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I don't describe myself.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Entec was okay. though i went in and out of class like nobody's business.cos i thought,i would rather sit outside then sit inside and rot.i wasn't paying attention anyway.Bad Bad atiqah.In the end, Stayed in my seat and crapped with my partner,Azli.He was telling me all about his Tapestry Performance,which i failed to attend. (:AND WE CRITICISED SOMEONE.LOLOLOLOLOL."kau peh bapak lah.."hahaha. So matrip sia you Azli.

Atiqah: suruh die baring, letak satu cawan kopi dekat muka die.
Azli: aaahh? Asal siaaaaa...? :S
Atiqah: Showed with actions and repeated phrase.
and atiqah smillllleeeedddd.
Azli: OOOOOOHHHH!!! AKU TAHUU!!. HAHAHAHA. bastard siak atiqah. kau bastard bodoh atiqah..hahahaa.
Atiqah: aaahh. faham pon. kau peh peh peh lembz. *imitate him*
Azli: aku tahu..pasal muka die penyek. tu pasal letak kopi tk tumpah. hahahaha!
Atiqah siak.

Azli: eh kau tahu Rosli remind of aku pasal siapa tak? *Rosli is my lecturer*
Atiqah: Errr. ntah ..siapa.?
Azli: macam MR MAGOO.
Atiqah: ahahahahah! HAHAH! eh ah ah lahh! macam MR MAGOO LAHH SEYY!.

-of all people, we think that our lecturer looks like MR MAGOO.-
and we laughed macam orangg gilaaaaaa.


I cant go to Singfest anyway.
Kinda sad. But.
Its for my own good.
My parents dont allow me to go anyway.
Sorry Regina. ):

*still not in the mood to post pictures from tapestry night*

apologies to Rizal,sorry I couldnt make it to your performance on Sunday.
I wished I could. (:
But yeah,i had alot of other things to attend to.
All the best for XLR8.
Keep rocking.

meanwhile, laugh looking at these,
sesungguhnya aku kurus dan gelap.
macam typical indian minah.
DOINK. >.<
sheesh! can see the bones on my neck. eh on my neck? alah the bones lahh.

Gelap gileeeeeerrrrrrrr. BLACK VS WHITE.Helviana tak pernah gelap.

speak out if you do.
is it possible, Mr Lovable.
who doesn't long for someone to hold.
who knows how to love you without being told.
if theres a soulmate for everyone.

maybe i should stop asking about history.
mungkin aku cemburu.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Despots rocked the staged on Tapestry night.
Yeah Syam, you got yourself a new fan.
Since all the way before Despots they were playing punkrock and all,
Its nice to finally hear some indie rock and roll.
i was going "yesssaaaarrrrr"
everytime Syam mentioned the songs they were going to play.
The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys,Muse covers became Despots choices.
I was too busy recording all their performances, or i would have sang along too.

Despots rocks!
*posting pics and videos soon*


Saturday, July 28, 2007

And i realised i have not yet Qada my fasts.
Have you girls done it?
Rejab is one of the sacred months declared by Allah.
It seems so fast.
Soon, its Sya'ban.
And then, Ramadhan.

And yar.
InsyaAllah, Allah let me live long enough.
For me to meet this Ramadhan.

Friday, July 27, 2007

do come down and support these bands.

Saturday, 28th July.
Cathay Cineleisure.
Syam's performance:The Despots, 8.30PM.
they are playing indie,do come and support.
oh and syam's singingg! wiiuwwiits.

Sunday, 29th July.
Cathay Cineleisure.
Azli's performance:A staircase farewell,7PM.
they are playing emo punkrock i guess. (:
expect music from Paramore and matchbook romance.

Rizal's performance: XLR8,8PM.
pure rock bebeh!
3 songs and one instrumental.

im going!!!! yey!
let's all support our local talent!

on bands.

Just an Overthinker.

i guess i just have to agree that everyone shouldnt ever judge a book by its cover.because i thought i wouldnt like my new lecturer,Harith.its surprising because now i think he may be in the running towards becoming "atiqah's favourite teacher of all times".and i think he is leading right now.basically because, he is super humourous, he is young,thus he understands us better,and his lessons are always going boom boom boom.what i mean is, i will never go bored in his class, and it is actually a gd thing because, i pay attention more,and i actually learn something when i stepped out of the classroom.Well,for me, if its a theory class, i would usually end up sleeping or listening to my mp3 because my lecturer wouldn't care what i do anyway. i can sleep at the back of the class for all they care. i just have to make sure all my assignments are handed up on time.

Cin's right. Harith has the ability to make you laugh even before you can stop yourself from doing it.its always laugh laugh laugh. and he is always sacarstic. plus,quite good-looking too.*and he wears red boxers* wahahahahah. oh no no, this is not the student-lecturer crush thingy or anything. he just made me realise that i shouldnt judge someone before i know them better.

and he has this way of pronouncing "architecture" that is super duper adorable and hilarious at the same time.haaa.cuteness.and we were talking about getting a degree and all after graduating and someone suggested that we buy ourselves a degree.and he didnt agree with it. he says he would rather buy a compass with lots of degrees. The whole class was silent for a while and after that everyone roared with laughter because it was supppeeerr dupppeerrr lame lahhhh.

and we were asked to form a group to complete a project and so me,khairiah and some chinese guys plus Gifford the clown formed a group and we named ourselves-the real world. just because Harith likes to say that phrase, everytime he starts his life story telling. he will end up saying.."i dont mean to scare you guys but hey..this is the real world." every single time.the year 3's in my class named themselves Veerasamy which is very indian-ish and when it comes to Nas's group,he said spontaneously, "Rachna Johri". Well Rachna is one of the old-timer lecturers in TP and she used to teach Harith himself.Really funny. I cant tell you how many times i actually cried because i laughed so hard.

There's this girl in my class by the name of PepXi(pepsi) and please lah, Harith laughed when he heard her name and when he asked her other group member for her name, he blurted out "coke" and the whole class laughed again.Yeah, very rude but the girl was okay with it.
Well,I am soooo loving my Exhibition design class right now.night classes arent so bad afterall.

And to Cin, friends do come and go. But that must happen. Only if that happens, then u can find out who the real ones are and who are those plastic fakers. believe me, i have lots of plastic fakers waiting to pounce on me and slash me with all their hatred.

and to you. AKU SAYANG KAMU LAHHHHHHH! wahahaha.

bon bon.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Everything is electric.

Have you ever thought.Whats the one thing that you would appreciate/want in your life partner?
i got this question and i couldn't answer that person straightaway.
and after some "evaluation" about it,
i guess one thing that matters most to me is
a good sense of humour.

i did thought about other factors like appearance, are they caring,are they the ultimate gentlemen, do they respect elders,religion wise. yada yada yada.

well, i wouldn't say they are not important,they really are. but i have my own reasons.
a good sense of humour means you will have laughters together. you wont get bored, you can always count on your partner to make you feel better in any kind of situations.

on the other hand, appearance wont last. everyone grow old. everyone will get flabby cheeks in the end. everyone's hair will turn white. At least, with a good sense of humour,you can still imagine yourself laughing together with your partner till your stomach hurts, in front of the TV, criticising Britney and her 11th child. Well who knows, to each its own. I would rather have someone whom i can laugh and talk and have fun with, even though he isn't as hot as chris daughtry rather than have some A list hollywood superstar-lookalike husband who will do nothing but stare and stare and stare. Gosh. Imagine eating or watching TV together, in silence.

Call that a life? Nah.

Whats that one thing that you want in your partner, people?


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Kingdom of doom.; the good,the bad.
i waited.and waited. and after a few buses and a few mosquito bites and a few strange stares from passerbys, i decided to go home. But i do really hope you're fine. idk why but im so worried.
anyways, my bro fractured his hand. and i signed on his aku-lupe-ape-benda-tu-nye-nama.
cast ehk?
and my name's the biggest.
taknak kalah lah aku.

okay world. bye.
got to go salivate watching vampires on TV.


the 2nd. ilymi.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Through the windowpane.

a day of mixed fortune in tiq's life.

1)tampines to orchard to suntec city,
2)back with kiasu Singaporeans,packed packed MRT,no seats,waited for 3 MRTs,gave up and just boarded the busy train,
feeling irritated most of the times.
3)but i got rewarded! a nice normal dinner for a normal girl in the end.

these are the picture-taking(ehem.not camwhoring) session in the toilet. (:



fini mentel.

Fini tetap mentel.

Kepak ayam.

Classic blooper. mak ai~gigi.

can we?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

hush..just play the music.

i finally got to visit Helviana and her family.
She's still the same, and im glad her mum is getting better.
Abang Hafiz is now fat fat fatttt.
Abang Haikel as usual, merepek.
Her dad says i am fat now;which is true.
Heh. Its a nice nice time spent together with them.
And when its time for me and Naddy to go home,
the bros hid our shoes.
haa. crap everytime.
and they are like complaining because me and Naddy bought yana an oreo ice blended.
while they dont get any bubble tea.
gosh i missed that family so much.

my room was disastrous.
its phenomenal just how much junk i can accumulate by not cleaning the room for a week.

somehow,a few minutes ago,i had so much to say.
i wanted to yada here and there.
but suddenly, nothing matters already.

was i disappointed?
was i?
oh i hate the truth.
but the truth hurts sometimes,dont they?
its just so childish.
someone just bang atiqah's head on the wall.

oh yes. suddenly i want sheeeeeeessssshhhhhhaaaaaaaa.

i said hey,i put some new shoes on and suddenly everythings right.
I miss these people. Haish.
Those days.
We were so so so united.
those camps, late nights, craps.
super tough trainings under hot hot hot Mr sun.
pain in the ass but awesome cadets.
those "one for all all for one" thingy.
we were always helping each other.
NPCC was always fun.
not forgetting, the ice kachang we would have after late trainings.
we would even go somewhere wearing the same shirt.
the NCO T shirt.
i still have it.
do you still keep it?

P.S: Nadiah anak kepada Encik As'ari, saya mahu gunting rambut esok. Heee.

one for all;all for one.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

i have been wide awake since Thursday morning till now.
I am so super sleepy but i missed blogging.
so here goes.

and so Friday was my submission.*finally;Alhamdulillah* Im done with my major project. but i still have one last minor submission to do.i still cant accept the fact that i am starting on a new subject this monday.no rest at all.the good thing is. class starts at 3 daily but at the same time,the bad thing, i have 2 classes,thus i will end school at 9.CAN YOU BELIEVE IT.i have class from 6 to 9, when im supposed to be at home sleeping or something.and to add on all to that,i got HARITH as my lecturer.that young anggek ex-TP student lecturer.wah piang.. i just find him arrogant thats all.

Waited for Shakir after my submission to go home together, and of course, syafiq and syafrin was there.I was so super hungry since i didnt have any food since that morning that i forced them to go eat with me. and so Siti followed us and me and Shafrin ate while the rest looked. Either they are dieting, or they are broke or they simply dont eat long john.* i became spiderwoman for a while today *

and we crapped like we always do.no.and they crapped like they always do. and entertained this poor poor stressed architecture student.Non stop laughter till the ride home when all of us gave up and ngorok all the way to Woodlands.



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

leng geleng geleng geleng geleng geleng.

i was bloghopping and i read miss happiology's.
you guys got to see this video.
Its really really funny.

Not that really really,but i had a good laugh lah.
here it is;


did you notice the moon today?
Its a crescent.
Pretty pretty moon.
God's creation.MasyaAllah.

school today was surprisingly fine and smooth.
i did my work,like really really did my work.
Well,lets just hope i can continue this till Friday.
Yes.Friday.and its over.and its done.

oh.i miss hari raya.


it gets faster everyday,every minute,every second.
i know its hard to believe but its so happening.
and i dont want it to end.
feelings trapped inside and undiscovered.
how i wish i could tell you,
you're everything i wanted.

project pop.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

and when the going gets tough,
the tough gets going.

oh you are so so so so so getting on my nerves.
one more word.
i would stick a baseball bat inside your mouth.
just shut shut shut it.

when its all said and done.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

BIG GIRL;you are beautiful.

AND MEGAN FOX IS HOT HOT HOT. sssssssssssssss.
i would turn into a lesbian for her. :P *probably*
and for a moment in the movie, i wished i had a guardian like bumblebee.

Like finally,i got to see Seletar Dam.
To my tiny weeny disappointment,its not that nice or awesome for me;
but i think,its better in the night or whenever the sun sets in.
I would go there in the night, and Naddy,we shall go together okay?
by the way dear,i so totally have to cut my hair that is already tebal gile gile.
we shall go after im done with all my submissions.

i'm hooked on Kaiser Chiefs's music.Controversial,eh? Or am i just plain weird.
And if I wanted to hear their first album, Employment, I would get the disc, put it in my stereo, and listen to it on my speakers.Oh,i would probably blast it in my home so all my neighbours would hear "Love's not a competition" play on a repeat mode. But,i can always shut the windows can i? But why should i? if i am here slogging on my project,i would let my neighbours suffer with me as well. But hey,its a good deal,isn't it. Free good music for everyone.

talking about old times.
crapping and useless jokes.
i spent the ride home with my original friends.
those i first got to know when i got in TP.
its been a long time uh dudes?

and sometimes;just sometimes.
unplanned outings can make you smile for the whole day.
those little things that take you there.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.
i think i like staring. (:

back to project. tata.

the angry mob.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thanks Izzat for tagging me. -_-'''
12 weird things about si atiqah selenge bacin ni:
1.i love plastic rings.
2.nerds turns me on.-how many times have you heard that?
3.i have weight problems but i cant bring myself to become aneroxic.
4.i think i like haizad imran now.hahaaa! *inside reason*
5.i create stress when i am not feeling any,just so i can do my work.
6.oh yar! i cant resist cute girl boxers.
7.when i'm in the rajin rajin mood mood, i will hang my clothes according to their colour; even the hangers would be of the same colour.
8.i give in to coke everytime.every single time.
9.vampires are always always the sexiest creatures.
10.i listen to rock while im actually supposed to be listening to nasyid.
11. number 10 is totally random because i ran out of ideas.
12.and here i am at 12.
anyway,i saw an ah pek shee-shee-ing just now. in front of some bushes,but still very visible to any passer by. its a good thing its already dark or i would have seen stuffs i shouldnt be seeing now. Oh.my virgin virgin eyes. haaa.
past few days had been real hectic and crazy. every inch of energy is kinda drained out. but hey, here i am blogging again.it just feels so weird not going online as often as i used to,but uhuh, i had to keep my priorities right,and my project came first. now,im just enjoying this breaktime before *clap clap* its time to start all over again. projects and projects. interior. i can go crazy drawing walls and partitions and doors and some irritating line drawings that doesnt benefit me at all.
yeah.try being an interior architecture student.
try being me.
few days without sufficient sleep makes me grow fatter i think. heee.
and i get frustrated easily.
woah. be prepared for some s*nd*l-ism ah.
i need to re-charge now.
have you guys been following Live Earth?
Haaa. its super nice. Especially linkin park's.
i love it.
for singfest 07'.
i am not going to regret my choice this time.
i couldnt go to FOB and i didnt go for MUSE either.
i wanna go for avenged sevenfold.
cheapest tix at 128 bucks.
mana aku nak cekup duittttttt.
dah lah.goodbye to you a7x.
and to add salt to the wound.
chey chey.
good charlotte's performing too.
gym class heroes along with B.E.P and cobra starship.
jksjejejkej lah.
ticket mahal giler gileeeeerrrrr nyer.
misery business.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

metro is having a closing down sale.
they are slling triumphs and sloggis
for as low as 2 for 9.90.
if ive got cash.
i would have gone and grab some.
go go go girls.
grab it.
worth it.


thiink thiink.

Monday, July 9, 2007

i am going to make my square pegs fit the round holes.

sometimes i want to wake up to a perfect life.
have you ever thought of that?
i will tell myself each day that whatever happens.
i will smile no matter what.
yeah right.
smile and the world will smile with you.
but someone replied me before.
"smile and the world will smile with you,
cry and the world will laugh at you."
i wish i can deny it.
but it does makes sense.
you tried so hard to impress everybody.
you tried so hard to be the best and satisfy everyone.
when in the end,when everything gets thrown back to you.
all they do is sit and watch.
and you continue to wail.

i have this enthusiasm inside me that i myself can't explain.
i want to have a future.
though now i have a reason to dream about that future.
i have someone to work for that future.
i can't help but to think.
everything has to starts within myself.
i have to learn to love myself as much as people love me.
and i know,alot of you people care.
that i am very grateful for.
and i have to do the best for me.

i am going to make my square pegs fit the round holes.
i am going to be happy.
i am going to be okay.
i am determined about that.

i step into the shower,and let the water wash away all the dirt,
the past and everything that i have been.
my sins,washing away.
this Kafkaesque world i had is going for good.

right now,i feel more like a crayon scribble by a small child.
everything has to start from scratch.
yes atiqah.

and with this, let me thank everyone that have been there for me.
mi,ily.fe alby hawak.Ya aghla habibi. heee.
naddy,you know i can't live without you;my other half.
my lovely bitches. diydiy and mimin; aku sentiasa sayang kamu.
khai and cin. what would happen to me in poly if you girls arent there.
cousins.izzat,you're always there. and of course my other cousins as well.
my SG friends. farid, ama, syam, wak,always remembered.
and also to rizal and syafiq.(:
*stands up on the table and waves*
thankkiu thankkiu.

kay dah. sudah habis dedication ku.

this is another one of those hellogoodbye posts.
because its going to be another busy week.
multiple deadlines and never-ending submissions.

malam readers.


Thursday, July 5, 2007


My blog seems to be dead bebeh.one submission done and more to come. Please friends, include me in your prayers that I wont die standing.Stress is coming stress is coming.

I will blog more soon.
Haish.Mum brought home Hikmah's full CD.How i wished i could have watch it. Heh. I wanted to watch Heroes too. And for your info Naddy and Diy,im still stucked at episode 19.

Oh.I have been seeing my cousin,syaf and barffer around these days.Its so nice to see them again. The craps. and the jokes. Ahh. Somehow keep me from going insane.

And i think i miss waking up, feeling super duper mooper excited to check my hotmail.I wake up just to read my mails.I wake up smiling because I knew I am about to get blown away. And i blushed most of the times.HAH! Tell me when did anyone get so excited checking their emails. Well i did. I miss my MDOR's. Oh oops. Its ODOR's now.Told you its going to be ODOR no more.

Tiq-nity on high.

Monday, July 2, 2007

watch " Crazy Beautiful".
starred by Kirsten Dunst and some guy-i-forgot-his-name.
but he is super hot.
and you would probably cry watching.
i know i did.

goodbye blogging.
be back in a while.

miss this busy woman.

who did what?

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Dyn brought me ayam masak merah pengantin.
To think a guy did catering and can cook better than me.
i don't like our secret.
and i don't like my situation either.
it seems like im troubling everyone.
and i don't want to be an object of sympathy.
though i will try all i can to overcome this.
and prevent the worst.
i told you i can see it coming.
Fi alby hawak
Tamaly waheshny
Ya aghla habibi.