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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Monday, March 31, 2008
"There is nothing on this earth sexier, believe me gentlemen, than a woman you have to salute in the morning," Nicholson says in a clip from the 1992 military drama A Few Good Men.
So women all over, be that woman. ![]() OH OH OH. AND JABBA WON AMERICAS BEST DANCE CREW.
I actually had alot to post about but I am plain lazy. 2 Weeks minus 2 days. HEADPHONED.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Just got back from sending Hilmi off to Umrah. I arrived late and I was worried I couldn't see him off. But Alhamdulillah sempat. It was really a "sayu" moment for him and his family. I could so see the strong bonds between him and his sisters. (: Oh yar, did i mention. His sisters are super pretty. Ahahaha.
Oh, And I refused to have lunch with them since I was getting late for netball practice. But my sister, being the normal Nur Asyiqin, pulled a long face and started crying because she wants to eat at the Burger King. Yes, and when she wants to eat, she wants to eat it. And, my dad, of course, ikutkan dia. I was praying that Hilmi's family won't see us there because I fear they would feel like I refused to go lunch with them because I am sombong or something. Well, mulutku masin, and we saw them outside burger King, and I think they saw us too. I can never be more pissed with my sister. Macam mati gitu kalau makan kat rumah. Aiyoh. But now its raining, so im not late for netball afterall. :/ realise.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
![]() May you have a safe journey Hilmi. Make full use of your time there. This is one of the best opportunity someone may have. You will always be in my prayers. I will always doa for your well-being while you are there, so you can beribadah dengan baik. InsyaAllah. Full concentration. Eat properly, Sleep well. I will miss you. Alot. And my hp will be silent for 2 weeks. "My other half" won't appear in my mundane mornings. chasing pavements. We look the same or what?! ![]() I wish Twinny would come and have a sleepover at my house again. We had the best time making a fool out of ourselves, disgracing Ms Umbrella Ella Ella Eh Eh Eh, Being a nuisance in the wee hours because we are busy at war with a small bug. Haha. AWAK. Come over more. I love you Nadiah As'Ari.ahaha. And when my family wont come home again, you girls, yes including you diy and min, should come over. =P Khai, Cindy, I appreciate yesterday. Thanks for the awesome night, girls. Tommorrow is the day. beat it.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I am so tired.
I have been staring at the computer doing photoshop renderings since 9 till 8.30pm. Tell me thats a hell long of a time. Towards the end,it was so difficult to even see clearly that I have to keep squinting my eyes and going to the toilet to wash up. I guess, having so much work to do like today is better compared to my first two days of work. The first two days were a drag. Kay lah. I'm penat. No seriously. I read only 5 of his sms. And that's not normal. mercy.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Netball Practice bad turns good. So as you can see, we had a "friendly match" with the Marsiling Sec players, upon their request of course since they will be having a match the next day. So, half-hearted, we, the masjid An-NURians(they called us that) agreed. There, me and Nabila were the only 2 girls with tudung. And they were good men. They were damn fast. Semua kecil2 cili padi. But even that, the coach keep on shouting at them. But still, I had to salute, because they were so good. Really improved, I think. Not that woodlandssec netball players was superb to start with lah.I just wished twinny and yana could be there. Oh wells. Asked Falina to join, and maybe she's bringing her friend along. GREAT! Maybe this will work afterall. Setelah sekian lama, dapat main GD, Alamakk. punya puas hatii beb. =) ![]() Nabila,the GA.Eh both of us managed to score okay. Not that bad lah kirekan. Attachment starts today. So I went with cramps and blisters and mama keling face. Too bad lah, nak sangat main netball kan. Work.AIYAH. No comments lah. But,its just the first day. Like Cin said, JIA YOU!! I hope things gets better. The only person I talked to is my supervisor, the hot Filipino dude that makes stupid jokes all the time(he says he wont allow me to go down to the construction sites because later the bricks will fall on my head. -_-) and Anwar, the nice malay guy. I need a friend! =( Jemima left me to another department. 6 more days, Bih. ku juga mencintaimu.
Friday, March 21, 2008
I was so hungry that after i ate my crunchy granola bar, i had a big tub of fresh strawberries and i cooked myself a plate of chicken abalone maggie mee. and now i am going to fry myself a prata. One more week, and you're going. I need my girlfriends to keep me busy. mail on sunday.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Shaznee Shah, Aku mintak maaf mintak ampun banyak banyak. "eh kau jadi Eva, kau jadi Eva."
dua insan.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
D r e a m i n g O u t L o u d . ![]() My Saturday was spent wasting time at Tellytubby Land together with my lovelies, Diy and Mimin. It's been long since we've been there and guess what, terjumpa pulak dengan mamat longkang ni. Yang sedang bergambar menyangkung dalam longkang. Betul tak bedek. And so Dyn joined us for a while and started his crap(as usual). Laugh laugh, kutuk kutuk and he went off. ![]() And we girls continued our day. After watching Diy's cousin karaokeing at woodlands CC, we went to slack over at Diy's. Dah lama lah kan tak pergi rumah Diy.*Only me and Yasmin knows what happens* when Diy's bro and his friend came back. Moon joined us soonafter. All of us chilled together and watched Suster Ngesot Gentayangan on sensasi, which is, I TELL YOU, USELESS. and LAME and a total cheapskate movie. All of us were laughing our ass off and each of us kutuk kutuk the movie lah. Fun people, I would say. ![]() ![]() stokin bola lahhh!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Apple-bottomed jeans, with the fur. The whole club is looking at her. "The streets is not about what you got, its about what you make out of what you got." Needless to say, the 3 of us was screeching and shrieking because their dance is soooooo nice. The girls can dance menn. And Jabbawockeez were in one of the scenes. Just the icing needed on top.
I need to breathe. I have a bad feeling about this. What if i give up now?
shake it like your pom poms.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
![]() ![]() Had been reading up alot since I have alot of free time this block. Read two books in 1 week plus. Reason being, I just got addicted to the author.Jodi Picoult. Awesome. And now I'm on her third novel. i would recommend her. (: The MRT i boarded today stopped abruptly when it started going off from Admiralty station.And it felt as if it hit something below. And i thought that another idiot decided to commit suicide again. Idiot. And i got a benjol on my forehead.Idiot. In spite of differences, Hilmi and Atiqah have Hilmi and Atiqah. songs of the humpback whale.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
![]() "Hello Cik Wati..!!!! Happy Birthday Cik Wati....Dah berapa umurnyaa?" "Thank you! Oh...saya baru umur 17 tahunn.." "Oh iyerkee...Cik Wati dah besar nak jadi ape eh..?" "Hahaaaaa! Saya nak jadi ni lah..nurse.." Nurse kaper...17 tahun kaperr... Haha. Selamat Hari Lahir Makcik kesayangan dunia akhiratku. ![]()
very huggable.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I'm officially broke. Broke luar dalam atas bawah belakang depan. And to add on to that, I have to settle my phone bill, which I will suspend for a few months. So, people, the only way you can communicate with me is through my house phone or msn. Don't bother calling or sms-ing my handphone since I wont be able to get them. And don't bother asking me out because I'm not going out to have fun till i settle my bills. Don't even ask, because i will be tempted to go. Just go. Im going to turn into an anti-social for a few months. Oh yar, but 13th March is still on. The last one. Bye, will be back soon. ka-ching.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
![]() I swear i would consider commiting suicide if I have to listen to anymore preservation of cultural heritages in Singapore or how Singapore was influenced by modern architecture or even about any fregging feng shui in interior design. WHO FREAKING CARE what happens to the buildings in Singapore and NO ONE cares if you used Feng Shui for your homes. God.Stop it already. I can't keep myself awake in Design Academic Class. Useless, not even a tiny binary shit cares about this module. SUNGGUHH-HOT.COM ![]()
I woke up from a dream about someone which left me with mixed feelings. I wish it was real. "Where were you all this while?!!"
it makes your head spin spin like gasing.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hot Hot Burnt Toast. Had the sudden urge to have hot toasts with melted butter and cheese at 2AM in the morning. So i happily toasted my bread and forgot about it totally and went for a bath. It is when i smell something funny, that I literally jumped from my computer seat and tadaaaa! My delicious toast gone bad. The December Girl. * Sangat setia dan pemurah. * Bersifat patriotik.- ape ni? * Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan.-Syaiful Hilmi knows better :/ * Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa. - You know this too Hilmi. :) * Bercita-cita tinggi. * Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam organisasi. -i colour co-ordinated my cupboard.too much to say? * Seronok bila didampingi. * Suka bercampur dengan orang * Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian dan dibelai. -rriiigghhht. * Sangat jujur, amanah dan bertolak ansur. * Tidak pandai berpura-pura. * Cepat marah. -Yes, big problem. * Perangai yang mudah berubah-ubah. * Tidak ego walaupun harga dirinya sangat tinggi. -ni macam salah.haaa. * Benci pada kongkongan. * Suka berlawak. * Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran logik. I'm actually impressed. Most of it is true. =) sejarah.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Me:Sedapp ah. Nak duet kaper. Dad: Betul eh? Sudahlah kau, suara macam ape je. Me:Kay,kite tengok ah nanti.Nyanyi baldu biru,Ella ngan Awie. Ayah boleh tarik ke? Dad: Of course! eh jangan main main ah. Dulu masa ayah main band, i was the singer tau.Nak tahu dorg panggil ayah apa? Aaaah..orang panggil ayah Ali Chicago. Me: -_-" Ali Chicago per.
oh,my bro just played a song by Sobri from my secondary school.Sobri pisang if you girls remember him. Boleh tahan lah suara dia.Tak sangka aku.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Anyone wants to beat the hell out of Atiqah? Like seriously. I am the stupidiest human on earth. Syaiful Hilmi, I'm sorry.
Saturday, March 1, 2008