCOWWWWW. I made a COMPLETE fool out of myself in school today.pppftttt. Its Tommorrow. Planned,Booked,Arranged. Only one thing left. .Saturday the 12th. eyetoeye.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
And when my face touched the praying mat today, I felt peaceful.
It was a personal moment which I and my Creator had. Its that special bond I have,that nobody elses does. And i prayed,so that God would help me go through this. Alhamdulillah,my Creator is always there ready to hear my doubts. Its been days and Ive been putting up with it. And today they really tested my patience. Allah tested my patience. Im willing to accept it. But I am terribly sad at what I've done. I should have controlled myself a little bit more. But it was hopeless. Everything I said and did,nothing goes inside their head. I just feel like lying down on my bed and forget everything. I need an energy injection. And so i can view everything as clear. Is it mine to blame? Oh sheesh. Im so sick of all the accusations and those false identifications. Tired of this continuous never-ending slaps. Oh it seems like they are enjoying this bitter fun. But when there's no one else to point. That finger marks an imaginary line in my direction. No one else. But me. Cut away,Cut away. Send transmission from the one armed scissor. Help me get through this. *takes a deep deep deep breath* I got yam and corn and mango ice cream! sandiwara.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
BIG HAIR, SUPER SKINNY TIGHT PANTS,TORN ON THE KNEES, EYELINERS AND EYESHADOWS, THE CURLS, BANDANAS AND THOSE I'M-HOT STARES. ![]() ![]() Oh, i find them hot. Muahahahaha. Yeah. But i find someone real hotter. Mugcow Atiqah. Wake up Wake up! But hey, my dad used to dress up like that. He used to have that long hair.BIG BIG long hair. And he changed to mullet. And it became shorter by the years, but he kept its tail. And now,its all in the past and he is one normal old man. With normal Malayu grey hair. I remember those times i would try to hold on to his electric guitar. Its super heavy,well i was still a toddler. And when he "repent". He gave away that hot hot hot guitar to one of his rocker friend. Im going to find that friend and ask him for the guitar. Like reallll only. He used to wear tight pants as well. But like i said,those days are long over. He would karaoke every weekend. Scorpions,Febian,Bumiputera Rockers,Nash,Wings. You name it. He is a goddamn old rocker at heart. Im one also. A terrible one. Heeee. I will find his old pictures and post it here. (: Well,now I can only hear his Quran recitings. And his long Doa's during his prayers. I know inside him,theres something calling out for him to pick that mike up and sing again. But momma would not like it. So my dad will now be the rocker undercover. Though he still karaokes at times. Why is everyone asking me what i would get for my mum for mothers day? Its not those "oh we should celebrate mothers day everyday,shouldnt we?" No its not. Instead, do i have to? Will she even appreciate it. Salam readers. So sacrifice yourself,and let me have what's left. I know that i can find,the fire in your eyes. Rockbebeh.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
school= mundane. going home= dreamy. home=excited. emails=even more excited. more m.d.o.r. i know i havent been blogging much. My life's so boring that i have nothing to update about. Im so tired these days that I have been staying up late to finish my projects. And please, it is just the starting. Be prepared readers,because you are going to here more about my projects. Haha. boring i know.But.if not,i have nothing to blog about. Today will be staying up again,to finish my work.Haish. Met the ketiaks at Mcdonalds Civic to talk.InsyaAllah everything will get better. Was joined by Liy and Dee.So we cant talk that much.Sorry about that Ketiak 1! Sides that, i got my McFlurry indulgence. Now I wish theres someone to talk to me,to teman me while i do my work till the weeeee hours. But too bad.sad sad.People have their own lives too. I got an email!! Wooohhhhooo. Okay goodnight. icegreentea.
Monday, May 7, 2007
if you people have nothing else to do,and you feel like wasting $9.50 for nothing. and you feel like sacrificing your mundane weekends, please,take this from me.
go and watch retribution,the japanese horror movie. oh gosh. i cant even rate it because its so superr horrible. yeah,horrible. to the extend that i feel the director should kill himself for being such a loser. its a story with no purpose,no storyline,no ending,no climax,no interest. its not funny.its not scary. no nothing. yeah.this is the worst movie i had ever watch in my whole 17 years. i and syam even did some dance lah.because we were too bored. i can happily say elizabeth town was better. even though i slept during that show.no please. be sensible humans and dont.dont even think of watching retribution. and my day went hkewyfhewkhfljw because of that. wasted time,energy and money money. i should have just gone out with someone else. on a happier note, i enjoyed my company today. with ama,syam,farid and sya. And thanks to my dear cin for accompanying me the earlier part of the day. it was actually surprising. i didnt expect it to be this way. well,i really should change my perception. i had long john silvers combo one add cheese. and double chocolate frappe from McCafe. but still prefer caramel. cute kan this uncle. and thats the mimik and cincin. and this is the dork and ama the fierce. konon nak jadi CK models. the girls.waiting for sya to arrive.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
You deserve much better than me. to someone who dont know. You looked at me.i looked away. If you only knew the deformed wishes and innocent smiles All I wanted was not to be scared, to not have my stomach feel like its in a knot and you did just that. All I wanted was for my knees to stop shaking, for the sweat to stop dripping from my forehead, and you did just that. for my face to stop glowing bright red, for my heart to stop beating faster and faster, and you did just that. you realised i existed you showed me a simple sign I am at my limit But I just can't give in I know it will all be okay As long as I keep running My heart beat gets much faster And I can barely breathe And yet for some reason I am in a state of total peace This road can never judge me This road will never lie and all those daydreamings and sheepish smiles and all those thoughts inside long bus rides and those moments when i know i could see you and end up having major dap dap dup dups and when i cant actually see you theres some tiny bit of frustration i do smile in the end because i know that this somehow is what making me look foward in life when i know this is not the ordinary. i always think you could do much better than me. i always think you deserve someone much better than me. i always think you do have someone much better than me. nonetheless, this has been my chocolates all this while. and im thanking God that you somehow became a big part of my tiny life. runs deep.
Friday, May 4, 2007
KEROPOK LEKOR EXTINCTION!!!!!??? Checked out the pasar malam at woodlands and guess what, to me and mimin's surprise,theres no single stall with keropok lekor! and keropok lekor is supposed to be the most important finger food you have to get when there's pasar malam.okay,there are 2 stalls with keropok lekor,but then one of them has the totally keras ones,which will break your teeths when you bite it,and the other stall,they have the long shaped ones, non-garing,and non-crispy means its not nice. On a happier note,i am starting to like the progress of my project 2. I am very fortunate to have 2 equally hardworking groupmembers,unlike some groups which has free riders.Ugh.I cant stand free riders,if the free riders were from my group, oh oh.they will so get it from me. But,put that aside,i hope you girls will do something about it.And,im relieved that we had collected the full data for the project.And i can't wait to start revamping the area. Designing a new space for the area would be individual work.and that's going to be fun. Wooohoo. Spent almost my whole day at Far East observing people and the place. And met up with Diy and Mimin.Called Naddy but she didn't pick up her phone.Well, watching Spiderman with boyfriend mahh!But its okayy.Heee.All of us got our caramel frapp again,and guava and lots and lots of powder. Worrying news from ketiak3. I hope everything gets better,ketiak1 and 2 is here. Nonetheless,lining up for bubble tea with mimin was hilarious and even though its a super long queue,i think we got to the front pretty fast,since in the middle,nonsensical jokes filled our time. pimple burst,mascara smudge,bulu hidung ternaik and GIGI tercampak lah eh kalau naik ride Topgun dekat EURO FUNFAIR!WEEIIII! OH.AND I SAW SOME PERSON THAT EXISTED IN MY PAST AT FAREAST WHILE EATING AT CAHAYA.MACAM NAK TERMUNTAH BALIK MEE AKU. TAKE THAT BACK. alhamdulillah.you saw the truth. InsyaAllah,we can. "if you tell the truth,you don't have to remember anything." jiggy-jig.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
LETS ALL LIGHT THE FIRE AND GO OLD SCHOOL ROCKING. YEAAAH. MARI KAWAN KAWANKU. AMBIL SELUAR MERAH KETATMU. CERMIN MATA KHASMU. ON-LAH KIPAS ANGIN KUAT KUAT. DAN MARI KITA FEELING. SAMA SAMA. ROCK NEVER DIE! ok wth. I'm staring at my feet My cheeks are turning red I'm searching for the words inside my head I'm feeling nervous Trying to be so perfect Because I know you're worth it, you're worth it tommorrow is going to be a long day for me. What else, im going to be lurking around Orchard road these few days as i have my project- revamping a part of Orchard rd for the year 2030. Bleaah. i've been having great aftermidnight hours. haaaaaaa. best lah seyyy. and. ive just watched the MC anti-drug dance vid. anyone has the full vid? and, i ate four CADBURY BOOST because i was stressed. and, again for the millionth time. i wished i had a normal family. those who goes to functions together. have holidays together. eats together. talk while watching TV together. Heh. It almost feels as if i dont have a family. you know,i wish i had a mum as a bestfriend. like most other normal teenagers do. okayy why am i fretting about everything, sheesshh tiq. nah. I hope something will change. waddefreakinbubblejogetTasnimkinky.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Its the third day of major project 2 and im not liking it a little bit. Remember, i used to say im hoping for stars for my major project 1? and indeed,i got stars bebeh. That i am happy. But to expect stars for this one,means i have to go through the same tedious hard work,if not, more. i have to be driven yet again. i showed ketiak 3 some of my old secondary school pictures. and kept on reminiscing again and again and again.and again. when its time to chill, my house would be one of the better options. and when secondary school girls are together inside a room painted with pink and purple flowers, things are not at all butterflies and sugar. instead, it would be ransack time, it would be story telling time, it would be dress up time and it would be all the fun and enjoyable moments time. and so, a few pictures that nearly brought me to tears. haha. enjoy. and i really mean it if i say we really had fun,the idiots way.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
i got twix PODS and caramel frap. HEAVENLISHLY HEAVEN-LY. And anugerah just made my day. laughed my ass off. And izni. you did good babes. try again okayy. candy empire.