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Diyanah Syafiqah Yasmin Nunun Fahimah Izzat Shakir Khairiah Cindy Syahilla Ayuni Sopiute Nabila Seri Ubaida Syafiq Liya Sue Syiqin Marsya Nurul
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
![]() ROAR LIONS ROARRRRR!!! Thailand is so super freakinkinkily unprofessional. And Mr Refree,watch your back tonight,tommorrow and the rest of your life.Because you will never know when the freaky Thailand fans will shoot you with a gun. Kwakwakwa.Scawwwwyy. But I'm still proud of you for not changing your decision. Penalty.And it's another goal for Singapore. And.Yasmin is like drooling over Ridhuan.Haha.The bengkak dahi guy.Amir and Fazrul Nawas.Woooots.Hee.But but.Fahruddin Rocks. And I still think Ridhuan is the best.Haha.Kaki kuda mak dikau. Let's all do the Blogger wave..wooohhooo. I'm starting on it.The rest of you.. Follow me. "LET'S START THE BLOGGER WAVE!" Ok mepekk.Went to Art Friend with the girls.I ate alot.Oh. Why is that sooo NOT surprising.Heehee.ONE MAJOR DISGRACE. I wanted to help the vendor to dsitribute the drinks that we ordered. So i thought Khairiah ordered Milo,as usual.But no.She ordered some other drink and I happily took the cup of milo from the tray to pass to Khai.And the vendor was like.."eh eh..bukan.."haha. Aku malu ke tahap max siakk.And the girls laughed at me la. So not helping at all.Malu.It's okayy.Asalkan niat baik. (:(:(: Hummed.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I had cheese fries, Zinger burger, a cup of pepsi after school. A plate of Nasi with Ayam Pedas at home. Plus,4 packets of Cheezels and 2 cups of Pepsi Twist. Oh my God,Atiqah.You have to stop eating. Oh.Nearly fainted in the bus today.I was standing and my vision went black.I was lucky it reached my stop in time. My legs gave away and I had to sit at the bus stop for a while.And there's this Indian guy laughing at me. I was already on the verge of puking,and he laughed at me? How very inconsiderate is that. I turned to give him this disgusted look and walked away. I heard him say something but I didn't care anyway. Breathed in,and start walking home. All the while I was praying the sickness would not strike again, or I will faint on the staircase and no one would know. I hate this.It usually comes on Saturdays. But today,it attacked. Kepala ada noneng..Muka ada senyum..=) I want Mars PODS.Now Now Now. Bloated.
I was so happy I nearly fall off from my bed. Really really you nabe cheng teng you. Irriplaceable.
Monday, January 29, 2007
I saw this really funny commercial on TV2 or TV3.The people from some organisation sang as a group.And it goes like this,
" Corp tak pernah kenal gentar..Corp berani kerana benar.. Membantu polisi..."blablabla..I couldn't remember it now but i was singing to it just now.Haha.It was stucked into my head. Well.I finally declared the whole hard cold truth.It's good you are someone so mature and strong. As someone had once told me.And i will always remember and make it one of my principles. "Smile and the world will smile with you." For all anyone care,I will still be smiling. Showing off my super duper dimples..Neni neni poo poo. ``I've been driving for an hour.Just talking to the rain.You said i've been driving you crazy and it's keeping you away.So just give me one good reason,tell me why I should stay.Cos I don't want to waste another moment saying things we never meant to say.If i just breath in. `` ![]() assertive. MugCow.! Orang kalau berbual WORLD kan. Sheesh.Takleh carry seyy. Eh salah..Bukan world. Berbual Universe dokk. I was seriously blind.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Flaunt from your prattle.
Call me when you're sober. *Shakir,get better soon.Rock climbing lagii lah.Macam pahamm. speak.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Di mana dia anak kambing saya. =(. Singapore won.But I am sure.Thailand's going to be the champions.And Happy 18th Birthday to Noor Faridah and 17th to Syam. Wiiiwiiit.
Friday, January 26, 2007
When i turn president one day,I will burn Seoul Garden to ashes. Work.Tired.And all Winnie the manager talks about was about "guy's stuffs.".Sorry to say.Eww.De-brief.Supposed to be about work.But no.She became nonsensical and even do really disgusting actions in front of all of us.Eww.Double Eww. I dim the lights,it was a radd moment. eucalyptus.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Working tommorrow.Heard that I'm the only "senior" that is going to be on floor.Apart from Bill who seriously isn't much help.All he does is drink water and go toilet.Emily's going to be in buffet.Pffft.I seriously hope Seoul Garden will close down.But.If I don't work, how am I going to get money for my expenses.Being a designer is hard,you need alot of money to survive.Alot. Talked all the way home with Shakir.It's really great that he opens up a little. Well.He criticised me alot.But Im used to it.hee.He's sweet actually.He said sorry for not buying me food when he knows I have not eaten yet.He offered to share his Nasi Ayam.I'm so thankful I have a caring cousin with me.You know, after all this drama that has been going on.He's there.And we criticised someone in the bus,wakakaka.Tak habis habis ngan "Eh iqah..aku nak bilang kau..Aishah lawa gilek.Die nye senyum.Mak kau.Tersangkut."-_-". gatall! Bilang Munirah baru tahu=).Well.I am happy.Goodnight fellow bloggers. Rushing air.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Just reached home from school.Long hours in the eerie studio.I was accompanied by my mp3 and a few others.I got serious papercuts and one little injured finger due to my poor control of the penknife. Well,it turned out to be okayy actually as me and the rest started criticising.Haa.Darryl, the matrips,Eunice the fierce and the girls were pretty entertaining. And Cheryl did a split.Omg.I am amazed at how flexible humans can be.She never did ballet nor did any professional training or yoga whatsoever. I'm amazed.And so is Eunice.Eunice said she hates me because she thought she will fail this project.Reason?Because people like me creates awesome models.I looked at my model and sighed.I don't know why she said its nice.Its not that bad for me but i still have this unsatisfied feeling that it could be better.Hee.And i said I like you to Eunice. Derrick is actually a great help.I'm loving and appreciating him more and more.Plus.He's a cute lecturer with a bling bling on his left ear. Lunch with someone today.Ohhh wahahaha.I forgot to suck his blood. You you you.Watch your back.I will come tonight and i shall devour you and drain every ml of blood you have.Hee.Kinkiiiii. *Another news on humans and MRT.Someone got injured kena langgar MRT.People.Jump from the buildings if you want.Don't intend to die and end up causing a delay and wasting others' time. turn over.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
added on: Paaaaannndddiiiiii suutteeekkkk. (kan saya dah berbual Tamil) ENVY. Is a very very VERY dangerous word. It's hurting. It's crazy. It makes people bitch. Im not refering to anyone in particular. Don't fikir bukan bukan. And in case,some don't understand. And as i have heard,my english suck. So let me blog in Bahasa Melayu. Sesungguhnya cemburu itu adalah sesuatu perasaan yang membuat seseorang insan benci kepada yang lain. Perasaan cemburu itu tidak salah, Tetapi cemburu yang berlebih-lebihan akan membawa keburukkan kepada diri sendiri dan juga orang lain. Perasaan cemburu yang berlebihan juga akan membuat seseorang itu dipandang serong, Biarpun seseorang itu baik hati,alim,berbudi bahasa ataupun cantik seperti bidadari sekalipun. Jadi,kawan kawan,saya disini ingin menegakkan bahawa kalau anda terasa cemburu, fikirkanlah perasaan orang lain juga, bukan sahaja mementingkan diri sendiri. The reason i stated this. I agree it has something to do with what's going around me these few days. But.I am not trying to say anything to anybody. Whoever tooot also. This is my blog and this is my entry. And I can strongly say this post is very very random. I want whoever,whoever whom read this to know that being envious is not wrong actually But it does has it limits. Oh hell yeah. I am stating clearly here. It has its limits. I may be a gundu asshole to anyone. U may think saya ni tongong because i kept quiet. And saying sorry does not mean Im a freak and I lose. It means Im matured enough to think and settle everything as a 17 going 18 year old. For all anyone know, biar aku berbual melayu disini. Tahap kesabaran saya ada tahapnya. Kalau kepala saya yang bertudung ni dipijak lagi. Hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu. Kawan-kawan,jangan kamu sekali sekala berbangga diri. Tidak semestinya kamu berpelajaran, kamu dibenarkan mencaci memaki orang lain yang tidak setaraf dengan kamu. I'm waiting. One more step. Sikit lagi sahaja kepalaku dipijak. Nak tengok kesundalan.Silakan. Jangan sampai sawan kebabian saya datang. Iya iya.Itu dia. Maafkan saya jikalau ade terkasar bahasa. Dah macam debating seyy. The thing is.I can't help it. Ouh yar. Im smiling when i wrote this. Heehee. Right EvilCreature? You have yet to see the real evil creature in me. I will smile no matter what. Daaaa~~~. extraordinaries. He's no longer. *Kakak Oh Kakak.Janganlah kau ganggu aku lagi. Let me finish my project in peace. Thank you. Let's go MOSque people.Teeeheee. *winks. Astray.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Eeyyyy Kinkii..
Once upon a time,I suddenly went to work after a week break. Despite my unwillingness to work,I still work. uuhhhmmm....uuuhhh.... I didn't get to watch DanceFloor. And now I don't know what to say. Because he doesn't continue helping me write this entry. So,basically,Evil Creat wrote this. To the both of you. I hope this is the end. Gong Xi Fa Cai. Yeah yeah. I'm sorry if i've ever hurt anyone of you. I guess I didn't realise it. So,Sorry.Though I don't know whats my fault. Ok dah. Unrivaled.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Jam and Hop today. MET EVIL CREATURE,YEYYYYY!!!! HE'S EVILIER AND EVILIER THAN ME!! oh yes you are,don't deny okayy. Heee.Went to TP with Rizal though. And the food at simpang Bedok is damn nice. Thank you Zal.Eh wrong,Thank you nak. Mak appreciate it.=). Well.If its not because of them,I would have gone home earlier. Because the jam and hop is superfreakinkinkily BORRRRIINNG. Saya duduk rilek at one corner buat hal sendiri seyy. All i see is ulat ulats yang berkinja di bawah stage. Got this couple dancing like nobody's business. They look like berok lahh.Berok rabs kalimans punyerr. And a few secondary school girls shaking their bums. Pffft.If i were to join the crowd,i guess i would die of lack of oxygen. And.Didn't see Hady Mirza. Maybe i went too late or maybe Hady came out as the finale. I didn't stay for the show to end. It's a waste of my time. Apart from that, I had a great time.!!! P.S: I know I'm short lorr.(: I need to Sheeee Shhhhheeeee. strange euphoria.
Friday, January 19, 2007
First, I nearly puked because I watched Saddam Hussein die. They said his neck cracked. And those people who were with him in his last moments, Freak u mann. At least let him finish his mengucap. I trembled all the way after that and my heart beats fast siaa. Second.Evil Creature linked me with a ghost you tube video. Waddekinkiii eh. Third, maluuuu..malu semalu malu nyaaa.....aaaahhh..(do it with the lagu spoon tune,if you remember..) Woodlandssec's name is down the drain. To the two young fellows that menconteng marker ke dinding skolah. (bukan menconteng arang tau.) Serves you right. You despicable minah and desperado boy. Ugh.Imagine it.IN THE NCC ROOM. Dah tkde tempat lain per. And to you,Minah, if no money to buy ciggies, begging on the streets would be much more mulia eh. INI DIA MELAYU ZAMAN SEKARANG. Sheeesh. Daggered.
Naddykinki, DiyDiyohmysun,MiminMissBabi,
Please save me.I need your warm fats. Kebabian kiak siaaa.Haprak bin waprak. I beg you.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Hello. Today is a bad day. Stayed in school till evening. Reached home at 9pm exactly. It's my pictures. Posted it because i love to. Not to brag,okayy. Thank you.FYI. I only do have a normal digicam. Shhheesssssh. Why do i get so pissed about this. No No No.I totally understand how you feel. Seriously,But please don't think badly about me. IM NOT INTERESTED IN HIM. THANK YOU,GOODBYE. Astargfirullahalazim. pirouette.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The 20 things you probably don't know about me.
1. I love toasted bread with nutella and butter mixed together. 2. I love watching my mum struggle to sms. 3. I think people who kill Arab leaders with moustaches should get a life. 4. I miss Netball. 5. I sing to myself when unaware of my surroundings. 6. I will get embarrased when someone caught me singing. 7. I read romance novels when i'm bored. 8. I have nigger lips. 9. I can't diet even though i want to badly. 10.I think vampires are the sexiest creatures on Earth or wherever. 11.I have a fetish for nerdy and dark guys. 12.I melt when i get flowers. 13.I'm a sucker for surprises. 14.I have problems remembering names on my msn list. 15.I don't even know my height right now. 16.My father karaokes almost every weekend. 17.I drool over Shah Rukh Khan and hopes every Saturday's Bollywood Masti shows his movies. 18.My two brothers komplot together to beat me up when we fight. 19.I'm getting engaged on 30th February. 20.I get dreams of me and Diy teaching dance steps to the girls. What's yours? To her,I'm not THAT kind of girl.I'm genuinely not interested in anyone anyway. So,please.Don't call me disgusting.I'm not a piece of shitt. I've regarded you as someone so pure.Yet.Sheesh. Not Sober.
Ngelong! Ngelong! I want apek's ice cream. i want it! i want to see that small bike that goes tut tut tut. and kring kring kring. Despondent.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
It's Atiqah's muka burok nak mampos day. Nahh.Photosession at City Hall with Barffer. Today i got to take real stills with real mood with real atmosphere with real surroundings and most importantly, REAL CANON camera. Let the pictures speak for itself. These are a few we took. Cherry-glossed lips.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Bear with me fellow Bloggers,This will be a long post.
Read it all and feel it. Within a week,her laughter was fading,she could barely speak,her body was burning with fever.We sat down to watch her die,unable to do anything more than keep cool cloths on her head.She knew she couldn't survive and did not want to be a burden in her last days.She merely looked at us with gratitude and from time to time,smiled.She wasn't crying.I remembered that she looked beautiful on that very bed, with the white flowers Cik Dahlia bought for her.Well she said.."Yah..Belikan mak bunga putih eh.." It was raining heavily on the 23rd Of November 1997.I was still in primary school.I knew i had to rush.But the rain became an obstacle. It's so heavy it's as if crying along with me.I had this bad feeling inside,i knew it would happen.The hospital lift open and i could see Cik Yati crying like crazy.A loose,blubbery wail came from her lips.I saw Cik Wira twisting a Kleenex between his slim fingers,tearing it into little bits.I knew it. "Asyhaduallah illaha illallah". I entered the room and i saw Abang,Fahmi,Fahimah and Shakir kneeling down beside her bed.I joined.And.The tears couldn't stop.Its the end. Nenek's gone.They covered her face with the blanket.I was young.I wanted to snatch the blanket and shout "nenek bangun nenek".But i could just afford to kneel down near her feet,touch,and beg for forgiveness.I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye.Stroke took her away.God took her away.I'm sick of hearing God loves her more than us.But i know it's true.Its damn true.I wanted to crawl into a deep hole.I didn't want to be who i was,I wanted to be someone else.23rd Of November,She went away. my one and only grandmother MDM SUMAINAH I miss you many many. Chirping birds.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Its Saturday.Went off to meet the ex Long John-ers. Sara was supposed to come but she buih-ed. So its just me,Ismady and Man.Haish. But since i'm there,might as well spend my time. So,we went to eat at Puncak and off for a pool game at Lucky Plaza. It's the second time in my life holding on to a cue stick, trying to figure out how do i make this irritating striped shiny ball go into one of the 6 holes. Oh yeah.I s*** at it.haaa. Oh.Terserempak Shaznee and gang. That is all people. That is all. I was bored so this is what i did. Atiqah: seblom iqah lupe... iqah nak jemput zal.. 30th of february..iqah tunang.. Rizal: ......... DENGAN SAPER?@! Atiqah: lerr.manusia lah..tkkn monyet kott.. Rizal: tau lah manusiaaa!!begok tol.. sape laaaaaaaaa Atiqah: adelah..ape sajee... Rizal: ... biar tol iqah..asal cepatnah..asal Atiqah: zal tk kenal dia lah..ntah..mak dia yang suruh.. Rizal: oi ..biar betol..jgn bedek uh.. Atiqah: iqah nak bedek nak uat ape.. 30th feb tau..go take down before u forget.. Rizal: ........ Atiqah: Cuz i will be busy and will forget to remind.. Rizal: pantat Atiqah: ape pantat Rizal: feb whre got 30th! Atiqah: hahahahahahaha. got u! Rizal: Waaarrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh!!!! Lu buat gua stress begok lorr!!! Heeheehee.And Atiqah laughed like crazy. GTBA lor!! *GTBA=Gue tak boleh angkat. was a fraud.
Friday, January 12, 2007
I realised i derived pleasure meeting the 2 lovelies(Nad and diy), I appreciated their existence more than anything. I realised it somehow just now,I can't live without my girlfriends. If you do have girlfriends. You would understand how their subtle doings may leave you giggling or laughing like a deranged woman. The inexplicable happy moments,though infamous,is satisfying. I had always imagined them as my scaffoldings,my support and strength other than thinking of them as something that is transient. Okay let me wring out of this sudden explosion of appreciation. Or should i say my expression of amusement. Well whatever that matters By the way,SP is hee-uu-ge. I went to this place called Jurong Point or Jurong Plaza whatever for that freakingkinki matter cause i don't remember names that well the place was packed no different from a hectic boulevard but somehow it spells tranquility when you step on it Maybe it's the shoe sales. And for *toot sake i don't know why It reminds me of sheesha. Oh yeah Sheesha. Nak short dok ke nak long dok? Dok. Doooookkkkkkkkkkk. Or many many dok? dok dok dok dok dok dok. My model is indifferent from those models you make during primary school. Those irritating sticky clay and white glue. I hate my model. i just hope i could at least score a pass. Bounce back.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Thursday evening was spent at Pondok. After eating at Jupiter Cafe. Chicken Leg Pasta's in my tummy vummy now. So Me,Shack,Fiq and Shaf went straight there cuz the guys needed ciggies. Azli,Cheryl and a few others were there. Well.Everything seems nice. I got hold of the Canon. Molested it here and there. Oh hell yeah. Snap Snap Snap. Then.The rain came. Heavily Heavy. Imagine my pants got all wet.ALL.I was lucky i wasn't wearing white. So we got stucked and i can't run back to the studio to finish my project. We acted like kids sia. Sheesh. All of us got drenched,even Azli's bandmates who joined after that. It keeps pouring and pouring. Oh.And when Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Penyayang started to sympathise us and lessen the rain, All of us.Yes All.Ran back.Uhuh.Like little kids. Haaaaaaaaa.Lots of fun.Playing in the rain. Didn't complete my work. So i got to go finish it now. Oh.Did i say Hello? FreakinKinki.I laughed all the way on the long bus ride home. ``NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS.BUT ALL TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIM. ALLAHMAK.`` -this was writted big on the pondok.Shit u vandaliser.may u die like batu belah batu bertangkup. Electrify.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
This is a very random post.
![]() ![]() Yasmin: The one i commit my crimes with. Nabila:The talkative one. Seri:The bright one. Liyana:Ahhh.Should i say more Liyana.The one i had big fights with. Hwai Boon: The Ah Beng. Kai Xiang,Jia Jie,Chia Sheng,Chi Fai:The popular Cinapoks. Alan:The steamy one. Adam:The one always ngorok-ing in class. Darrison:The one Indian out of the 3. Amutha:The now-so- pretty one. Logan:The used to be 'the one' one. Nasir:The mystical unexcpected one. Rahman:The one who made my secondary school life unforgettable. Ammar:The Murat and the inverted triangle. Amin:The fly,they said. Ariff:The one that joins in all my girl talks. Ms Loo:The only teacher that asks a student to teach her her own subject.=) Mr Tan:The leader and the respected. 4C. The class that made me. 20 people is no reason. It doesn't make us stop. Oh hell yeah. My Superman-s and Superwoman-s. My Champions. In my heart. Prattle.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Yaaa Baaa Daaa Baaa Doooooooooo. Oh.Oh.Oh. 15 minutes. teeny weenies-it's my fingers okay. One pathethic hashbrown and too much coffee a day. editted few of the shots. Fiq helped me with the last one. I editted halfway and gave up. I'm learning to begin with. So. The pictures aren't brilliant. There are imperfections. Ultramarine days.
Monday, January 8, 2007
I wished i could devour the taste of daiquiris all afternoon. I wished i could sing like Christina Aguilera. I wished i was Wonder Woman with a long cape. I wished i was beautiful like Naima from ANTM. I wished i had eyes of an Arabian girl. I wished i had my own favourite bermudas to wear everywhere i go just like Mr Evil Creature. I wished i starred in Romeo and Juliet. I wished i could be one of JT's background dancers. I wished i was a pontianak. I wished i was in India. I wished i could ride an aeroplane before i die. I wished i could play wayang kulit. I wished i could learn as fast as others. I wished i was poetic and romantic. I wished i can still meet my nenek. I wished i could wear my first red polka dots pumps ayah bought for me. I wished i had a gift. I wished ``friends forever`` really exists. I wished Atuk Din will never leave me. I wished i could remember well enough. Flaunting.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Everything since 7.30AM had been sullen. Till... This is my summation. Me and the girls. As ravenous as we are, we attacked Bugis Seoul Garden. Had our stomachs chock-a-block-ed with turkey, prawns, pastas. Et cetera. Et cetera. Clueless that it was a surprise belated birthday celebration, it was just another jovial moment of eating for me. I'm a sucker for surprises, Mind you. And when they presented me with this lovely Green card, I nearly went dumb.I was speechless. Another surprise tak menjadi. When i caught Khai red-handed sitting outside Diva, holding on to a cute box. After all the drama they acted. They just wanted to aww me with a surprise, buying me a cake behind my back. I stood there in stupefaction. It was a cheese cake with Oreo topping. To the girls. Cin, Sya, Fini, Khai. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. And though no thank you's are enough, I appreciate your gifts. You girls' presence meant more. You girls are my sucrose. Thanks fairies. Im cloaked in my own merriment. And. This is my soliloquy. My mirth. Benediction.
Friday, January 5, 2007
I'm still waiting for the day to come But everytime it looks as if it's coming It never did. End. Sandiwara.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Honey why're you calling me so late? It's kinda hard to stop crying now. Honey why're you crying is everything okay? Its really good to hear your voice. Say my name. It sounds so sweet. Coming from the lips of an angel. It makes me weep. Derrick's class been really boring. I don't know which made my air liur meleler. His rigid body languages or the module and yeah he spent only 1 minute with me during the one-by-one consultation. woooo. Derrick:So what's your inspiration,Eh-ti-qer. *nama aku pon tk tahu nak sebut. Atiqah:I'm thinking of Siamese fighting fish Derrick. Derrick:Oh.Your theme?The way they look like when they fight? Atiqah:*Garuk kepala jap.Eh salah.Garuk tudung jap.*Erm.Uh.Yaaar. Derrick:Hmm.Sounds interesting.Let's see where you go from there. Atiqah: *alamak dekni.Tu je die cakap? .Aku ade blurr block pat sini.* END of conversation btwn Lec and student. P.S:Im still struggling with the Botanics slideshow girls. Shish-kebab-ed.