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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Friday, February 29, 2008
![]() Minus those tiny ants that crawled up my leg and bite sesuke hati macam ada share gitu. And the bus-waiting.Mugcow.We waited for the bus home like for half an hour lah sey.Oh,yar, sesungguhnya kita berdua ni kental. Haaaa. Yey! Danceworks 08' tommorrow! step it up.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Anyhoo how, Whats with the SHUFFLE FEVER? It's been a roller coster month for the both of us, but I think we are going to do fine. Bih, you're the only one. And we're still going strong. Heee. go on.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() Met up with the ex-marsiling primary school peeps the next day and had a bit of bowling which really showed how ridiculous i am at handling that overweight ball. Dinner was the ever-popular-and-mouthwatering Bone steaks.I got so high after eating them that I had to deal with a painful gastric on the way home with the peeps scolding me for not having any breakfast in the morning. Netball training have been great.(minus all these aching muscles) I can't wait for the next practice. Except for the fact that some people who claimed to be certified to coach netball don't even know the basic rules of playing on court. Hmm. Right girls? =) if you're hurt,then I am too. view from the sky.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Wak is right. Shit happens all the time. I need you boo, I gotta see you boo, And there's hearts all over the world tonight, Said there's hearts all over the world tonight. And oh, I'm into you and Boy no one else would do, With every kiss and every hug, You make me fall in love. with you.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
BEFORE AND AFTER. ![]() its next week girls,next week. =). Cause every time you hold me in your arms, I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth, It starts in my soul, And I lose all control. KILLERBUTTERFLY.
Monday, February 18, 2008
okaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. i totally didn't expect THAT. boy do you know, i get so breathless, when you call my name. :/
Sunday, February 17, 2008
In life, you on the other side; ORA KURNIAWAN E-MAILED ME. my long lost friend from Bali. I am like so so so shocked and happy at the same time. =) ![]()
Saturday, February 16, 2008
![]() Eddy bilang gue, yang gue ini pacarnya. Shah kata,aku ni matair die. Wak called and asked Eddy not to ganggu aku, gfnyer. An'e the dishwasher kata die rindu aku. Wah wah.Wak is right.I got 4 scandals in Seoul Garden. Beat that, RIGHT. but i still love my one and only. way you are.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Birthday my Valentine boy! Study hard and make me proud. Be a matrip but one with Brains. hohohohoh. Kidding. Oh.Your "JADE" rantai is so not cool please. too fasttttt.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
![]() When I first came in, Some 17 year old named Jas: Kak, dah berapa lama ah keje sini? me: KAKAK?You call me kakak? How old are you?dah 2 yrs plus ah. Jas:Im 17 ah kak. Me:Oh.alah.Tak jauh lah. apedahh.panggil atiqah je. Jas:Ohh hehee. On the way home, Some 17 year old named Irfan: Eh Atiqah,kau seriously tadi fierce sey, aku nak tegur pon tak jadi. Me:Aku per fierce..mana ade..aku start merepek baru tahu.. Irfan:eh tak ah tak ah..Kau tak fierce..Minyak wangi kau fierce.. Jas:Tu minyak kapak lah. Me:Minyak kapak kaperrr.Escada okay.. Jas:Eh mahal wooohhhh. Matair 24yr old tu belikan eh. Me:Eh,..Mana kau tahu pasal matair matair ni sume. Jas:Alah..shahrizal suke cerita cerita. Irfan: A ah..aku tahu banyak pasal kau. Me: macam macam. Irfan: Eh !! aku suka ah minyak wangi kau. Me:Aku ade bawak miniature nye. (Aku keluarkan lah botol kecik tu) Irfan:Eh wangi siots.Bagi aku sudah.Vday aku nak pakai.(And dia amik bende tu) *takkan aku nak mintak balik kan. buat bodoh sudah. They were soooo childish,kept me laughing the whole time, but I loved it lah. Aiyohh. Aku tak sangka I can get along well with 17 year old boys. Irfan:Eh kakak aku baru bukak saloon. Aku bagi kau free ah.Kau nak buat style ape. Me: Free per,Kalau free aku pergi. Irfan:Free lah.Pakai account aku je. Me: Okay set. Irfan:Kau potong concave ah..pastu bagi ade bangs. Pastu bukak tudung kau,Baru style. Me:Kau merepek pe. Irfan:Betul pe. kau belum kahwin..takpelah.dah kahwin lain cerita..melawa untuk suami. Jas:Irfan,.kau jangan jadi musibot eh suruh orang bukak tudung. -_-" And i really miss my Syaiful Hilmi Bin Sueb. ARGGGH!!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
He counted the number of times I looked at him in the eye. =) my one and only.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
![]() Why do people always get awesome awesome things or jobs to do while i am stucked with that Seoul Garden busuk bachinnnnnnnn! Anyway,tap tup tap tu,i turn almost 3 working in Seoul Garden. Wow kan. Of course, i didnt work for a few months already,since I was so busy with school. I miss working actually.The gila merepekness.But I am sure,once I come back,Its not going to be the same.Alot of my friends quit long ago and now,theres some newbies whom will be thinking "what the hell is this girl doing here." because they have never seen me before. And i have to start the "Hi..my name is Atiqah..what's yours?" all over again. Ugh. I hate meeting new people.I dont know why but i get intimidated regardless of how they look or smell or think like. Starting work next week.I got alot of debts to settle.And i mean,ALOT. O$P$ lahhh!
Sebelum saya memulakan apa-apa, saya nak mintak maaf kepada sesiapa yang terasa, tersinggung ataupun terhurt dengan apa-apa yang akan dibaca sebentart nanti.Kerana, honestly really honestly,cerita yang akan disampaikan ini tidak ada kene mengene sama ade dengan yang hidup ataupun yang mati. Serious, wa tak bedek.Suka-suka lah baca, kalau kelakar, happy2lah ketawa,kalau tak suke,marah2 sendiri yer,kalau merepek,korang tutup jer blog ni yer. Anyway,Its me and my girls speaking and acting like MINAHS,planning about our Sentosa outing.Sort of.
Friday, February 8, 2008
I saw someone cried today. He really shouldn't have. One of my grandmothers left us,after 10 years of bein paralysed. I am relieved that she doesnt need to go through anymore suffering. 10 years is long enough. What does it mean if we end up looking for a kubur that doesnt seem to be there even though we were pretty sure it was there the last time we went. It was like, something covered our eyes on that very moment so that we wouldnt find that kubur. There were like 8 or 9 people. But none of us could track it down. I was so tired of bending down and selak-ing every kain putih of the batu nihsan to check out the names. :/ As i didn't know where to go. I just had to go over to Cik Isham's place as well and slacked with them. And laugh over American Idol auditions.And of course, I couldn't resist Baby Irfan.ARGH. Who coulddddd!!! JUST LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!!! ![]() HAPPY HARI RAYA CINA FOR ALL THE CINA TAK CEBOK. OOOPS. ![]() MEMOK.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
![]() Anyway,its just one of those days I am FREE enough to edit pictures.Im FREE.WOW.And i cants waits fors this Friday!! See ya babes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe we're trying,trying to hard. Still. Given all that could have gone wrong, and all that went right, I am trying.Back to reality with a bump. And after all my fretting, I'm delighted to report that today went swimmingly. I'm not sure what all my worrying in the previous post was about, really. I will never get enough of you. ![]() Oh anyways, the current blog song is for my Yasmin and Diyanah. Both of you are going to smile because you deserve to. Forget about all those useless boyfies you had. No offence though. better in time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*maaf for the un-censcored-ness*
*chet.censcored.jgn marah*
Monday, February 4, 2008
Goodbye, January. Well,goodbye to January. I've had it with you. I didn't like you very much. I have had it with you too. Absolutely had it. ![]() Friggin' tired of every single thing. Of school. Of home.Of this friggin' home. Yes,typical teenager right? Well,I don't care what you think. My family is different from yours. My family is not as together or as happy as yours. And its sucky. BOSAN BOSAN BOSAN.FAHAM TAK BOSANNNNNNN, B TO THE O TO THE SAN. BO.SAN. BOSAN.! I just wish she would just shut the F up right now. I am going bonkers. ARGH. Anyway. It's Monday. And later tonight you will find me here, thrilling you with the soundtrack to my week. Tomorrow, you will find me here, blogging aimlessly. That's assuming that the weather, long bus rides and last minute meetups with my girls don't conspire to spoil my weekend. This includes, a smidgen of eating out, and a lot of GIRLIE GOSSIPING. No thinking about work. On the gossip front, i'm hoping i can meet my girls real soon again. I gave the internship company a call just now and all I get are "im sorry i havent had the time to read your resume yet" a and big slamdown of the phone. People can be so rude at times when they think they are some big shots or something. I am NOT looking forward to working in that company now.And ,its sucky. And you tend to forget someone when you are having fun or enjoying yourself. It was totally unintentional. I didn't realise till it was slapped straight to my face. I forgot my friend. When i was hip-hip-hooraying with the others. How selfish can I be.I forgot my own friend. Im so sorry.And its sucky. And im sick of doing primary school maths.The reason being is because I cant do them. yes. i cant even do a primary 4 question. PRIMARY 4.Can you believe that. And guess what my brother said. "Kau masuk poly pon tak guna seh." Wahh, best kan kan kan kan kan. Tapi ada betul jugak apa adik aku cakap. Im so stupid that I cant even do a simple maths questions. And again, its sucky.But im somehow angry that he didnt even appreciate me trying to do the question.If im so stupid, why didnt he just ask his other BRILLIANT brother. why ask me. Kan? yes, Its sucky. And since interview is drawing near, I had to buy formalwear and I can just afford a normal black top from G2000,that also its because it was on sale and i and Khai bought the same thing so we got it cheaper. I feel so CHEAPPPPP sometimes. That put aside, I SPENT HUNDREDS on my projects. I tell you, without these projects, I am one RICH BITCH. and its sucky. And i dont know why i keep getting irritated so easily these few days. Maybe period's coming. AND ITS SUCKY. Oh well, Nadiah, IT SUCKS TO BE ME.im not joking. haha. i can't believe im laughing. I'll be back. Hopefully in a better humour.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
It is that tingling sensation you get.
Just that this time it runs through my whole body. For all the wrong reasons. No no. Right reasons. The real right reasons. Im kissing those days goodbye. I am in for this. For myself. And for my pillar of support. i miss him terribly. time after time.
MAMASE MAMASA MAMAKOSA. ![]() *U single?I single!!!* ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and i got my NANATHAI. ![]() No comments on my face lah. ![]() And of course, not forgetting the cari-astranaut-dekat-$2 joke. Saw Alyph and suddenly teringat the joke he gave me so I gave Min, and she cant guess it. Bende merepek pon boleh jadi bahan ketawa. ![]() ![]() nothing will come close to being enough. clapclap. |