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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I should be thankful that someone still cares to look out for and to guide and protect me all he can. Always have been there and I know he will always be. I really miss you. If only I can tell you how diffiicult it is for me as well. Its not like I wanted life this way. This is life. You sacrifice, everytime. Worth it? Im not sure about that. I dont think so. But do you know how difficult it is, to look at your parents and feel like crying every single morning when they tried to find every last penny just to give you money so you could eat for the day. Do you know how I really feel? Trying to put up a strong front when in actual fact Im dead tired and so lethargic that i wish I can just sit at home and just sleep till the next morning. But I can't complain. Because thats just the way it is. This is how I shall lead my life, it has always been this way. Have been smiling, laughing here and there, giggle giggle. Because why? I dont want people to sympathise with me. Because I dont need that. I know you are trying to help. everytime. Every single time, with anything that you can find.You would do anything for me. I know that. If only my eyes can be passed around. So you can look at my life from my perspective. So you can know how it feels when you know your parents desperately needs your help but they wont ask you to because they want the best for you and do anything they can so they can provide for you and they have to work their ass off just so you wont starve. So you will know how my father fasts the whole day and will only eat when he reaches home in the wee hours just so his money can be given to his children. So you will know how my mother goes around everyday working so hard even though people criticises what she does when they know at least she's looking for halal income. Masya'Allah. If there's an award for the strongest, hotheaded, kepala batu and persevering mother that knows no boundaries to her sacrifices, it should go to my mum and no one else. And I. As the big sister,feels that I should give in and let my siblings have that money so they wont have to fast like my father. And so, I have to look for money on my own. Im not regretting anything because I know Allah have better plans for me in future and Im being tested right now. Allah will always protect me so nothing can go wrong. InsyaAllah, things will get better. And no,this is not the same as "behind this smile are tears of sadness" merepekness. You people dont need to care by the way.Ignore. Period. I just need you here.With me.All the the time.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Ohhh ibu....kau disiram bayu pagii.... Eh diam lahh. Asyik lagu tu je. ![]() Eh best tau karaoke! Serious tak bedek! P.S: It's an old old photo. I know we both look evil. AND I MISS THESE PEOPLE DOWN HERE.EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. ![]()
Saturday, April 26, 2008
It's our 11th. ![]() So yesterday was our 11th. Still going strong. Alhamdulillah. Yes, 11 months ain't that long. But God knows what we've been through. May not be the toughest or the roughest compared to others. But Alhamdulillah. What happens shall remain as our story and as ours only. May Allah bless this relationship and grant me many many many more days with you. Thank you Syaiful Hilmi. For being the sweetest, loyal, honest, and dependable other half. Ana behibak.=) Oh.And i love Om Shanti Om. Shah Rukh Khan never ever disappoint me. :P
Monday, April 21, 2008
Leave out all the rest. Just leave out all the rest. Okayy.So I've been missing in this blogging world for quite some time. Hee. How not? Work work work and I will be too tired to be online. And weekends will usually be my outings.So that explains. Nothing much. Picture updates. This is my workplace during normal days. This is the admin works I did for the first week. Im glad i dont have to go through this one by one again. Its realllllly tiring. Blackout Day. after the blackout. My colleagues was like 'F*CK! I havent save my work! F*ck. Shit. Thanksss ahhhh!" LOL. Im lucky i was just blogging at that point of time. And of course, how can I forget my favourite lunch buddy, my dear Jemima. I dont know why but I find this picture reallly sweet. BERMINYAK after game. The whole participants. LOL. One reminder: Don't you ever ever EVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVERS. My girls know what I mean. And that Friday Night we met again. Just a simple dinner is actually good anough eh Khai? I love this picture because Khai dah pandai buat muka sememek. Go Khai Go Khai! ![]() Ohhh. How can I forget. I went to the Omni Theatre lah seyy, With boyfie. Watch Mummies. Quite nice ah actually to watch documentaries.Lol. Me and Science Ctr? Wah lao. Tak pernah pernah. Ahahaha. And both of us have a mission. WEEE. A special one. Let's try to visit each and every one of them. And. I really love time spent. Even if its a trip to Sheng Sheong.AHAH. Believe it or not. Kite gi pasar sama sama. Although motive nye cari bende lain ah. LOL. Bi, you know I know, people dont know. Kay lah. Selamat Malam kengkawan. KENGKAWAN? malaysia nyer.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Never have I felt so helpless.
I am too disappointed to even cry. Or maybe, its true. I am stone hearted.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
YEY. He's coming hommeeee.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Netball. We won. Alhamdulillah. Congratulations girls. All of you deserve to get a pat on your backs. Great game. =)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
An nur-ians! haha. what a name. ![]() Okay so our match will be against Al-falah or Assyafaah Mosque. Woah. Budak budak orchard dan budak budak sembawang.Takpe takpe. Go woodlands go!! IF YOU WANNA BE LIKE WE DO, IF YOU WANNA BE LIKE WE DO, THEN SAY AH AH AH AH AH AH, AH AH AH AH AH AH, I SAY AN. YOU SAY NUR. AN! NUR! AN! NUR! HAHAHA.makk.tak kene lah sey. Pft. That was Woodlands netball teams'. Anyway, InsyaAllah, may our team win. (: Now i feel like crying as I watch american Idol gives back. Its saddening. To see million of children suffering. 2 WEEKS MINUS 12 DAYS. please give.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
*S**K IT!!* Ahahaa. Don't ask me why that became my title. Only these 2 babes knows. Ahaa. Bapok Thailand lah. Anak Malaysia lah. Merepek lah korang. But bestt! And, I tasted Popeyes for the first time. Thanks to Yasmin, tour guide kita. And saw the SGFlyer from near for the first time also. Thanks to Yasmin again. Eh min, kau jadi tour guide sudah.Semua tempat kau yang introduce aku. ![]() ![]() And its been long since i met Diy. Ape ni. Semua macam busy je. Mengalahkan orang yang kerja. Tsk. Meet up soon lah. 2WEEKSMINUS11DAYSLAHSEYLAHSEYLAHSEY!! first aid kit.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Astarghfirullah. Talking about coincidence after coincidence.
I'm pretty sure every couple in love have their fair share of coincidental happenings and experiences. Hilmi and I have always been fascinated by our coincidental moments,be it big or small. And everytime it happens,I can't help but to think its as if he can see me 24/7. From our history,to being the eldest child in the family to our normal daily happenings. Its always coincidental. Just like this morning when I was in the office.My I-miss-Hilmi-terribly sickness attacked and I started reading all of his sms-es since he left for the holy land.Upon smiling to all his sms,which is mostly updates of his time spent there(i dont know why i smiled reading all that,seriously:/),I received another sms. From him. That is why I said that he is like watching me. As if trying to tell me to stop daydreaming and thinking too much, instead to focus on my work. But,the thing is, our personalities are totally different. Its almost clashing sometimes.It makes me wonder how I could end up with him. And still going strong. Haaaaa. Love you, Hilmi. :P P.S: Psssst. Menyampah.2 WEEKS MINUS 10 DAYS. danity.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
![]() MAMASEEE MAMASA MAMA KOSA. cellulite attack. I will turn into this if i dont look after myself from now on. Woah. Scary lah kan. Eh min, anak aku nanti putih eh. kau nye anak yang gelap nanti. LOL. jgn tertukar pram. tau. 2 WEEKS MINUS 8 DAYS!!! feels like tonight.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Call me some typical teen drooling over him la. But aku pon tak sangka. TAPI HOT KAN INI ANAKKKKKK, HOTTTT KANNN!!! ISHHHH. Those piercing eyes. EHHH HOT LAHHH GENDENG. AHAHAHAH. typical. ![]() OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! HILMI CALLED ME. If i wasn't in the MRT, I would have jump jump jump! Its soooooooooo good to hear his voice. Bleeeaaahhhhhhhh. Kaylah aku tahu korang menyampah. Takpe, aku happy! =) I think i need to rest as much as possible this weekend. I will start my overtimes next week. :/ Oh yar nadiah, you didnt believe me kan. Ni. The guy who got pregnant. He is actually a woman before. He had been taking testosterones or something like that to be a man. But apparently, he still has a vagina. and an ovary. and that means he is really pregnant. He says, he is doing this, because his wife,Nancy, cannot get pregnant. Dont ask me how this lady/man could get pregnant. Maybe he/she had sex with some other guy. He has a vagina.But he looks like a man.But he had sex with a man. A penis and a vagina. Okay go. Moustache to moustache. NO.Kay. EWW. Or maybe, his current wife was a man. OMFG. HAHA. Pity that baby. Imagine when he/she grows up, he/she will ask them parents. "Mum, why do you have a penis? And why does dad has a vagina? What am i?" LOL. ![]() ![]() 2 WEEKS MINUS 7 DAYS. Sorry Hilmi, will still do my countdowns. Its not going to make any difference. 9 in the afternoon.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
H a r d C a n d y. ![]() Let me be a little random. I saw this really pretty girl at the bus interchange. She is really really fair, her skin is flawless except that she has a moustache. And after staring long at her (I tend to do that sometimes,till the person stares right back at me.Dangerous,I know), I realised she kept the moustache on purpose. She's a butch. The way she sits and talk on the phone,its all very guy-ish. Im no girly girl girl either,but this was so obvious. Maybe she's trying too hard? Haish. I wonder why. So pretty. So wasted. I came across a blog. Haish.Nah.I should just keep my comments to myself. It made me get up and go straight to the toilet and stare at myself for a good half and hour in the mirror. Its like, the office turns deserted somehow. The impact. :/ AND SYAFIQ RIDHUAN, YOU'RE AN ASS. THANK U FOR KILLING MY LOVE FOR CHOCOLATES.You just did okay. Now I will only imagine your pretty face and that
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The 19th Birthday surprise for Twinny which didn't work out that well. Still, thanks to Helviana's Mum and Daddy for sponsoring/shopping/helping us. Thanks Khai,dear twinny's bf for the free transportation, thanks to me for not being a good planner this time, maybe because Im a little tired, thanks Seri and Rafidah and Nabilah for gracing the "ceremony". Thanks budak india sesat, yang sebok sebok daripada tadi. And.Thanks to the birthday(BELATED) girl herself, for still smiling even though the surprise kinda suck. LOVE U!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Should I just keep on chasing pavements even though I know it leads nowhere.
. w a d d e f r e a k i n k i n k y . ;NADIAH IS CRAZY. says: ish msti best kan. flapjack-blueberry says: yups . w a d d e f r e a k i n k i n k y . ;NADIAH IS CRAZY. says: nak paksa hilmi bawak iqah migrate jugak ah flapjack-blueberry says: better than sgpore . w a d d e f r e a k i n k i n k y . ;NADIAH IS CRAZY. says: ahahaha . w a d d e f r e a k i n k i n k y . ;NADIAH IS CRAZY. says: sgpore so stressssful! flapjack-blueberry says: haha...ko jgn kasi budak tu stress..kang die lari baru tau . w a d d e f r e a k i n k i n k y . ;NADIAH IS CRAZY. says: ahahahahah Don't worry Hilmi, I won't force. Ahaaa. OH.Work had been great today.I am involved in designing this shopping mall in India. I wanna go Indiaaaa! Erms anyways, I love Jeremy for that. I thought he was the arrogant one, but no, he taught me quite afew things and he is sooo nice to have asked me to help him with the designing. Cheers for Jeremy. :P 2 weeks minus 3 days. cherish.