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I don't describe myself.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

the heavenly sin.
in a world of my own.
drowned in my own thoughts.
where no other existed.
the very day.
when i left everything i had behind.
my fevered mind goes on a rampage.
the connection i craved.

this constant compromise,
between thinking and breathing.
the mixed feelings i had all gone.
i was drugged.

some kind of therapy,
is all i need.
please,believe me.
some instant remedy,
that can cure me completely.
nothing ever felt so perfect.
i became another person.
a person lost,
in that heavenly sin.


Friday, December 28, 2007

Paramore's coming to Singapore.yes. Homeclub.
But what if its for invites only?!

oi oi!
cut the ketam,cut the ketam!


cut the crap lah.
never far behind.


yet another suicide bomb.
she's shot in the neck before the suicide bomber killed her and himself.
the saddening thing is,
many other innocent people were killed too.
i felt for the innocent ones.
condolences to the families that had to go through this tragic experience.
watching the news,fathers,brothers,mothers,sisters crying for the dead family,it is just so saddening.
politics politics politics.
when will all this people change?
at times like this,
so much for your, "if i become Miss universe, i would hope for world peace."
do your job now baby.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I cannot think you're not alive somewhere.
I think of you just as I did before.
No sudden gust of wind has closed the door.
Or made your presence vanish in thin air.
I write you this because I know you're there;
That even after death there must be more.
So does faith one's inner sun restore.
After bitter darkness few can bear.
My mind and heart have not yet lost a friend.
Even though my senses are bereft,
For you remain the witness of my soul.
No mere accident our friendship can end.
So long as I have will and memory left,
And you lie silent on some unknown shoal.

Ryyan's mum called to inform me of the prayers she will be holding for Ryyan this saturday,29th December.It will be at the function hall behind his blk(512) near the carpark. Time will be from 6pm-9pm. Do drop by if you may. I won't be going since I can't.

to you.
If you get there before I do,
Don't give up on me.
I'll meet you when my chores are through.
I don't know how long I'll be,
But i'm not gonna let you down.
Darling wait and see,
And between now and then,
Until I see you again,
I'll be loving you,
Love, me.

-Colin Raye.

On other news!! I've been spending time over at Fahmi's and yes, i enjoyed myself. I have the best cousins in the world.Ahahaha. I am so happy i was able to spend time with one of my cousins from Kelantan after so long of not meeting him.Well,whatever it is, i love spending time with them. (:


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy 7th.
kay i know now you're struggling doing my work.
Thankssssssss. (:
Can't waiiiitttt!

this is my new found love. LENOVO lappy lappy. From my dearest daddy. Like honestly, this is the most expensive gift and actually the first gift from him. lol. lawaaa kannnnnnn bende ala ni.

and who knows me better than my girlfriends? KEDS? gosh, its so me. ahaha. So yana,naddy and diy bought me this pair of KEDS i wanted since like forever.

the crazy asuraz-indian-comp-pekik-pekik-gile-nak-mampos day. too bad Logan's group got 4th. I think im the jinx ah. Thats why.They have been taking home golds before i came.
the surprise by my sya,cin,and khaikhai.
see all that cake i was given? all that chocolate i ate? all that sugar i consumed?
but who cares. a birthday girl should enjoy her birthday.And i think i did. my 18th did went okay.Plus, i have another extra love to wish me this year.

okaylah.so dah basi my birthday news. till later. im really busy with school.
goodbye kentut bachins readers.

when will i?

Friday, December 14, 2007

i miss being 17.

thanks for all the wishes,sms,friendster msgs, calls, from all my friends and loved ones. I appreciate it. :D

and so,I had a special delivery straight to my door of a yummy Swensen's ice cream cake, by Mr Hilmi himself.Of course,I didn't want to eat it since its so pretty,but i ate
it anyway.It was actually a pleasant surprise.
*stands up and applause applause.*

and so, my birthday went very boring actually, i stayed half of the day at home, finishing up drawings due at 9am later,and fyi,i still can't continue. No mood. The "time" is not here yet. SPIRIT MESTI ADE DOK.(*INSIDE JOKE.)ahahaha. so,met up with my gilaaaaaaaaaa cousins, after so long. And sadly, Mamat no longer holds his big big BIG BIG hair. I like his old hair. Anyway,we shee-shaaaaaa-ed. talked cock. gossips. me and imah listened to the guys' dirrty talks. Take take picture,and thats it.Im off. Reached home at 12 plus. Simple meeting, yet i am happy. Since love is too busy at the moment, well, this last minute meeting made my day eventually.


i think Shakir's fingers(middle) are fat and weird.

and and and....


May you both celebrate more birthdays to come and May Allah bless you always.
P.S: I love both your hair.
Yes Hayry, i won't get confused between you and Remy lahh. Remember its Atiqah with a Q.QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ okay. :D


Thursday, December 13, 2007

who used to ali-pom and block catch with me every single afternoon.
who used to climb the playground as if we owned it,

i miss you babe. (:

and also,
MY MENTEL NURSE(a.k.a gila ex-Seoul Garden girl),

TO THE BOTH OF YOU, may you enoy your birthday. Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki. May you have smiles everyday. Enjoy tommorrow like you never did before. (:

thanks love.

and also to me.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"I want to fart."

"Can you don't spoil the moment?"

This is my secret.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

monkeys are munching; m,m,m.
My attention span is so so so short that it takes a few hours till i get bored with my schoolwork and started wasting my time doing useless stuffs like this.but its the useless stuffs like this that keeps me happy. missing photoshoots with this two peeps. and sorry diy,you just had to be in all my pictures. (:

unless you let go of those things over which you are powerless,

you run the risk of plunging yourself in history over and over again.

so true, so damn true.

in life,we make choices.
right choices, wrong choices.
but its those wrong choices that somehow helps us become a better person.
one choice can change your life drastically.
one choice determines your future.
but. choices are in your control. you're the remote and life is a show on TV.
if you have a choice, which channel would you turn to?

Dear cousin, stay strong. (:
Dont let anything put you down.
It will be,if its meant to be.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

I'm sorry guys,if you get sick of me talking about Ryyan, but this post is going to be about him again. I was watching all my untitled burned CD's with my family in the living room. Well, there's some raya pictures which dated as old as 2004. Had a few laughs at my stupid black face here and there. Reminiscing of the good ol moments. Till i put in and played a CD which contains pictures of my O level art and a few of Ryyan's mum bellydancing.

He was the one who helped me during my "stressful" days of the O levels. When i had no digicam at that time, he was the one who offered me to borrow his camera. When i had no pictures,he was the one who offered to take some for me.And i forgot about that. Just when i looked at the pictures, some of which he took for me at his home, some pictures which have his school uniform in it(with that councillor badge,:D), his room, his guitar, i start to remember all that he has done for me. He was the first person who really believed in what i can do. I kept saying my art is really useless, I will have no future.But he was the one who gave me that self confidence, who assured me that I can be "someone" one day. I kept confiding in him in msn,and all those encouraging words. Those "oh-god-my-life-sucks" days, he made me feel better,even though he himself was going through a rough time.Now, I remember. I didn't take note of it, but now, as i suddenly stumble upon that CD, i remember Ryyan.

"Don't you do things halfway Atiqah. Be a good girl, make your mum proud. And believe in yourself that you can make it.It's just O levels. There will be more challenges up ahead. I will be right here if you need me."

Oh gosh Ryyan. I am missing you. I am so sorry.

one of his testimonials for me.My eyes tells a different story. He knows when im sad.You guys may say why am i still talking about him.But if you were in my shoes.If you were as close to Ryyan as i was.You would understand.Try.Having your close friend leaving you,without giving you a chance to apologise for all your mistakes to him,and see,if you can still stay strong and cool. If you breakdown, it means you have a heart.I am not weak. I am just a little bit more human than you people.

Sorry guys again. I just want to remember this special friend of mine. Nothing more than that. I just want my memories with him to stay with me. And yes, I am sad right now. But I've already let go. Because he is gone.

If you can ever hear or see me Ryyan. Thank you. For being there most of the time. (:

back to black.

Friday, December 7, 2007

i felt like a child again.
i was a young girl with red polka dot pumps.
i was a young girl with puffy dresses.
i was a young girl with two ponytails.
i was a young girl who dreamt of unicorns.
i was a young girl who was free and happy.
everything was free.
i was happier than happy.

to step inside an arcade and Daytona with your girlfriends and frust your anger at throwing basketballs that never seem to goal; Its just so awesome.
and 30 days of night was awesome too.
though i was shivering and clattering all the way.
effing cold okay.

thank you khai and cin, you girls made my day today. (:

apakah kuat pantatmu?

its December, baby!
and i am loving it!

these rainy days, cold cold weather.
i LOVE IT.like i said, im not a sun kinda person.
and i have been sleeping in more after school.
got alot and alot and alotttttt of birthdays this month.
and i think im going to be broke.
after being a broke i already am.

like i said, alot of birthdays.
you're just the most gerek and best cousin sister a girl can have.
and i love you. tauuuuu!
P.S: can't wait to see that little one inside your tummy. (:
little pieces.big difference.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Mum. May Allah protect you always.
and to my favourite girl,Regina!!!
I was listening to Muttons on 98.7FM.
and i can't stop laughing.
Ahha.Two funny asses.
Really entertaining.
You guys should tune in during their shifts.

mutton: yeah,what do you wanna complain about?
thegirlwhocalledin: i have large feets.

both muttons:AHAHAHHA.
mutton:is that the only part of your body thats large?
thegirlwhocalledin: ermm.yar.*mumbles*
mutton: i think your feet are so large that it stinks till it blocks your nose.
the other mutton: HAHA.MUTTON! youre so mean!
mutton: what?! correct what.

gosh. they speak straight to the point bebeh.

sheesh.Yanty is so pretty I would date her.

Oh.One more person comes to me and say,
"Eh Ryyan mati pasal ride takde lesen kann."
"Eh i heard ah..he died blablabla..aiya..stupid lah he."

I swear i would scream my lungs out right at your face.
I would poke both your eyeballs and fork it out.
and force you to eat it.
Get over it. My good friend's dead.
Don't you dare talk about him.

its britney,bitch.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

sometimes illusions aren't so simple,
sometimes goodbye's the only way.
and the sun will set for you.

and the shadow of the day,
will embrace the world in grey,
and the sun will set for you.

sometimes I ask myself. who knows the real me?
what's my favourite colour?
what's my favourite candy?
in the end, it always comes back to you.
makes me think.
why didn't i appreciate you before.

on another side;
i really envy those people whose parents supplied money for everything.
i wish i was one of them. ):

shadow of the day.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Its been a long time since the Noordin family gathered together.And this dinner was a superb one, very the kecoh-rable.I had fun. It was all smiles and laughters.And of course. the bill.$500 bucks.Tell me we didn't have fun.
the ever-so mentel makciks.
the happy pregnant(FINALLY) goober wearing pink and blue.
start of the meal.
the person who forked out 500 bucks for us.
the budaks-budaks table.
the uncle who loves Coke as much as i do.
the big big boyan family.
dad's really hungry, you see.
the up-sikit-daripada-budak-budak table.
he has no idea he would get sabo-ed afer that.
and the makcik kene also.
so cool kan abang ni?! die tak tahu die nak kene sabo for the second time.
younger but taller than me.
the smile.Okay so what if we have the same smile.Dia pacarku.
shak beloh and bdae boy.
"eh iqah,nak amik gambar orang mintak permission dulu ah",Fahmi said.
-.- Kan mahal muka dia.
we had to pin him to the ground ramai ramai to get this.
then he finally allowed us to take his pic.
the smiles and laughters from them sums up everything.
aint she adorable?
the kids. FUNFUNFUN!
Aww kan sikit,Makin handsome adik sedara aku.
And he got sabo-ed,this time with a bag full of ice.
Fikri tried to put ice in his pants.
Talking about freezing ass.
We messed up the place BIG TIME.
the uncle gets even by putting ice in Fikri's pants.
And Insyirah's too.And she got so upset.
And Nurul's too. Uncle just didnt stop.
and they got even back.
tired already lahhh.
the aftermath.TSK TSK TSK.!
I pity the cleaners.
Oh!And how can we forget the most popular person that night. BABY IRFAN.

i love it when we have these gatherings.

There is no cure for birth and death.Save to enjoy the interval.
Still thinking about Ryyan.
