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I don't describe myself.

Friday, August 31, 2007

its un-frikin-believable that when you thought your day would end as it would the day before and the day before yesterday,it just didn't. these dudes never fail to make me feel happier, even if its just a little, with their nonsense and butts full of foul air. schooldays seems to be longer than usual,had been stayin from 9am till as late as 11pm for this whole week. But being with CAK and cousin and friends really are fantastic. (:
to you; i just hope you would make the right choice because this will affect you and your future.and stop stop before everything gets more complicated. but yet again, its your life and i have no say. its just difficult because i care. please,you, think of it this way, you deserve so much better. this,is impossible. you deserve someone so much better.
anyways anyhows. here's shakir and his usual crap.
shafrin tried so hard to do stunts but he cant.
he claimed its because i was there.

on other news, i am extremely extremely happy that I got to spend almost all my time with this person this week. <3

im off now. to class. another presentation. pffft.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Kiss me, beneath the milky twilight, Lead me out on the moonlit floor, Lift your open hand, Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance, Silvers moon's sparkling. So kiss me.

Don't ask why I have those words up there.Cindy's now listening to Sixpence none the richer. Anyways,anyhow,I haven't been updating much these few days.As usual, busy with school. Have 3 projects on hand and one of them is a real life project, which will be submitted to HDB. DEFA or DFA whatever it is. Its designing for the aged. And so i am a part of it. and if my group's work is selected to be sent to HDB(since there are 5 groups altogether), it would be a big big big recognition for us and our portfolio would be better compared to students who don't do real life projects. Well, InsyaAllah. I can just pray and do what I can. And by the way, these below is my 2-page resume. Heee. I kinda like it. It looks quite professional. Not too girlish, not t0o tacky, not too gina or cinaminah either.Its just simple and nice.
An interior design company just email-ed me to send my resume so they would be able to employ me for my internship. And my cousin offered me to help me with my overseas internship later. She's staying in Jeddah, and has lots of architect and interior designer friends over there,and so all I have to do is send her my resume and portfolio and everything will be settled. Accomodation would be free,as like duh,I will be staying with her. Its all down to wether I am good enough,and wether the company over there would accept me. If I am accepted, I would be extremely excited and happy lah. Like, working in a different company, different environment, make new friends, meet new people, see life in a different perspective. So exciting kann.That is why right now I am grabbing every chance I have to have a better portfolio; which also means doing bigger and real life projects. (:

But, if Im going overseas for my internship, it means im leaving everyone here, mum dad, siblings,mi, sayangnaddy,my favourite bitches,my CAK angels,friends, and if you know me, I don't make new friends easily.How am i going to survive a month or 2 in another country? Well, for the sake of my future, sacrifices have to be made. Still excited though. Weeeee. InsyaAllah. Work hard Atiqah. (: (:


Sunday, August 26, 2007


planned. confirmed. planned. excited. planned. and confirmed again.
but everything just have to fail.
and guess what, i expected it. Diy said she did too.
i am freaking sad and frustrated about this.
all those effort put in.

on a happier note;
i went for a sleepover!!
shocked? No??
i was shocked myself when my mum said yes if i could sleepover at yana's.
i was superrrrr happy.
and yes of course, yana and naddy didn't disappoint me.
we had the typical girl talk till 5am lah please.
topics from boys to family to life to boys again.
and boys again.
timecheck was 4.10am and i said,"okay lets sleep,goodmorning."
all 3 of us shut up and there was silence for a few seconds,
and we started talking again.
till 5am. hahaha.
totally awesome.
and me and yana kept on doing things to irritate naddy since she was sleeping in the middle.
yana kept hugging her and i kept bothering her,and we both squeezed her till she shrieked.
cuteness naddy.
looking forward to more sleepovers with them.
though i know it wont happen lah.
unless mak aku in a good good mood.

but me and yana are very good nurses. naddy was feeling sick but she felt better after that.

watched Suntec Dance Heats 3 with Diy,the birthday girl.
pity birthday girl, she didnt get a proper celebration.
like i said, everything just have to fail.
and so supported Tranzwave,as usual.
and Diy, was like screaming on top of her lungs.
and me, Diy and Mas was soaking wet because it was raining heavily.
we still stayed to watch NUXS, Nora and Cat's group.
Well, NUXS didn't qualify, but Tranzwave did.
So congratulations Tranzwave.
"still the same old Atiqah, still short,still pretty."

OH OH OH!!!! me and Diy was like drooling on this chinese guy who was dancing also.



Mr Evil Creature.
yes,Mr Evil Creature.


Saturday, August 25, 2007


18 now.
few more years down the road you will be CHECHER DIY.
yes babes, be a teacher.
and do "early childhood" proud.

May Allah protect you always dear.
Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Nice day for a sulk.

i am currently in my Multimedia Fundamentals class.
my lecturer blabbering over there, me, wasting my time here.
oh gosh Sam shut your mouth Sam shut up.
not one soul is listening.

i learnt that you can only trust yourself.

because sometimes the person you trust most just turn their back and ignore you.
they were there during the happy times,
but when you need a listening ear and shoulder to cry on,
they just pretended that they dont know anything,
and assumed that you will come to terms with the problems you are facing.
that's humans.
humans are evil creatures.

on another note,
when you fall, do stand up again,
no matter what happens,
its not the end of the world.yet.
be strong,
because people come and go,
though you think you wont ever make it,
because that person have been the "most important" one in your list,
please believe that whatever happens, happens for a reason.
alah cakap melayu,
ada hikmah disebalik semuanya.
and you know i care.
i am worried about you.
but i regret not being there for you at that moment.
i do care.
you know im always here.
24 hours.
okay naddy.
at least now you can stand up and say
its over and done with,

i would even sneak out of the house to meet you in the middle of the night.

get up.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


ella ella eh eh eh.
*a group of Mass Comm Students from Temasek poly*
and that is why, TP rocks. (:
its filled with cool and fun people.

it was wrong. but it felt right.
and i felt good.
these mixed feelings.


Monday, August 20, 2007

i miss you both already.

i dont know why but everything seems to be all over the place.
nothing is quite right at this moment.
morning class was draggy,thank goodness khai was with me.
my afternoon class, I HAVE NO ONE.
i was completely alone.
there is only 2 person including me from my course.
and the other person is this guy, that i never ever talked to.
and i cant talk to anyone, and the subject is killing me.
Creating your own website.
HTMLS,coding, yada yada.
terrible. i cant get anything into my head.
and i cant ask around either.
i did try asking,but it seems the rest are totally clueless too.
i foresee terrible afternoons ahead.
and i am so going to need shakir's help with the website design.
kan aku dah kata, aku memang selalu menyusahkan orang.
but the lecturer was nice though.
oh yar, girls, avoid sitting beside Banglas, or any guy for that matter.
i dont remember the last time i felt so terrified sitting in a bus full of people.
sick. but maybe, its just the stress eating up my brains, malfunctioning it, sending negative vibes through all the veins. and atiqah jadi gila. aku gila sekarang.
betol aku tak bedek.

the only right thing right now.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

i had been busy these few days.
its like a dead blog already.
i will update soon.
need to have my long-waited beauty sleep.
reggie darling, i will post the pictures soon. (:

You don't know just how much i long for you.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

when there's no one else,
look inside myself,
like my oldest friend,
just trust the voice within.
and I'll find the strength that will guide my way,
i'll learn to begin to trust the voice within.
thanks yasmin. (:

Monday, August 13, 2007

Controlling anger before it controls you.
when you are feeling really angry at someone.
and you feel as if you are about to burst at the slightest movement.
turn your back on that person,
leave the room,
count to ten,
breath in and out,
and cry and shout all you want.
it works, trust me.
but oh, dont forget to lock your doors(though my door dont have locks)
and cover your face with your pillow,
before you start ranting all those vulgarities.

just like me.

i appreciate your shoulders naddy, cin and khai, thank you.



yes, the same old cliche birthday message. May you enjoy today like you never did, and may all your wishes come true. May Allah bless you and goodluck for everything.
Hey,stay strong. well, you're always the strongest among us.
life's not easy, but i'll pray okay. Everything happens for a reason babes.
Happy Birthday again strong girl. ILOVEYOU LAH SEY.

gambar lama dong. haaaaaa. kentz.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

and when i finally get all the attention you cant give me all this while,
you just have to ruin it.
sorry,whose life are we talking about here?
Mums are evil people.

Friday, August 10, 2007


1. Birthday girl.

2. Us.
3. The lift poster.

4.Inside the lift.

5.Blue footprints all over to lead the birthday girl.

6.The spy cam.

7.Indeed a pleasant surprise for her.

8.The Sya-made birthday card.


10. Sweet riiigght.

11.Part of the card.

12. Umbrella lyrics lah seyy.

AND SO, Cindy's birthday surprise was a success. We got to keep the plans from her and we got to see her just-woke-up state.and the surprise was perfect. Just like we planned. We pasted posters outside her house, pasted footprints on the floor and posters in the lift, outside the lift, on the floor on her void deck. just to lead her to our celebration place. and all those waits , running up and down the stairs was all worth it. Kudos to me, Khai and Sya. Hee. I love it.


I AM GOING TO MISS ITS THE REAL WORLD. really, the time we spent together..the craps we had, the jokes we shared, the childishness of these guys, i am still going to miss them and our group.I would love to work with them again future. lets put 2 thumbs up and say "ITS THE REALLL WORLLLDDD!" hahah. spastic tacky whatever you wanna call it. I still love us.
today was our last day together. and as usual, when designers gets bored, they do things that normal people wont do. presenting you, the box-ed children. yeeaabahh.


Thursday, August 9, 2007

A HAPPY HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY FOR MY ONE AND ONLY SEXY MAKCIK CINDY!yes dear, you are 18 now. legal. also, one year away to the end of teen life. right, when you and khai and sya are able to watch M18 movies, i will be stucked outside watching NC16s. Pffft. Whatever it is, enjoy your birthday like you never did before, may you celebrate many many more birthdays to come. And may God always protect you like how God protects me. May you always be in the pink of health and be blessed with happy happy days. Keep smiling because *ehem,you have one super killer sweet smile*. and eyyy. i mean it okay! you really do, with those dimples. ARGH. Happy Birthday my dear Cindy.

WO AI NI, MANY MANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

real love.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


when designers get bored and they run out of plain papers and their tables are all full of vandalisms, they start putting their creations on their skin. this is one of Azli's nonsensical ideas again, when each of us draw anything on our hand, he suggested this nautical star (read: im not sure of its spelling,and im just plain lazy to look it up in the dictionary although the dictionary is right here in front of me), so i had one. and JiaJia did some cool J initial while Doll did her famous eye.

August is the memokai month lah seyy. Alot of August babies.

right now,i feel like going to Sungei Road.if only its open till wee hours. i can hunt for treasures with Fahmi. yey, going with him soon. i can't wait. hunt hunt hunt for vintage baggies.

guys in formalwear are hot don't you think so? hot as in ppppssssttt amboi melecur! kinda hot.


Monday, August 6, 2007

Feels something like summertime.Radio's on and by my side.
A day of unexplainable joy in the 3 preppie girls' life.

Ciplak cake. But who cares?

i love today. getting scolded and nagged by my mum was all worth it.
woodlands to sungei road,to bugis,and a long long walk to city hall.
girls,sing BSB songs with me by the streets again. (:




AND. TO ME. (:
this day has always been one of those important days written in my diary and i wont forget those enjoyable moments i had with you both. Happy 3rd birthday larlings. Because no matter what, 6th of August will always be a special reminder that we have to meet each other. I DONT CARE. EVEN IF YOU GIRLS MARRY SOME DATOK OR TYCOON THAT DOESNT ALLOW YOU TO GO OUT TO MEET YOUR FRIENDS. MAKE SURE 6TH OF AUGUST IS AN EXCEPTION. THANK YOU.

This was taken on our 1st, 2005. Gila monsters.

And this, on our 2nd,2006. Mind those shrieking voices.


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Everybody put up your hands
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love
feel the beat now
If you’ve got nothing left
Say I don’t wanna be in love
I don’t wanna be in love

i dont like shopping alone.
i end up not buying anything.
but i wondered around arab st, to yishun back to wdls.
who says shopping alone is fun?
but the good thing is,
i got to spend some time for myself.
to finally think straight.
Everything is in place right now.
Circles untangled.

Perhaps our eyes needs to be washed by our tears once in a while,
so that we could see life in a clearer view again.

WORK WAS F-ed up.
i got 2 customer complaints.
Both on me.
I got shouted right in my face by one customer even though i was not in the wrong and know nothing at that moment.
And i got sacarstic remarks and misunderstood by another.
And i got to put up with her F-ed up attitude.
And i couldnt complain because my manager was really in a bad mood cos his dad is in critical condition in the hospital.
And the customer shouted at him too.

me: Excuse me ,sorry mam, can you stand aside please, i need to take the order from the reservation group behind. * i need to do that because she was blocking and theres this group of 14 hungry teenagers behind, and they are getting angry because they already reserved and they are super hungry and they cant wait so i have to take their order and since she's talking to my manager who was beside me,i asked her to just move aside a little.*

customer: eh hello! why must i stand aside. eh i just need an answer from you, why must you push me aside. eh hello. you be careful ah. i have a very bad temper.

me: *tries to explain but i gave up because she keeps on talking back to me even before i finish my sentences and in the end i just said* Haish. and just kept quiet and layan her nonsense.

customer: I am soooooo going to write a report on this. Buat ape kalau makan sedap abeh service macam gini,.I dont care. Im going to report.

me: *looks at her and said* whatever lah eh.

im so F-ed up already and she just had to add on to all this F-ed up mess.
what a F-ed up day. I SWEAR if she continued her random kata-kata pedas,
i would have shouted at her till her head goes bald.

and to you.
why do you question me like that.
you dont trust me.
no you dont trust me.
just one day out with my friend.
and you claimed that i dont care.
and all this while, even if im going out with someone else,
i would have thought about you.
and you question me.
well maybe to you.
im a joker.
im a fool in your eyes.
well yeah.
Im the weak one.
Baby, Im angry because im the one who is always wrong.
Did you really have a doubt.
Did you understand it, baby?


Saturday, August 4, 2007

Friday night movie with Miss Yasmin was superb.
perfect if you're a screaming machine and
even more perfect if you bring along a vulgarity-screaming friend along to watch with you.
We were the only 2 girls that made the whole theatre more happening.

After which, I followed my Uncle to Johor
and to my own surprise, my passport expires this August.
And PLUS i have not yet changed my picture although i was warned the last time i checked in.
which was last September.

and PLUS the person who looked at my photo and warned me for the second time is a guy around his twenties i guess. NOT some uncle. Imagine how embarassed i was when he checked my photo and give a puzzled face,and stared at me for a few seconds and smiled saying.
"Gambar ni kene tukar tau. Change eh." Im like "errrr.yarrr.".I swear my face was hot red at that moment. My uncle just laughed at me. I am so sure he was actually roaring with laughter looking at my Primary photo,with those specs.Even my uncle laughed looking at my picture.

and so I tried the
Ayam Penyet-sambal-power-gile-gile my Uncles and Aunties had been talking about.
Not disappointing, but, still not that spicy for me.
The warung is a small place, swarmed with Singaporeans and Johor-ians,
all hungry.very very hungry.
As usual, alot of Rempits.
Beside the warung, there is this car wash thingy,
And customers can have their cars washed sparkling clean while they enjoy their meal.
The thing that got me thinking alot about myself was,
the workers earned 8 ringgit per car.
8 ringgit PER CAR.
And there,I am enjoying a plate of ayam penyet and teh ais,
and back in Singapore,earning $4.80 per hr in Seoul Garden.
while these workers slogged their ass out since morning to get 8 ringgit per car.
As i was facing their direction, i looked at how they work.
All the way, car by car by car,not slowing their pace at all.
It made me realise,I have to be thankful for what i have in my life right now.
"Kalau kita ingat kita ni susah,ada orang yang lebih susah."

I am going to work now. With my head full of thousand question marks that needed answers by someone who doesn't seem to care to entertain my confusion.

silent prayer.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Met up with the fellow crazy ketiaks a while ago for my breakfast-lunch-dinner cum catching up session. Dyn got his very much deserved McDonalds, after what he had helped me with, he deserved a treat. And so Diy,Dyn and me crapped like we always do, laughing our tiny, medium and big asses out. We started laughing even before we got a time to stop the previous laugh for the previous joke. Heheee. And Dyn was super pervertic today. SUPERRRR pervetic. A great night with them, as always.

"ting ning ning ning ning" insert: Pervetic actions.

Girls; PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR PRIDE. Make an effort to check what you wear every single day before you go out to school,work, etc. Because no matter how pretty and gorgeous you may be, if guys can see something that they shouldn't see (a part of you), you will become BAHAN JENAKA. BAHAN KUTUKAN. BAHAN DIPERBODOH-BODOHKAN. Also, it seriously doesn't help if you got no looks and if you own thunder thighs. (*like me).

So, make an effort to check whatever you are wearing. Especially your bras. Double-Triple-manymanyple check if its oversized.

This is what Azli and me did during our lectures. When lectures gets too draggy and we get too bored. its a game we play, drawing something in the paper,and the second person have to continue the drawing, and the drawing have to some sort of link to each other.
and here's our masterpiece!


i have been trying to sleep since 2am just now.
what the hell is wrong with me?
i talk like some lost person.
i stare at my computer screen doing nothing.
i wont start on my assignment earlier.
i shut down my computer and went to watch TV,
thinking i would get sleepy and turn in.
But no.
I ended up watching Thats so Raven,
and Lizzie Mcguire re-runs.
and i still wasnt sleepy.
so i turned on my computer, and decided to work on my assignment.
Assignment done.
Still not sleepy.
Tidied my room, did my laundries.
Still not sleepy.
Got back to the computer.
Changed blogheader.
Search for a new blog song.
After hours of searching a song.
And finally getting one.
One that I feel like singing to right now.
And here i am, posting this.

So tell me what is wrong with me today.
Am i stupid or what?
I cant get to sleep. But i was sleepy.
No i wasnt.
Yes i was.

sfhfkfnfekelfejlfkfenfeqkqjnfwlnfihefiehgjgn you atiqah.
screw you.
and school is in 4 hours time. wow.

the last recite.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

"SILLY ATIQAH", Taufiq said.
i need to shop.

i need to go phototaking.

if only i have cash.

if only i have a good camera.

Harith wore stripe boxers today.


Oh. He is 32.

But he looks so young.


I dont want to go to school tommorrow.

I want to take pictures.

Yes, listen to Hellogoodbye.

Their songs are cute.

I feel nothing right now.

and my void deck has this particular place,

that has this shitty smell,

and unfortunately,

i have to pass by that place every single day.

i think the nyonya did their business there.

they peed there too.

okay goodnight world.

i need to shop.

i need to go phototaking.

somehow,i wish you were here.

within temptation.